Ciggarette smoke comin over the fence.

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Dec 19, 2013
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Just wondering,...what with all the rules toughening up on smokers and all, does anyone have any thoughts about second hand smoke and the effect it would have on children playing in the back yard when it's billowing all around them, and because there is a high fence the neighbours couldn't care less weather they new they were down wind copping all that second hand smoke or not. My kids know to shift from the smell or go inside,...but should they have to ?
I guess this is as good a place as any to get a bit of perspective on what other people feel about this type of a concern,...whether they be smokers or not !
To be fair I will say now that I am a reformed smoker of 20 yrs+ who considers himself to be a non-smoker, and because I have a first hand knowledge of the facts surrounding smoking and its effects really don't like even the littlest whiff on the wind personally.
my misses goes ballistic when someone smokes near us, we were sat in a cloud the other day having breakkie cos someone fired up right next to us! lol I'm an ex smoker of 3 years and i hate it these days. i just think the smokers should be aware of non smokers nearby. its not really that hard is it?? :)
Agree' both the wife and I quit smoking years ago to improve our health and have the same discussion about getting into the work ute if the boss is going to smoke I also argue the point that I might as well start smoking again if iv got to sit in his ash tray.
I can see a time coming when you will have to have a doctors script to get cigarettes, and the age to be able to smoke going up one year every year so there will be no new smokers then, only those who have not the will to stop.
I am a former smoker also (recently - last year)

I empathise and considered myself a considerate smoker, but, to be fair, when I did smoke and went down wind or away from others, the thing that pissed me off was the non smokers would move to where I was and have the gall to complain about the smoke.

Also to be fair, cigarette smoke from a neighbours back yard will have little or no affect on anyone in the open air after is travelled several metres. The smell may be annoying but harmful, I doubt.

I notice the smell now I have my sense of smell back. My reaction is mixed between craving a smoke and being annoyed.

The greatest discomfort I get from smoke these days is the wood fires we often find in country towns. On a cold still night the air is thick with the smell and I find it uncomfortable to breath and irritating to the eyes.

My second biggest annoyances are diesel vehicles the owners drive with dirty injectors, or the old petrol bombs out there that burn more oil than petrol.

In terms of adverse health effects; I think smokers might annoy or maybe affect the health of an individual or a few. But the vehicles and wood fires of many will affect the health of the masses.
I wonder if anybody has done the math of how many cigarettes are burning at any one time and what size the actual fire would be as a permanent blight upon humanity and how long the fire has been burning and how much fossilised fuel has had to be added to keep that fire burning constantly, I know people will argue that it is a renewable resource as it is grown, and that is true, but those add in fossil fuels that make it all possible and the permanent smoke shroud emanating from the big ciggy burn might be just thought enough to turn the mind for a fair few people into the realm of the non smoker for good.
I'm an ex-smoker, just over 10 yrs. Not a big fan of people who smoke around me. I can't smell the cigarette smoke from the neighbours only when there out there partying which seems to be every weekend. The neighbour over the back has got into the habit of burning his rubbish in his back yard, plastic and all, talk about toxic. The council up here have been given the power to ban smoking where ever they see fit. The 3mtr exclusion zone in front of the shopping centre is a joke.
:) Mick
silver said:
I wonder if anybody has done the math of how many cigarettes are burning at any one time and what size the actual fire would be as a permanent blight upon humanity and how long the fire has been burning and how much fossilised fuel has had to be added to keep that fire burning constantly, I know people will argue that it is a renewable resource as it is grown, and that is true, but those add in fossil fuels that make it all possible and the permanent smoke shroud emanating from the big ciggy burn might be just thought enough to turn the mind for a fair few people into the realm of the non smoker for good.

I was wondering the same thing the other day, though it was disposable nappies on my mind after seeing half the bins in my street nearly overflowing with them on garbo night.

Also need a ciggie or 2 after listening to my neighbours kids screaming and tantrums all day.

A few whiffs of smoke won't do any harm really, be worse standing on the side of a busy road or sitting around a campfire.

I'm trying to give up also, the things stink and make me cough but are not as dangerous as the anti smoking lobby would have you believe.

Silver, every smoker knows that reformed smokers are the worst critic, lol. :)
I'm also an ex-smoker and think if someone want to smoke then good on them. If it is drifting my way I will move if it gets to annoying.

Just think though, a pack a day smoker could afford a new GPX5000 yearly if they gave up (and have change left for other toys).

As I said I couldn't give a rats if someone else smokes around me. But if someone smoked around my grandchildren it would be a different matter. :mad: so I sympathise with you there Silver.
Been smoking for quite a few years now and i try to be as aware as i can when smoking around others as to avoid my smoke heading in their direction, step away from a group to have my cigi, and so on, its not hard, just a little bit of respect for others, "RANT" but when a reformed or non smoker comes up and starts chinning off about cigi's and what have you, making a real scene and carrying on like its the end of the world, well i just get plain rude about it, respect goes both ways, "RANT OVER" :D
You should be able to do whatever you want in your own backyard ... don't like smelling other neighbours barbies, wood heaters, or hearing their chickens chatter all morning but I respect their right to do so. In public that is a different matter but silver was talking about smoke billowing over the fence. What is this world coming to if you can't be happy in your own home without someone telling you what you can and can't do. I am sure the exhaust from a diesel is much more harmful than 2nd hand ciggy smoke but we still drive down the road with the windows open...
Can we get an 'unlike' icon?

Here's a tip for the zealots - don't ever attend any gold prospecting functions here in the Victorian Golden Triangle - you will be bathed in smoke - from ciggies, camp-fires, fires in pubs, fires in 44 gallon drums, outside heaters (which emit fumes) and diesel fumes from all the nice new 4WD.
Here is a bit of info - perhaps people will stop diesel users on the road and object? See full article at

Experts at the World Health Organisation (WHO) say diesel engine exhaust fumes can cause cancer in humans.
They say they belong in the same potentially deadly category as asbestos, arsenic and mustard gas.
After a week-long meeting, the International Agency for Research on Cancer reclassified diesel exhausts from its group of probable carcinogens, to its group of substances that have definite links to cancer. It says diesel emissions cause lung cancer and increase the risk of bladder cancer. They say their decision was unanimous and based on "compelling" scientific evidence.

and here's one from the American Cancer Society website about benzene. Full article at

Benzene is a colorless, flammable liquid with a sweet odor. It evaporates quickly when exposed to air. Benzene is formed from natural processes, such as volcanoes and forest fires, but most exposure to benzene results from human activities. Benzene is among the 20 most widely used chemicals in the United States. It is used mainly as a starting material in making other chemicals, including plastics, lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs, and pesticides.Benzene is known to cause cancer, based on evidence from studies in both people and lab animals. The link between benzene and cancer has largely focused on leukemia and cancers of other blood cells.
dwt said:
Been smoking for quite a few years now and i try to be as aware as i can when smoking around others as to avoid my smoke heading in their direction, step away from a group to have my cigi, and so on, its not hard, just a little bit of respect for others, "RANT" but when a reformed or non smoker comes up and starts chinning off about cigi's and what have you, making a real scene and carrying on like its the end of the world, well i just get plain rude about it, respect goes both ways, "RANT OVER" :D
There is a great saying
' First seek to understand before you seek to be understood '
I am now a reformed smoker 7 days. I have smoked over a pack a day for 20 years. Gave up cold turkey.
Please don't underestimate the power of addiction or what smokers go through. Sure there is generally now malice intended of drifting smoke. However do you think that we would really smoke if the habit was easy to kick.
I hope I never have another cigaret again, for what I have endured over the last 7 days, I will not be in a hurry to do twice.
Now that I am a non smoker I will be sure to show my friends who do smoke the respect they deserve. The damn things should be illegal anyway.
I have never tried to quit before. A friend of mine put me onto a company that helps people quit. The meetings are private, however there were 11 heavy smokers who I know all of these guys( all construction workers )
All have been successful in giving the smokes away.
It certainly wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I'm glad I was open minded enough to give this new technique a go!
Cheers Ryan
When I hear people complain about many different topics, I really do wonder if they know how well off they are in Australia.

I grew up in England (bloody cold miserable place) and yes I've been back 3 times since I left 50yrs ago.

But, I also lived in Malaysia for a couple of years in the mid 80s. Over there, every second person spits, on the foot path, or on the buses, or anywhere they want, they don't care. When I was there you could smoke in a cinema, on a bus or anywhere you wanted to. The drains are open (monsoon drains) I won't try to explain what floats in them. I've seen a fatal motor cycle accident on the way to work at 7.30am, they can't move the body until the police photographer does their bit. The 2 police officers in attendance were not directing traffic, they were leaning on their police car smoking, not worrying about the. The body was partially covered by a flattened cardboard box. On my way home, the body was still there at 4.30pm. Not nice in the tropical heat.

That's only 2 or 3 instances of what I could write a book about, so in my opinion, we in this country are being a little anal complaining about a cigarette in some other person's backyard.
condor22 said:
When I hear people complain about many different topics, I really do wonder if they know how well off they are in Australia.

I grew up in England (bloody cold miserable place) and yes I've been back 3 times since I left 50yrs ago.

But, I also lived in Malaysia for a couple of years in the mid 80s. Over there, every second person spits, on the foot path, or on the buses, or anywhere they want, they don't care. When I was there you could smoke in a cinema, on a bus or anywhere you wanted to. The drains are open (monsoon drains) I won't try to explain what floats in them. I've seen a fatal motor cycle accident on the way to work at 7.30am, they can't move the body until the police photographer does their bit. The 2 police officers in attendance were not directing traffic, they were leaning on their police car smoking, not worrying about the. The body was partially covered by a flattened cardboard box. On my way home, the body was still there at 4.30pm. Not nice in the tropical heat.

That's only 2 or 3 instances of what I could write a book about, so in my opinion, we in this country are being a little anal complaining about a cigarette in some other person's backyard.

Also it gives politicians reason to introduce more laws and regulations. Live and let live. There are many things that I don't like that other people are doing, but on other hand there are people who don't like what I'm doing. If we want to stop other people from doing their thing, you can expect that someone will object to the things that you are doing and seek some regulation to restric you..
I guess it is starting to look like you can do anything in your own backyard, but if you are a non smoker you may not get to enjoy doing anything you like in your own backyard, like smokers can! I still think of my childrens health regardless, and haven't ranted over the fence ever! Still just looking to see what people think.
Well! so on it goes......

Here's the thing, don't smoke indoors if it's going to offend others, there's a push locally to have smoking banned in outdoor cafes, while the trucks go by, mmmh! that makes sense "NOT"

Outdoor smoke, or suffering someone else's second hand smoke! Considering all the rest of the crap in the atmosphere,
there is one of three things you can do :-

1. Get over it !!
2. Wear a gas mask !!
3. Leave the planet !!

By the way, I smoked for about 6 weeks 45 years ago and decided then that it tasted like crap, so I have absolutely no idea what having my lungs destroyed and my arteries hardened feels like by choosing to smoke a turd, but I'm not running for parliament and some of the ideas just to "protect" us from the evil cigarette smoke don't seem credible to me.

My RANT is OVER, I have only one idea relating to smoking - "DON'T" (it's not even original).

I may be a bit of a stickler here and i gave up smoking 18 months ago and wished i had never taken it up, but if you pick on a smoker and drive a car it seems a bit hypocritical
The same could be said for a barbecue if you use treated pine for kindling
I Think its the smell thats more offensive than the damage done to your lungs and the most ridiculous thing was America suing the tobacco companies for billions which forced them to sell more cigarettes to pay for the fines
As a non smoker, never been a smoker and never will be a smoker I think ...

I think there will always be some trumped excuse why it is in the interests of the majority to infringe upon the rights of the minority. It's called "The thin edge of the wedge".

People who don't want people to smoke in their house, in their car, in a restaurant in public parks, in "insert venue here" are driving them into the last venue of freedom or rather the last pathetic illusuion of freedom this country has left .. the back yard and if the people in the next door back yard don't like it ... well they can go inside because fortunately for them some nanny has not (yet) legislated that they may not go there for fear of harming their children, spouse, visitor or who ever by doing what they wish.

Non smokers are the first to bang on about their rights ... the inconvenient truth about rights is they are not bestowed or given but exist spererate and of them selves and may not be given or removed regardless of legeslative attempts to do so. They exist like truth. That Includes smokers rights

"If the price I must pay for my freedom is to acknowledge that the
government was granted the power to infringe on them, then I am not free."
[Pol Anderson]

One of the greatest thinkers and patriots the western world has ever seen, a man who fought a war he did not want against his lawful government and became known as a patriot for it and the primary author of the American declaration of independance (Thomas Jefferson) said

First Job of Government: Protect people from govermment.
Second Job of Government: Protect people from each other
It must *never* be the job of government to protect people from themselves.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may
be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons
than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty
may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but
those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for
they do so with the approval of their consciences."
[C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)]

There is another quote I cannot remember verbatim or an attribution for that goes along the lines of

"Government itself is an excercise in the many imposing their will on the few by force and is by it's very nature a tyranny"

I am the first male in my family to not serve my country in a theater of war since the Crimea but let me tell you, when the war of freedom against the thought police comes as it inevitably will if I am too old and feeble to aim and fire I'll be loading for those who are not.

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