Body Art

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I've got only a couple, my daughters names on my ankles, my brothers very first tattoo not on pigskin was a tribal on my inside right ankle, and a half-eaten mermaid on my forearm which was agressively forced into my arm by a knob who though they could draw... going to have to be a cover up job before I get any more or blend it into something new. Always ask to see the tattooists previous work and make sure they or you are not drunk...
Bad tattoos mostly blamed on tattooists. Bad tattoos are bad decisions not tattooist.
Ink to be proud.
Mermaid. Funny.
Nah... was a real bad tattooist type situation, i dont mind the corpse mermaid picture..its the horrible cm thick lines he drew it with unsteadily :| My bros a professional tattoist and he owes me one so thinking of what to cover it over with
Still you sit for bad artist. Bad decision. Or he attack you with needle?
Big shark next to mermaid from your brother. Chomp chomp. Manly. Like old sailors.
Would I know your brothers name.
I'm friend with Jed. He do my ink. I not show, but go have look at his work. Very good artist. Beautiful work.
Be proud of ink. This is tradition. Japanese tell story with picture. Man at one with ink. Tell his story. I don't think mermaid is your story. Sit in chair know tradition.
Sometimes good tattooist make bad cover over. Need good cover over artist. Many skill needed.
You could know him or I. The whole concept for the arm was to be nautical as one of my passions are the oceans as I grew up close by to them for a short time, visiting the north often as well. Shark is meant to be eating the mermaid but I made the decision to stop the mess before he even got the chance to shade or color. Simple
I have the Miners Right tattoo'd on my right wrist....
Although the conditions in which it was done could have been better!!!!
I think if I go now to a good artist, they could use the 'blur' as a background, and do something????

Another tatt, is I have 'Such is life' across my chest....The word 'life' is not coloured, in fact the whole tat is not done...

Many people ask me why that last bit of your tat is not complete......

Simple, 'life' is not finished.....

My wife can texta that in when its all done!!
seen some pretty good ones, and some pretty bad ones too.
Seems everyone has tatts these days.
One of my mates tattoo,s here in Darwin, if youre up this way, and want some classy art done, come and see Matt (Blue) in Darwin Tattoo studio,s he is one talented man.
One of the worst tatts I saw was a young Parratrooper with "AIRBONE" Tattooed above a set of parra
This one is in the middle of my back.

I'm all for branding, that would set you apart from the mob and you could show that your a tuff dude ;)
Old girlfriend had full back done. She scared of spider. Mike Tyson now look like cartoon. But not in dark ally.
Tattoo always be art number 1.
Many good artist local. Many good artist over seas.
Years ago I knew, not a mate, a guy with "I love fish and chips" tattooed on his forehead. Not a very bright spark.
Thanks mate. The artist is Esther Gonzalez she works from Twisted by Design in Bacchus Marsh, its about a 6 month wait depending what tattooist you want.
Jade the owner had got the world record for a Simpsons tattoo she did a couple of years ago. Im guessing the bloke loved the Simpsons.