Australian History

Prospecting Australia

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In both England and Australia, once a woman became married her property was no longer her own and had to relinquish it to her husband.

In England, the married women's property act was enabled.'s_Property_Act_1882

"The Act altered the common law doctrine of coverture to include the wifes right to own, buy and sell her separate property.[7] Wives' legal identities were also restored, as the courts were forced to recognize a husband and a wife as two separate legal entities, in the same manner as if the wife was a feme sole. Married womens legal rights included the right to sue and be sued. Any damages a wife might pay would be her own responsibility, instead of that of her husband. Married women were then also liable for their own debts, and any outside trade they owned was subject to bankruptcy laws. Further, married women were able to hold stock in their own names."

In australia 1883 The Married Women's Property Act of 1883 was enacted.

The Married Womens Property Act enabled married women to hold property of their own, sue and be sued, enter into contracts, be subject to bankruptcy laws, be liable for the debts contracted before their marriage, and for the maintenance of their children. Victoria passed legislation in 1884, New South Wales in 1879, and the remaining states passed similar legislation between 1890-97.

So, based on the above, the key difference that I can discern is that in Britain they were allowed to own stock in their own names, but not in australia?
Not what I had Sarn.
This has to do with a free woman marrying a prisoner.
Which I guess didn't happen in England.
I badly worded the question.
Whats rights did a free woman married to a convict have that a British woman didn't.
She was living in Australia which was a massive bonus for a start and would go onto have children, who would have children who would have children who would all be Australians, play cricket for Australia and belt the snot out of the poms.
Ramjet said:
Not what I had Sarn.
This has to do with a free woman marrying a prisoner.
Which I guess didn't happen in England.
I badly worded the question.
Whats rights did a free woman martied to a convict have that a British woman didn't.

Still waiting for an answer to the above question.
If she was married to a convict then she was able to keep all her property, even prior to the property act being instilled?
Close enough Sarn.

A convict could not own property or trading Iicences. A free woman married to a convict owned all such property.
Convict men where often assigned as servents to their free wives. If they stayed out late with the boys or left the toilet seat up, the wife could dismiss them from service sending them back to the chain gang.
king Cole was my pseudonym.

What was my real name?
What was my claim to fame?
How, when and where did I die?
Sarn said:
king Cole was my pseudonym.

What was my real name?
What was my claim to fame?
How, when and where did I die?

Sir Henry Cole, invented the Christmas Card, died April 18th, 1882 most likely from an existing heart condition. He was sitting for a portrait by famous painter Whistler, when he fell ill, he died the next day.