Australian History

Prospecting Australia

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Is this too hard for everyone?

Lets keep trying

Clue 8

I was a major player in the start of the wool industry in Victoria.

GT :)
crikey must be too Hard or no ones playing ?

Clue 9

Major Mitchell bumped into me on his travels and couldn't believe I was there.

GT :)
I'll put one up.

What is the largest plane to land on a public road in Australia? Google probably won't help with this one. :)
Gilly47 said:

Come on Gilly, I found the news clip but didn't play it to confirm the name. I should of known being ex RAAF and have talked to another ex RAAFie who used to be a Roulette pilot about them.

I'm too crook to sit on the computer all day and I look like having tomorrow off because of it so could you do me a favour and ask a question please. :Y: :)

Thank you


Rockhunter62 said:
Gilly47 said:

Come on Gilly, I found the news clip but didn't play it to confirm the name. I should of known being ex RAAF and have talked to another ex RAAFie who used to be a Roulette pilot about them.

I'm too crook to sit on the computer all day and I look like having tomorrow off because of it so could you do me a favour and ask a question please. :Y: :)

Thank you



The C-27 Spartans (also known as mini hercs) are performing better than expected Doug, their purchase received a bit of flack after most other countries cancelled their orders but indications are that they will serve our country well. I am not sure that I would want to try and land a 30t plane on a public road with gusting cross winds but the exercise proved it can be done. On the same exercise the plane was also landed on a sand strip (not dirt) that a farmer dozed in a creek bed for the occasion, this was also a first for the plane.