You know you have Gold Fever when...

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Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
Apsley, VIC
Thought I would start a new topic for a bit of a laugh.

You know you have Gold Fever when you walk past a downpipe pouring water on the ground and wish you had a bucket of paydirt and a sluice to put the water to use...

Look forward to hearing of others gold feverisms :D

You know you have gold fever when you spend your time looking at people's hands and admiring their jewellery ... hoping they will visit the beach soon and deposit it right where I can find it! :)
You know you have a gold fever when every time you see expended metal anywhere, you thing that would work well in a sluice box.
When every bucket in the backyard is full. Always. No exceptions. And if it's not is about to be.
You use the word Troy in a sentence and is not your mates name.
You look at the Window and smile at road works because they are firing up the excavators.
You dig more holes than your dog
While everyone is filling sand bags your thinking flood gold
You have greater feelings for your machine than your significant other. Care more. Spend more time with.
When you spend more time on this forum and looking forward to your next trip to the golden triangle rather than working on your final uni work/thesis that's due in a week.
When you wake up at 4am after finishing work at 11pm the night before, just so you can drive for 2-3 hours to your favorite spot just for a day trip.
You know you have Gold Fever when... Every time you go to the dunny you drop your nuggets
When u re-run your old concentrate for the tenth time hopin to see some colour :/
Just realized. . the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over again hoping for a different outcome..mmm I think I have just prooved that im loosing it!!!! :eek: :lol:
When you pull up at a convenient tree and then spend more time looking at the suspicious looking quartz lying around. :D
Only to nearly tread on a bloody snake. :eek:
Then need to attend to a rather urgent matter after the event. :8
1. Your local librarian remembers your birthday.
2. Your local library rings you for advice.
3. Librarians start looking hot.

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