Year of the Beard - my Cancer Council Fundraiser.

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Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
Central Coast, NSW
My name is Reece , I'm from the Central Coast of Nsw.
I'm 26 years old and this year I have packed away the razor and hair clippers.

My Dad Geoff was my best mate, a genuine guy.
He was a smart man, had a great sense of humour and loved his family.

Dad was diagnosed with a rare liver cancer in early 2012.
It was a shock for everyone.

Your Dad is like a super hero, un breakable, the guy who made you feel safe when you had nightmares as a child.
The guy who gave you advise when you were growing up and always had the answer for whatever life threw at you.

You go through life seeing ad's on T.V about cancer and stubbornly tell yourself that it's one of those things that won't happen to those you love.
The reality is it affects 1 in 2 people.

Dad battled hard, showed a strong fighting side and kept a positive attitude toward his future.

On the 8th of April 2013 he passed away.

At the end of 2012 a couple of mad mates and I had an idea to grow our beards for the whole of 2013.
Later realising we could raise money for the cancer council all by simply growing whatever beard we could muster.

The rules were simple. Don't shave.
I have taken it one step further and have given up hair-cuts for 2013 also.

I hope in the not too distant future that rare cancers have better treatment and better survival rates, and that one day they will effect less people.

Donating is a great way to getting closer to these hopes of mine.

Donations can be made here and are greatly appreciated.

For more pics of us ugly buggers see

We are having a big shave off at the Haven, Terrigal nsw on New Years Day 2014.

Here is a before and after pic.
Thanks Everyone!

I have donated.

I know what it's like to lose someone who means the world to you. Lost my dad to a brain tumour in 91, it was devastating.
I'm sorry to hear about your Dad Reece, thanks for sharing that touching story with us and I'm sure he would be extremely proud of what you guys are doing.

I'm always happy to support a worthy cause so I'll send through a few dollars soon.

Best of luck with it mate.
Good on you nugget, i read your post about the forum sponsoring a cause and thought i would share what i'm up to.
As you know, losing a parent at a young age is quite hard.
Thanks again
I think that is a good idea i lost my dad in april 2 cancer and he was my best mate

Todays express advocate central coast.
Will be on sea fm next tuesday morning so all you central coastians tune-in in the morning.

A small donation will help us to get to our $3000 goal so if you can spare a few dollars that would be awesome!
This beard and hair is going in less than a month!

Donations can be made here and are greatly appreciated.
Tomorrow it all gets shaved off. Back to looking like a 13 year old.
If any central coasters are around the Terrigal area we are having a big Bbq with sausage sandwiches and cold drinks at The Haven at 1pm.
Expecting some quite exotic beard/hair combo's as it all comes off!

We have smashed our $3000 goal raising $6800 so far.
If anyone is feeling generous the weblink is on the first post above, all money goes to the cancer council.
Thanks to those who have donated!
I will post a before and after pic in the next few days.

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