What to do if you come across this in the bush!

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I don't use it a great deal now a days, but it's a great scrub rifle and will plow through mulga and still take down what's behind it.

Brilliant with iron sights when you pull up to a water point and have horses and camels going every which way. Throw it up to your shoulder and with 14 or 15 in the tube not much gets away.
Very light walk about rifle too.
You're right there Nightjar, I had a Goat Neck stew once and it's up there with one of the nicest things I've ever eaten :Y:

And Bumdags, you jolted my memory regarding my earlier post about my daughter insisting that she saw a big cat. When I told her that it must have been a dog and she just thought it looked like a cat before it took off, she said "but Dad, it moved like a cat not a dog!"
Ded Driver said:
when I was younger (just yesterday) ....................
great gun for pig hunting tho :power: :bomb:

Dad had a farm in the Northampton area, Yarders Creek ran through 3 adjoining properties down to the Hutt River.
Every few years the farmers combined together for a"pig hunt". Dogs & rifles, we would walk the creek and the dogs would flush out the pigs. The boars were shot and the dogs fastened onto the piglets, usually grabbing their ears. They stood their squealing until their legs were tied. Later these ones would be taken back to the properties fattened up and sold.
One particular year (I was 10yo) the drive went until sunset and I was left to keep a fire stoked up so dad and his mates could find their way back with the truck to collect the piglets. Darkness came and I remember, it was pretty scary, all sorts of bush noises and me creeping out to edge of firelight to collect wood to keep the fire going.
Dad also had a fenced area that he used as a trap, many pigs caught this way. The boars (with their tusks) usually ripped the fence and freed the mob. If the boar was still trapped they were shot. Vicious mongrels.
One sow piglet grew and ended up mating with one of domestic boars and had a litter. We named her "Hedgy" because of the row of hair standing updown her back when agitated. We kept her for years until one day Dad climbed into their yard to feed them the buckets of boiled grain and meat and she charged him, knocked him down and opened a huge gash in leg. If Dad hadn't got to his feet and beat her off he probably would have been killed.
"Hedgy" went on the next truck to the markets...... Surprised me Dad didn't shoot her!
Nightjar said:
MT, have the goats been cleaned out of your area?
When Weebo was running sheep they battled for food up against the goats. During drier times the goats pruned everything up to a standing height. Wasn't uncommon to see a bush surrounded by goats standing on their back legs munching away. When a market was established the goats were worth more than the sheep.
Now not a goat to be seen around Weebo/Melrose/Tarmoola.
They were a great source of tasty meat.
Hi Peter, goats were mostly shot out in the 90's and the dogs took care of what's left...BUT..... occasionally I'll come across a goat carcass that I would swear was not more than a year old. So there may be a few still about or that venture in from elsewhere but I've never seen one here.
I have seen a mob of about 60 or 70 near Lancefield mine about 40 klms from here so it's possible.
madtuna said:
Outback said:
All's cool Tuna , smile together hey !

fair enough...Honestly I don't enjoy whacking stuff, I do it because it has to be done. Sometimes you have to dress one up as a reindeer or a unicorn else you end up a depressed mess.
I really enjoy it.
Is there something wrong with me :playful:
Smoky bandit said:
madtuna said:
Outback said:
All's cool Tuna , smile together hey !

fair enough...Honestly I don't enjoy whacking stuff, I do it because it has to be done. Sometimes you have to dress one up as a reindeer or a unicorn else you end up a depressed mess.
I really enjoy it.
Is there something wrong with me :playful:

Just Don't take a picture of it or "things will happen.".........
goldtrapper said:
Smoky bandit said:
madtuna said:
Outback said:
All's cool Tuna , smile together hey !

fair enough...Honestly I don't enjoy whacking stuff, I do it because it has to be done. Sometimes you have to dress one up as a reindeer or a unicorn else you end up a depressed mess.
I really enjoy it.
Is there something wrong with me :playful:

Just Don't take a picture of it or "things will happen.".........
:lol: :lol: :lol:
At least she didnt try to over sell it. Everytime these photos come up Im left wishing there could be some comparitive measurements taken whereby a sense of scale might be possible.
I saw this story on the weekend and i can tell you the yellow flowers in the background were the biggest daisies i have ever seen . A close up pic just made the cat and everything else look bigger.
Righto that's it even though I really dislike cat's I've decided I'm going to get a black one and feed it steroids and his name is Black Panther :D reckon it'll generate a bit for the retirement fund :playful:
A mate has got a toy panther the size of a real one and the first time i stumbled across it in his spare bedroom, it scared the bejesus out of me.
Tathradj said:
That just looked like an everyday cat! :/
Now here's a big cat!

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