VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Jaros said:
That looks like you have done a LOT of things right. Tried a grenn house up heer and got crispy fried lattuce and cabbage leaves.
You're gunna love that flavour straight from the garden bed......yumm.
Hasn't got over 30 C here yet though. I do have shade cloth over it now.

This is a Silver Beet isn't it ? Wife says its not.
Looks like silver beet to me wishful.... but one should never go against what a Mrs says.... ever. That's a broad leaf fern mate :cool:
Jaros said:
Yes, nice young healthy silverbeet-I hope mine come out like that whenever the builder gets here.

That, aa'a, builder of yours.... the full quid yeah :p

You know he could just use second hand roofing iron from the dump store and just add in a few extra uprights.... that'd still see you out mate. Heck even footpath freebies from a reroofing job'd do. :perfect:
Silver , have you seen my scarred back from 4 different operations the last 2 being the fusion from T2 to L4. Then had the spinal implant removed so that I could have an MRI of my brain to sort out a defect in my left eye.
It's not pretty like when i was in my 30's.
Not seen, but I can imagine.
You could outdoor table top garden in the meantime, that way you don't have to bend down at all. And the plants will be advanced and ready to go in once ya man has made your bed up for ya. Win win, cause you can get started as soon as you've readied a couple of tables. And later you can still use the tables as gardening benches to save your back.
yeah, I bought a pack of 36 seed raising pellets at Aldi 2 weeks ago and have a pack of Heirloom mix seeds-Tomato seeds. Plant them tomorrow harvest8-16 weeks.
Not upset with you mate. Just pissed off with everything I try to do requires paid labour these days. :)
Wishful your wife may well be right. To me it looks like a plant called perpetual spinach. Got some growing but too dark to take a pic. Looks a bit like silver beet but tastes like spinach.
Jaros said:
yeah, I bought a pack of 36 seed raising pellets at Aldi 2 weeks ago and have a pack of Heirloom mix seeds-Tomato seeds. Plant them tomorrow harvest8-16 weeks.
Not upset with you mate. Just pissed off with everything I try to do requires paid labour these days. :)

Maybe you should have a go at sprouts as well, they are easily mastered in your own kitchen(no need to pay anyone either) just to help you feel accomplished regarding growth of food. More than one way to skin a cat hey !
Ended up letting the asparagus go
10 days later......

avocado is disappearing in tomatoes

hopefully they'll produce well (for self sown from a compost spreading)

waiting for the pink flowers on this to be able to have a go at making a tincture :p

coffee babies

this is the first one to cast away the seed husk and get into a bit of light :D

ain't it a beaut :p
Thats great news Jack. I planted some lettuce about 4 weeks ago now and if i dont pull them soon they will go to seed. Tuscan kale is now a pair of 4 foot trees with youngens sprouting from the base of one that i chopped off and the Black Russian tomatoes are now flowering, so all good. Best Wishes