VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Goldfreak said:
Blocker said:
I hope my neighbors think I'm a good guy for mowing their front lawn, and don't realise actually, that because I have so little lawn, I was stealing their grass cuttings for my compost heap.
I wouldn't go around telling people you "cut a mans grass" :playful:

I was being a bit tongue in check. On one side I did the edges and she did the mowing but because of knee problems she cannot, but that does mean I get the cuttings now. The other side are on hol's and I think they know what I'm up to while they are away and I do (pay?) them in veggies and lemons.
Blocker said:
Bjay said:
Does anyone grow Jerusalem artichoke. Ive never tried them before so got some the other day and very tasty. Sounds like there a bit like a weed though?
Be warned they have a nickname "Fartichokes" but if you like the taste go for it.

Yeah the nickname is spot on phew three days later and I was ready to bolt from my own car :lol: taste good though when roasted :Y:
Dropping off some plastic waste to the recyclers today. Saw a whole skip bin of these on the way out. Scavenging gives me great satisfaction
Thought I'd better get that other new bed in before it gets too hot.
if you remember it was a pile of timber, sticks, & other larger mulch things too big for composting elsewhere.

so here's the one I'm gunna copy into the background.... I've already begun to clear the area for it.

and I still have plenty of posts

and boards

so here's the spot, you can just see the outline of the old sandpit from when my spawn were wee

so.... I burnt all the timber and large stuff
that'll go back into the new bed(on top)

I put some lighter bits into my composter

put more lighter stuff aside to mix in with the new gardens soil

and.... I'm in the process of saving all the fully composted bits for top feeding once I'm almost done (above the soil, but below the mulch)

So... the topsoil and sand will be saved for higher in the garden bed cause I know it'll be rich from just there where it's been fallowed and fed for about 7 years at the least :D
Still damn cold and drizzling rain here down in S.A.
But on the bright side....ummm. the grape vines are starting to shoot so spring isn't far away.
My potatoes Collies carrots and spinach are looking good. Put netting over my snow peas because the starlings and sparrows were having a good feed on them even eating the leaves the buggers.

Come on September !
My snowpeas are getting up a bit now

lots of nice flowers

Got my posts ready today

bed base was dug out n watered in well to soften it for the posts.

posts are in now too :D

Have to buy a few better quality big nails now.... I've used up most of my spare ones on the last garden bed.
.... strawberry plants lookin nice at night

I'll keep ya's posted lol :Y:
In the early light of morn (just now lol)
I could see the beams of lazer coming from my phone into my eyes.... I must confess the red ones did look better with the two of them at once. Phone was about16 inches in front of my eyes.
Was only working when the blackness of the photo was enlarged and filled the entire screen though !

the yellow one was right there doing it as well though

Lookin like I should carry a sword at night out there hey ! :eek:
At any rate..... lifes a mystery so I should probably leave ya's all hangin for a while.... just so's you can see those lazers in effect O:)