Tuena NSW still giving

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Hey mate,to hot no water heaps of spots to look at and some nice gold skip did
half hour run with highbanker for clean up of 2.7 grams nice stuff....
Well done Dave and Skip, going for a drive down that way today.
thesmithy said:
Good stuff Dave.
should have headed down this weekend.

Brian, how are you finding your ATX mate?. I'm still looking for that first nug.
Top stuff , glad to hear it's still there to find, done very well considering how hot it's been :)
Hey Joe,
I pulled out of the purchase as my US forwarding agent said his Australian container was only just starting to fill and it would be around 3 months before it was shipped.
In hind sight it was a good decision as quite a few problems have been cropping up regarding the ATX and our noisy mineralised ground.......ATX is far to heavy to lug around all day.

After discussion with Wal I have decided to go with a modified Minelab 3000 as I am not that interested in detecting at present.
I already have an AT gold.
If it works out I will up grade to a 5000
As you already know I have way to much prospecting equipment already and need to cut back.
Well just leave half of it home or find a prospecting partner ( please send picture of boat)
Cheers, mate good decision I think, saying that I've spend 8 hours with my ATX on the goldfields 33-34degrees today, also took some video footage for people that are curious. Will post later.
joe said:
Cheers, mate good decision I think, saying that I've spend 8 hours with my ATX on the goldfields 33-34degrees today, also took some video footage for people that are curious. Will post later.

Hey Joe
Can you give us a bit of a run down as to how you find the ATX, any issues, good points, tell it like it is mate.
Have you detected with other detectors?
Are you able to do a comparison side by side on undug targets with a 5000 or 4500 for a matter of interest, I am sure it has a niche we all just need to work out where it sits.
cheers & thanks
rc62burke said:
joe said:
Cheers, mate good decision I think, saying that I've spend 8 hours with my ATX on the goldfields 33-34degrees today, also took some video footage for people that are curious. Will post later.

Hey Joe
Can you give us a bit of a run down as to how you find the ATX, any issues, good points, tell it like it is mate.
Have you detected with other detectors?
Are you able to do a comparison side by side on undug targets with a 5000 or 4500 for a matter of interest, I am sure it has a niche we all just need to work out where it sits.
cheers & thanks

Hi Lee, I have only detected with sd2000 owned this unit for 15 years, to this date I have not run the atx and sd in parallel or side by side. As I'm still getting use to the atx. I can say I find the atx easier to use as it reduces my digging time (iron) discriminator works well- today I only dug up lead and brass shells. When you hit thin tinny rusty wire bits - the discriminator does not register it's iron on the atx still gives you high to low. (This is where your magnet comes in handy) I would guesstimate my 8 inch mono on sd is as good as the atx standard dd. ground balancing on my sd is manual and require adjustment frequently atx ground balancing is auto and stays very stable. Weight - both units are heavy sd backpack and the 20amh 6 v battery vs atx where you have to use sling no mater how strong your is. I do not own 4500 or 5k so can't comment. I will post a vid running the atx, satellite Internet here very slow, so it may take a day or so . Cheers Joe
HeadsUp said:
regarding the iron discrimination

what happens to that lump of gold attached to a lump of ironstone ?

Good question heads up, I leave it for the next prospector. Mind you ironstone does not go off on the atx hot rock does also on my sd.
So im getting quietly excited on the new SD2300 release? Im sure there will be comparison ping pong reviews but looks like another "detector of interest".
Whoo hoo......the lads are on the gold.
Nice one boys you just made the itch come back.....damn it !!!!
No penecillin gonna fix this......gotta get out there again....
Well done.... :)