Trommel auto feed system

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Sep 3, 2016
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Does anyone know were I can get an auto feed system to feed cons into a trommel? I classify down to 1/8" or 3.2mm if that helps and I'll be running the cons through a recirculating mountain goat trommel, thanks :)
Yep, It's called a shovel. I don't think you are going to find much for auto feed, maybe a small conveyor, problem you will have, it will have to be run dry, or have running water, to prevent it clogging.
On youtube somewhere i saw a bucket tipped on springs with a spray aimed at the cons .

logic is , as the the spray forces cons into the machine the bucket gets lighter and thus bucket tips more. this is ongoing untill bucket is horizontal...

i wouldn't bother though, the mountain goat processes cons pretty quick , unless you have uteload of cons/...