Prospecting Australia

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HeadsUp said:
gtsjeff said:
HeadsUp said:
which part of the river were you at ? . did you put it through a sieve first to get rid of oversize ?

oversized material tends to create turbulence and pulls out the fine gold with it

or was the water flowing too fast through it ?

its pretty hard to get no colour at all in the shoalhaven river , but the very very fine gold there likes to play "hard to get" so take some flowers , put on some nice aftershave and play romantic music .

( kidding )

its a science to get just the right conditions to catch the stuff

persevere mate . i still didnt get it down pat yet myself
Damn ill play some barry white and talk dirty to the river gods next time :)
I was just near the bridge at braidwood a bit further up stream maybe im gifted at not finding gold lol .
Had the box too full most of the time due to over excited shovellers but it was fun all the same.

you will do fine once you get the hang of it
Were they shovelling straight into the sluice without screening it first ?
You might find the bigger stones cause turbulance and the gold gets flushed out the end

If you get a couple of seives that fit in the top of a 25 litre plastic pail , shovel in to fill the seive , shake it through and then feed the fines from your pail into the sluice you will catch alot more gold

sometimes i will just fill half a dozen buckets , then tip those in to the seive over an empty bucket while pouring water from my pump in to the top of the seive so it helps to wash all the fine gold off the rocks , then tip out the heavy rock from the seive , i will end up with two buckets of fines to put through the sluice , feed them through slowly and watch where the gold falls , be careful you dont get any sudden surges of water through the sluice or the gold will be back swimming around in the river with its mates again

i have made myself a nice highbanker now though so i shouldnt have to do the slow sieving , washing , shovelling , sluicing routine
Thanks mate i will give that a go the stupid thing was i had a sieve with me but i used it to put the suction hose from the pump in so it wasnt picking up silt :)
Greglz86 said:
Today I found a phone. No gold but at least I found something interesting. Currently trying to track down the owner.


nice to get a win

i have returned a few wallets and mobile phones over the years , one of the wallets had a few thousand in cash inside but i didnt accept a reward.

I am glad the owner didnt get booked for speeding though , he drove from Fairy Meadow to where i was working at Unanderra so fast i swear he must have used nitrous all the way . the look on his face was priceless , i just told him to " pass it on " , help somebody else one day where its needed.

Saw a great trick with a piece of poly with heaps of small holes in it, about 2-3 foot long to put your suction hose in.
Can't block em all at once, keeps the grass and leaves out :lol:
Sw1fty said:
Saw a great trick with a piece of poly with heaps of small holes in it, about 2-3 foot long to put your suction hose in.
Can't block em all at once, keeps the grass and leaves out :lol:
Awesome!! i was thinking about a piece of agg pipe with all the holes already in it and then putting it in a sock of some sort or capping both ends with the foot valve through a hole in it.
Put camlock fittings on hose and poly, no time lost setting up. Just cap the other end of poly.
its pretty hard to get no colour at all in the shoalhaven river , but the very very fine gold there likes to play "hard to get" so take some flowers , put on some nice aftershave and play romantic music .


Today I found how to lose 4hrs on the Internet without trying. Thanks to all the links and posts on this site.
An 8 foot king brown... Watch ya selves out there guys their out early and pretty cranky
Scored a sign today to help keep the hoardes of grey nomads of my lease. Amazing how many of them try to claim jump.


Diggerdude said:
Scored a sign today to help keep the hoardes of grey nomads of my lease. Amazing how many of them try to claim jump.


That "mine" word might only encourage some of them

My signs would be every 100 metres "trespassers prosecuted CCTV used on this property 24 hours 7 days a week"

But only because I keep a sledgehammer in my nutcracker drawer
My lease boundary is about 6kms around, I will need to find lot more signs to put one every 100m lol. Most of them play the ignorance card saying they didn't realize it was a active mine site. Ignorance is no excuse to stealing my gold, your miners right clearly states the rules and you shouldn't be wandering around if you don't know who's land your on.
I have thought about putting some hillbilly signs up with bad spelling like 'privit propity do no enta' :) Might get a better result.

Diggerdude said:
My lease boundary is about 6kms around, I will need to find lot more signs to put one every 100m lol. Most of them play the ignorance card saying they didn't realize it was a active mine site. Ignorance is no excuse to stealing my gold, your miners right clearly states the rules and you shouldn't be wandering around if you don't know who's land your on.
I have thought about putting some hillbilly signs up with bad spelling like 'privit propity do no enta' :) Might get a better result.


"Privet propity do no enta . We shoot anything movin - day or nite "

HeadsUp said:
Diggerdude said:
My lease boundary is about 6kms around, I will need to find lot more signs to put one every 100m lol. Most of them play the ignorance card saying they didn't realize it was a active mine site. Ignorance is no excuse to stealing my gold, your miners right clearly states the rules and you shouldn't be wandering around if you don't know who's land your on.
I have thought about putting some hillbilly signs up with bad spelling like 'privit propity do no enta' :) Might get a better result.


"Privet propity do no enta . We shoot anything movin - day or nite "

If tha banjo stop playin start runnin :)
Your hit the big time now mate I will come over to help you out with your problem a gram a day payment sounds good what do you think :D
Cheers Dave..
Goldrocs said:
Your hit the big time now mate I will come over to help you out with your problem a gram a day payment sounds good what do you think :D
Cheers Dave..

You know your more than welcome to prospect with me anytime mate. 1g a day is pretty easy but don't forget you need 2g once I get my 50% cut :D :D

Today I found My wife and son and come home with a new puppy from the RSPCA. A bloody beauty he is too. 4 Months old. Staffy cross not sure what with though. Never been a bull terrior type dog owner but instantly clicked with the little fella. By chrikey he is smart. Looks like we will have company on our next prospecting trip
rockerfella said:
Today I found My wife and son and come home with a new puppy from the RSPCA. A bloody beauty he is too. 4 Months old. Staffy cross not sure what with though. Never been a bull terrior type dog owner but instantly clicked with the little fella. By chrikey he is smart. Looks like we will have company on our next prospecting trip
Should have got a golden retreiver ;)
It's not what I found it's what I found out. I recently joined another forum willing to share my experiences of 20+ years of prospecting and as I was new to the forum and took it easy and entered into a discussion topic. Another member jumped in and wrote abusive comments all over what I had written. I thought fair is fair and hung some back and challenged the person to discuss why. ....Nothing ... The other member went quiet for a day or so and then posted a comment on another topic. I immediately jumped in on the topic and said hang on why? Or please personally apologise. I was banned! Today I FOUND out that there are some not so nice and one sided Forums out there, and as this is a new forum to me, I hope it is a fair and honest one.
Not the Mesiah said:
It's not what I found it's what I found out. I recently joined another forum willing to share my experiences of 20+ years of prospecting and as I was new to the forum and took it easy and entered into a discussion topic. Another member jumped in and wrote abusive comments all over what I had written. I thought fair is fair and hung some back and challenged the person to discuss why. ....Nothing ... The other member went quiet for a day or so and then posted a comment on another topic. I immediately jumped in on the topic and said hang on why? Or please personally apologise. I was banned! Today I FOUND out that there are some not so nice and one sided Forums out there, and as this is a new forum to me, I hope it is a fair and honest one.

Sounds like you have been on the detecting4umer. It's a lot different here Nugget and the other Moderators don't let that crap happen here. Welcome aboard.


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