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Prospecting Australia

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Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
Apsley, VIC
I posted a little something in the 'Today I bought' section but I thought I would elaborate a little. The things we do and the lengths we go to to pursue a hobby can sometimes not make sense. A while ago Billy advertised is 4x4 for sale and I thought that looks like a great new bus for me but the problem was that it was located in Dubbo....a lazy 1300 odd km from my place. At one stage it seemed Jao from Brazil was going to get it but after he disappeared off the face of the earth I thought Billy's ute was too good an opportunity to miss. I made some phone calls to Billy and we made a deal....but now I had to figure out how to get the thing back here. Flying was too expensive, train was too long, bus was even longer and I even thought of driving the old Hyundai up there and selling it to a scrap metal dealer for some fuel money to drive the new 4x4 back.
In the end I got car transport from Dubbo to Melbourne for a reasonable $595. My next dilemma was to get my butt to Melbourne to pick her up. The plan I decided on was a joint Bus/Train/Taxi journey to Melbourne, pick the ute up and drive her home. Add a short coffee stop at Golddigga's in Ballarat and all good.
So yesterday was the day. The bus was ok, the train from Warnnambool to Melbourne was long and after waiting for a bit the taxi ride with the non-English speaking driver was not too bad but it did make me realise why I like the country better than capital cities.....that traffic is horrendous.
I get to the car depot and they bring out my new car which until now was only seen in photos. Buying a car sight unseen can be dangerous but after talking to Billy numerous times I felt I could really trust him and I knew the car would be as described. It was. :D

With new car I headed off to meet Golddigga at Ballarat, once there my journey took me straight past the Eureka Stockade. I thought this was good as this new car is going to get me to new prospecting areas and hopefully the spirit of the old diggas will travel with me and help me on my adventures. After an awesome coffee brewed by master barista GD, I was on my way. The 4 hr trip from Ballarat was good and a great way to get accustomed to a new car. By the time I got home and having been travelling for over 14 hours I was completely stuffed. Sure it would have been easier to buy a car locally but at the end of the day I reckon I got the best car I could with the added bonus of making a new friend in Billy and catching up with another good mate on the way....all this was due to the great forum here at PA.

The things we do :D
What a great adventure MJB, I enjoyed your post immensely.

Looks a top vehicle for prospecting mate among other things, really good condition and nice canopy set up to keep the rain off the valuables.
Great buy.

Kudos to Billy, Golddigg and others who helped make Matt's new 4X4 accusition a reality......Hard to beat blokes like you!

Wish i had known MJB, I would have come down to the train station and picked you up at Southern Cross! Next time hey!

Enjoy the new 'gold hunter' mate, and drop me a PM next time your in Vic.

I fully agree mjb,
To support others members and get a great deal to boot is fantastic.
A great outcome for all concerned, including GooDDigg@ who can brush up on his old trade. :D
Cheers Steve
Good stuff great to see you made it home safe and didnt have to test out the new bull bar on the roos last doubt that coffee had u beaming the whole way home anyway.I am however a little disappointed in the fact you drove straight through the golden triangle and didn't fill your rear pay load with pay dirt. :/ haha lol.,seriously ! Where's the dirt ??:| :| :| :D :p
Metamorphic said:
What a great adventure MJB, I enjoyed your post immensely.

Looks a top vehicle for prospecting mate among other things, really good condition and nice canopy set up to keep the rain off the valuables.
Great buy.

Kudos to Billy, Golddigg and others who helped make Matt's new 4X4 accusition a reality......Hard to beat blokes like you!

Wish i had known MJB, I would have come down to the train station and picked you up at Southern Cross! Next time hey!

Enjoy the new 'gold hunter' mate, and drop me a PM next time your in Vic.

Thanks for the offer there Meta......that's what I mean about this forum, its awesome to see members willing to help eachother out.

I have christened the new bus "Battle Wagon", thats what we used to call our 6x6 Land Rovers when I was in the Army. She will be a prospecting unit, family camping unit, firewood collection bus and a daily work wagon. Such a multi talented vehicle :D First thing I want to do is take it prospecting but first I gotta get my wife out of it...she drove it to work today to show off :cool:
k man said:
Good stuff great to see you made it home safe and didnt have to test out the new bull bar on the roos last doubt that coffee had u beaming the whole way home anyway.I am however a little disappointed in the fact you drove straight through the golden triangle and didn't fill your rear pay load with pay dirt. :/ haha lol.,seriously ! Where's the dirt ??:| :| :| :D :p
Mate my head was killing me...but I did eye some promising looking stringers in a road cut down the street from the Eureka Stockade 8)
Some roos had a go on the way but they saw how happy I was and decided not to spoil my day.

Yobskin, your right it is a long way but lucky for me you decided it was a bridge too far...its a great truck
Congratulations on the purchase MJB. I enjoyed reading about your buying experience.

It sure does look like a very nice clean ute. I love my 4x4 and it comes in handy with no more sliding on dirt tracks.

Thanks for sharing your purchasing story.
MJB said:
I posted a little something in the 'Today I bought' section but I thought I would elaborate a little. The things we do and the lengths we go to to pursue a hobby can sometimes not make sense. A while ago Billy advertised is 4x4 for sale and I thought that looks like a great new bus for me but the problem was that it was located in Dubbo....a lazy 1300 odd km from my place. At one stage it seemed Jao from Brazil was going to get it but after he disappeared off the face of the earth I thought Billy's ute was too good an opportunity to miss. I made some phone calls to Billy and we made a deal....but now I had to figure out how to get the thing back here. Flying was too expensive, train was too long, bus was even longer and I even thought of driving the old Hyundai up there and selling it to a scrap metal dealer for some fuel money to drive the new 4x4 back.
In the end I got car transport from Dubbo to Melbourne for a reasonable $595. My next dilemma was to get my butt to Melbourne to pick her up. The plan I decided on was a joint Bus/Train/Taxi journey to Melbourne, pick the ute up and drive her home. Add a short coffee stop at Golddigga's in Ballarat and all good.
So yesterday was the day. The bus was ok, the train from Warnnambool to Melbourne was long and after waiting for a bit the taxi ride with the non-English speaking driver was not too bad but it did make me realise why I like the country better than capital cities.....that traffic is horrendous.
I get to the car depot and they bring out my new car which until now was only seen in photos. Buying a car sight unseen can be dangerous but after talking to Billy numerous times I felt I could really trust him and I knew the car would be as described. It was. :D
With new car I headed off to meet Golddigga at Ballarat, once there my journey took me straight past the Eureka Stockade. I thought this was good as this new car is going to get me to new prospecting areas and hopefully the spirit of the old diggas will travel with me and help me on my adventures. After an awesome coffee brewed by master barista GD, I was on my way. The 4 hr trip from Ballarat was good and a great way to get accustomed to a new car. By the time I got home and having been travelling for over 14 hours I was completely stuffed. Sure it would have been easier to buy a car locally but at the end of the day I reckon I got the best car I could with the added bonus of making a new friend in Billy and catching up with another good mate on the way....all this was due to the great forum here at PA. What a great story mate. Nice looking bus to. Congrats on the purchase and the trip back. Got a little adventure of my own about to happen on Monday along the same lines. I've been looking online and locally for a 4wd, as I'm sure you have noticed there is nothing around for a reasonable price that hasn't done over 300 thousand clicks. Come across a nice neat looking Exploder in Albury, scoured the interweb like a man possesed for a good week and a half trying to find a better 1 that might be closer to no avail. So after some soul searching, I rang the old fella who owns it back and told him I would fly up on Monday. So Monday morning I fly to Melbourne, that arvo I fly from there to Albury, buy the car if it's as good as it sounds and looks in the pics. (Stan, the old fella selling it is picking me up from the Albury airport as he lives near by.) Then drive back, and probably stay at Marybough overnight I'm thinking, and make the rest of the 400 odd kays the next day. Going to be frustrating not having my prospecting gear with me and being in Marybough though. :/

The things we do :D
Haha exploder chewy?

Drove from Portland to new England once for a car. Total nightmare. Trucked a Ford from nth qld to Melbourne once aswell. Less so but still a disaster. Most every other interstate sale has been a winner.

MJB great story mate, it did seem like a bloody good deal by Billy, great to see the pa connection working it's magic. Seen a few nice detectors interstate I haven't taken the plunge on never thought to ask any fellow members if they could help out!

Hope it brings you many good times mate!
Great stuff MJB! I am stoked that you bought her and have finally got the "Battle Bus" :D
home and all in one piece as well!
A new mate has indeed been made for me and although I haven't met you yet I am hoping one day down the track to enjoy a coldie or several with you around a campfire in the middle of some goldfields. :cool:
I hope you will be very happy with the wheels, as I was.
Also am very glad it went to a PA member and hopefully you will put up plenty of pics of the gold you have found down those tracks that the old car couldn't get too.
Thanks to everyone else too, for their encouragment and comments :)
Great story mate. I am glad that both purchaser and seller are happy. That's how it should be. I have also bought a car interstate. I flew from Melbourne to Newcastle and drove it back. Took my kids with me and it made a great road trip.
Thanks fellas and especially Billy. A good friend indeed and those beers around a campfire sounds like a brilliant plan.
I have been away on a Motorbike ride for the last 2 nights and in my absence wifey has been making herself used to driving the Battle Wagon much so that she wants that as her car :eek: :D

Once the car seat for the young fell comes out and back in the family car that will put an end to that though!

Its first goldfields adventure is looming though and expect to see some pics soon
Hey mate,
Nice looking truck. When are you planning on heading out in it?
I may be able to organise to meet you.
I live not even 2min walk from the stokade would have offered a double strength cappuccino or latte depending on your style, if your in town again shoot me PM would live to meet some fellow prospectors

Love* not live damn iPhone
Thanks for the offer there next1m8 and I can tell you a double shot cappucinno would have been the go....I was that tired already from the bus and train I needed something to wake me up. Will let you know next time I'm over that way.

Hey Lambs hows things brother? My little motorbike ride away for a couple of nights may have stretched the limits of my overnighters for at least a week or two, that said a sickie is only a phonecall away :D When were you planning on heading down to Vic with the Zed again?
Hey mate,

We just got back from cairns with the kidlettes (school holidays).

I have an issue with the airbag harness in the triton I need to get fixed before coming to vic detecting. Just waiting for the part, I'm imagining it might be a week or two away.

As soon as it's done I will be down that way. Possibly after Mother's Day weekend.

So if after Mother's Day works for you, I will pen it in.

