That not so game changing item...

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 12, 2022
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We all know prospecting is a lot of research, hard work and a bit of luck. What's the one item you thought would be game changer for your prospecting or detecting that ended up being total flop, and thrown in cupboard?
Nah I didn't really!!

High banker! The cleanout after an hour of shovelling is quite often disappointing. Gold collects in spots that you can't get to with a shovel, round here anyway.
Dave79 said:
High banker! The cleanout after an hour of shovelling is quite often disappointing. Gold collects in spots that you can't get to with a shovel, round here anyway.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Sucks To be YOU :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dave take this as a Joke :|
I know we have had a Weird history Good time together ;) ;) But still Funny ( 4 Me )
:Y: Maybe :D
Dave79 said:
That's ok man, glad you get some good stuff in ya banker. Guess I'll stick to crevicing and panning and detecting, works for me!
Nar !!!
I tried the highbankers & panning thing Yeah Nar Nar Yeah Nar :/ Not my thing .
I like My 7000 & 2300 :Y: :Y:
:Y: Thanks for being a Good sport :D
My sluice

It wasn't a flop but does get left at home more than not.
I though buying a sluice would cut down on the amount of pans i had to wash in a day.
The reality is I prospect in alot of creeks that have no running water for the majority of the year.
:pickshovel: :goldpan: :goldnugget:
A Bridgewright 'gold' detector that my old man bought.

Lots of hype that it would only pick up gold. I remember testing it and they were right, it would only pick up gold. The only snag was the bits had to be about 4g (or was it 8g?) or so and above, and as long as they were pretty much on the surface. real handy ... :N:
At a CP in CV, a fellow prospector proudly displayed a device like the Hawkeye which he had just received from the US. fiercely defending his expenditure of about $1K on the device to a group of mostly skeptical locals he walked down the gravel road of the CP. Finally with his device pointing to a patch of ground, he announced to all that there was gold under that gravel but that he couldn't dig it up because it was a private road.
Looking around at the bemused group of prospectors, I noticed that he and his thing had walked past at least three of them wearing gold chains and/or substantial nuggets around their necks. The "thing" never reacted.
To this day I don't know whether anyone bothered to secretly dig up the spot he pointed out.
Got one of those high powered magnets for black sands, anyone doing cons from Eldorado/Woolshed would know why.

Anyhow it worked by getting about 1/3 of them out, not nearly enough. Took it to a nice ironstone area, and it worked too bloody good, couldnt get all the tiny fines of the sides of the bloody thing without using a smaller slightly more powerful magnet.

Still in the shed somewhere.

Could make an argument for the trommel the great DWT had made for me. Used it a handful of times, bloody awesome thing it was but to lump it out, get it near the pay, setup the pump, start the motor and then pan the cleanup felt a bit like low paid hard yakka.

On a good spot with a machine would have been insane, but just day trips wasnt worth the bother. Still wish I kept it though.