Shave For a Cure - Big day today!

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Aug 27, 2016
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Northeast Vic, VIC
Good afternoon P.A. team.

Been a big day for the family.

Recently my wife's 3 yr old cousin, Luna, was diagnosed with a form of leukemia and unfortunately this one had a rarer genetic mutation. Her family got in the back of an ambulance about 2 months ago and have not been home since. Luna is being a bloody trooper and going sort of OK but treatment is fairly intense and will extend for a minimum of 18 months and possibly as long as 2 years!

Feeling helpless a few of the girls in the family decided to "Shave For a Cure". I have done this in the past in Maningrida, N.T. and it was a great day, for a great cause.

Ended up having 7 recruits for the shaving and the Myrtleford community and businesses have been fantastic with supporting the cause. My wife, my daughter, my sister in law, my niece, an uncle and aunty of theirs and just yesterday even 93 yr old 'Old Pop' put his hand up to join in the fun. Old Pop has been praying every night for Luna - and he is not a religious man. It has hit the old bloke pretty hard :/ Cancer is a bitch at any time but when it is a young person just affects you a little differently.

Anyway, the deed is done, it piiiiiiiisssssseeeedd rain the entire time and it has been great. A few photos...




We stood out on the road in Myrtleford and as the traffic returning to Melbourne slowed to a crawl through our main roundabout we shook some tins. If any of you happened to be in one of those cars - THANKS!! Just the coins/notes from today totalled $2,618.

The official donation link is currently about $9,000, it keeps ticking up and will be left open for about another month. If you've got $5 or $500 to spare you can always contribute. This is for the Leukemia Foundation and the work that they do. None of this money goes to our or Luna's family - it all goes straight to the Leukemia Foundation. If you do donate via the link with your name or anonymously it would be great if you can stick a 'P.A.' in there somewhere so I know it was one of us :)

And there is still an auction of donated goods that we will be getting organised tonight via FaceBook. We were going have the auction today but the rain kept the crowd down a bit.

Hopefully we can crack $15,000 all up to send the way of the Leukemia Foundation and one day one of us or our family will be the beneficiaries of a cure for blood cancers.

Admin - I hope this is all OK to post up. If it is, can I also add in the Myrtleford businesses that have been so generous in providing donated goods? We would like to support them in return as much as we can.

Thanks, N.E.
Hi dam it.

Thank you so much for the offer.

There was a Go-Fund Me page set up just for that reason and I believe it is up to about $60,000.

Lunas dad works for his father as an electrician (Don Phillips Electrical, Myrtleford - shameless plug ;) ). Don is paying Marks wage for however long he needs to even though Mark wont be doing any work.

So, thank you but I think the family are pretty right and even if they arent the rest of the family will support whatever is required.

As much as we would love lots of $$ put into the Team Luna Phillips Shave acct we also realise there are a number of very worthy causes that would gratefully accept your donation ;)

And nice to meet you today :)
Done, I hope Luna and her family get to make some preciouse memories in the short term, and that they still get to make them in the long term too :flowers:
Here's hoping all goes well.
Thank you to all who have donated.

Been a big day and going to hit the hay.

As a side note I think it is interesting to mention what happened to the hair.

The 3 girls with long hair all got it plaited by local hairdressers just before the shave and have bagged them up to be sent off. These will be made into wigs for people that are having cancer treatment or have alopecia for other reasons.

The rest of the hair was also collected as apparently all hair can be donated to a company that collects masses of hair that is stored and can be utilised to sop up oil spills in the ocean. I had never heard of that until the girls got all of the info from the Leukemia Foundation.

Did I mention it was wet?? But we needed the rain :)

Sorry NE already done elsewhere. Great job. My daughter did it when she was in grade 6 around 6 years ago now (damn time flies) was so proud of her as Im sure you are now of your family and friends. :Y:

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