setting up xterra 705 for modern coin shooting?

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Aug 3, 2014
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hey guys so I went to park today and must of spent around 3 hrs .found one $2 coin and nothing else but soft drink cans and bottle caps .I was wondering if anyone would know what discrime I would set up on my xterra 705 if I just wanted to find one and two dollar coins and silver .cause the factory coin shooter mode I feel is really bad just lets so much trash in and im having a hard time getting motivated when I pick up literally 50 pieces of garbage to one $2 coin lol .any help would be greatly appreciated :).

I was setting my sensitivity for 15 in parks but even that seem to high like im still digging at least 6 inches .
Hi Mike

Well you have a steep learning curve in front of you... There is no avoiding the trash targets in this hobby ... Gold rings can sound similar to pull tabs and bottle caps so if you discriminate them out you are also discriminating out a lot of various targets you want to find.

If you can't handle digging trash targets I suggest you sell your detector now to avoid future frustrations. It is part and parcel of our hobby.

There are plenty of threads on this forum that discuss the finer points of the 705 - and SA Bogan has a couple of videos on You Tube explaining the operation of the 705 - have a look at them. This forum is a wealth of knowledge and google is your friend to find it. ;)
G'day mike, I had the 705 and it certainly found a ton of pull tabs and bottle tops. There were outings were I came home with only a few coins and felt that I may have had the settings wrong. I would suggest using all metal mode with sensitivity set between 10 and 15 and dig all targets until you can read the ID screen and understand all the numbers. $1 and $2 coins ring up as 32 but so does bottle caps, but you will soon learn that that when you slowly move the coil over the target you will hear an extended sound from left to right. I hope this helps
As mentioned detecting is not the easiest hobby in the world, but very rewarding once you have put the hard yards in to recognise good targets.

You also never stop learning, I have been detecting for a few years now, and I certainly don't profess to being an "expert", I still dig junk, and have good days and some real bad ones. Just have a look at my posts to see how much junk I manage to detect on every outing. I don't purposely dig junk, the fact is that VDI numbers and tones can still be deceiving, and can actually be good targets - especially with deeper targets. ;)

The x-terra series of detectors can be a bit of a hand full to use as a learner, the multi tones can drive you nuts at times if set up wrong - basically information overload. Once you learn your tones properly, you will dig less junk, but not completely devoid of junk, that is just about impossible.

When you get home, grab several of the more common pieces of junk, and bury them in your yard. Do a few runs over them with the 705 and take note of the tones and VDI numbers, and maybe plant a few coins amongst them to see if you can accurately identify one target from the next. Foil, aluminium and bottle caps can have quite a sharp and abrupt tone, whereas coins tend to be a more mellow "rounded" tone. If when pinpointing the target and you find the target is quite wide, give it a miss, coins tend to have a reasonably small surface area, and pinpoint as such. Anything larger is likely to be a can, part of, or foil wrapper flat in the ground. Also try burying some coins on edge vs flat and take note of the tone and VDI, this can confuse the detector at times with varying tones, and incorrect VDI's to match.

As SA Bogan mentioned, the best way to learn is by running in all-metal, and dig targets till you are familiar with the tones and VDI numbers. Try detecting in some tot lots for coins, they can deliver some good finds at times, and less junk to deal with. Starting off detecting in areas riddled with junk will be demoralising, and hard to deal with. I had the exact same issue using the x-terra 305, enough to sell the detector and move to a single tone Tesoro Vaquero. That was the best move I have ever made, as it forced me to learn detecting by tones alone, whilst still retaining Tesoros excellent discrimination ability to cut out most junk, with coins still coming through nice and clear. The Tesoro Silver Umax would also make a great coin/jewellery detector.

The Ace series of Garrett detectors are also good units to learn on, they give off very prominent bell tones when over most coin targets, and you can dumb down the sensitivty enough not to see too much of the in ground junk. The Ace is mostly at home on playgrounds, dry sand, and general coin detecting. As you have probably seen, some of the guys on here, including myself, have had good success with the Ace250 with not too much detector time up our sleeves,

There are no real "easy" fixes or "hidden" secrets to detecting, good finds come with experience, knowledge, and plenty of research into the areas you plan to detect. The 705 will be fine once you come to grips with it, you just have to persevere. :)
mike90199 said:
hey guys so I went to park today and must of spent around 3 hrs .found one $2 coin and nothing else but soft drink cans and bottle caps .I was wondering if anyone would know what discrime I would set up on my xterra 705 if I just wanted to find one and two dollar coins and silver .cause the factory coin shooter mode I feel is really bad just lets so much trash in and im having a hard time getting motivated when I pick up literally 50 pieces of garbage to one $2 coin lol .any help would be greatly appreciated :).

I was setting my sensitivity for 15 in parks but even that seem to high like im still digging at least 6 inches .

The amount of trash you end up digging depends on the machine your using and the technology
pushing it and the analysis it provides.

In your case use the digital meter for target depth and remaining battery power and the digit ids on 100% certain targets.

If your machine has the ability to provide you with different tones then you need to learn these.

A tip I will share with you is this. As you swing the coil over the target consider how long the target tone goes off for and
make comparisons with your $1 and $2 coins. The biggest issue your going to encounter in parks is canslaw (chewed up cans by
mowers), pull tabs, metal screw caps and aluminium screw caps. With time you will learn in most cases when you have a coin under
the coil and that's with a short sharp beep.
hey thx heaps guys .I will try your suggestions .hey sa bogan just wondering how is your ctx 3030 was wondering is it worth the $2500 price take .does it have better readings on junk and good finds ,also are you still making videos on youtube?.

also what would be the better coil to use in parks I got the gold pack so I have the 9" concentric and the gold double D coil .
In my machine also aluminium cans can read the same as modern gold coins and pre-decimal silvers, except the sound on the cans is much, much wider. Coins, and pull-tabs, have a very clear sound once you get your ear in. I find it hard to describe, but to me it's like the sound has a very sharp shape, with sudden start and end, indicating a relatively small target. It takes longer for the coil to go over a big target, and perhaps that's why cans and large objects have a much longer sound, of course, I only have experience with my detector.
When I first bought mine I tested some common items for the number readings on the screen.

8-10 = 5 cent piece
10-12-14 = 10 cent piece
20 = 20 cent piece
22-24 = three pence
30 = $2 and half penny
32 = $1
34 = shilling
36 = 1 cent piece or penny
38 = 2 cent piece
42 = penny

Again as someone else said, coins generally produce a solid, repeatable signal from different angles.

I went through the same issue. Read the owners manual and you can program out the numbers/trash that are giving you the most problems.

I heard of a guy from Mudgee that set his to recognise only 30 and 32 therefore discriminating out everything else except for $1 and $2 coins and bottle tops, but you should be able to train your ear to recognise the bottle tops eventually?

mike90199 said:
hey thx heaps guys .I will try your suggestions .hey sa bogan just wondering how is your ctx 3030 was wondering is it worth the $2500 price take .does it have better readings on junk and good finds ,also are you still making videos on youtube?.

also what would be the better coil to use in parks I got the gold pack so I have the 9" concentric and the gold double D coil .

I'd stick to the DD coil with, its knife blade like detection area will provide better target separation vs the cone shaped detection area of the concentric, which may show several targets under the coil at any one time, and hence be quite confusing.
mike90199 said:
hey thx heaps guys .I will try your suggestions .hey sa bogan just wondering how is your ctx 3030 was wondering is it worth the $2500 price take .does it have better readings on junk and good finds ,also are you still making videos on youtube?.

also what would be the better coil to use in parks I got the gold pack so I have the 9" concentric and the gold double D coil .

Hey mate, I think it's worth every dollar but I don't think I would have been able to adjust so quick to the settings and how to use it as a starter to the hobby. If you have the cash I would head down and pick one up :) In saying that I think you need a bit more detecting time under your belt to really be effective. I have made another video but it's on making your own cheap electrolysis at home under $10. Will get around to a ctx setup soon
Digging a thread here but there's no getting around it. ... One great detectorist I know once said to me if you just want $1 and $2 coins buy a car wash or a vending machine. He wasn't being a smartarse, but unless there's some machine out there I've never heard of you can't really cheat the system. It's hard to translate that at times, all shooters have good days and bad but the guys who get the runs on the board all started in the same places, junk and frustration. It gets easier with time no matter the detector. Stick with it detecting the snot (regardless of machine type) and you will in time get a surprise. The feeling of the first ring/shilling/florin/chain/button/token coming out or nugget in the gold field will make all the pulltabs seem worthwhile. Pulling a treasure out at the limits of a machines capability is a feeling it's all worth it. I'm always wary about upgrades, bit like buying a a sports car and expecting it to make youa better driver, it will still take time and need to be used in the right conditions to maximize is capabilities. Good luck going forward, there is still allot of great treasures out there.
Goldtarget it really depends on the machine your using
As i am quickly discovering and i have used over 8
Detectors made by 5 manufacturers.

No machine can eliminate 100% of trash and just find
The good targets but 1, 2 or 3 might be better at
Helping you identify more junk than many others.

Rusty bottle screw caps and metal washers i can now
Identify on my new machine and i am confident if a
Good target falls in the same range it will be identified
As a good target.

I am working on how To identify aluminim screw caps
from the $1 or $2.

My machine has some cool analysis screens as well.

Just need a bit if time learning this machine because
You can just about customise everything on it.

In reference to finding just $1 and $2 coins thats easy
On my machine. Just tell the machine which tones you
Want to hear or what you want to discriminate out or
Notch out and start cherry picking.

The key here is to keep an open mind on different brands.
I put this up more for any newbies coming along looking into the 705 or new machine, there's more than a few. Pretending a good detector is the Holy grail to finding anything be it coins relics or nuggets isn't helping the individual or the wider circle at large. I'll take what my ears tell me over notching any day fact is I can't do it any other way with my machine. $2 coins are pulltabs territory both in the machines response and the cache I haven't detected place yet that won't have both. But each to their own on their journey, I'm no pro and in the end I love shooting with my machine and have no plans to upgrade or change.... And say respectfully that you come from far greater understanding than I do, and you make some very valid points.
I'm using X-terra 705 and had been using 305 for couple months before. In 11 months I picked up just under two grand in coins. I use 6" 18.75 kHz DD coil in all metal mode. I reckon that discrimination is just unnecessary gimmick that confuse people more then it helps. Metal detecting is not for everyone, you need a lot of patience and understanding of your machine. The lists of which coin will give you which TI number are only limited use and TI will depend on which coil you are using, your ground balance, coins orientation, proximity of other metal and around of corrosion.. On my setup goldies may ring anything from 28 to 38. Saying all that I'm still digging about 3 junk targets for every good one. I must add that I'm detecting almost every day for 2 to 3 hours, weather and health permitting.
To conclude, if you are looking for some super detector that will tell you exactly what is in the ground, there is not any .
And as Goldtarget said, I won't be changing my machine unless it broke. Longer you are using same machine, better you understand it.
Well Karl, I have only bought the xterra 705 last week, and find it a pretty lightweight fairly robust unit. I will be going to Glendon in the 2nd week of Sept. (hopefully not tooooo cold) and test it out a bit, as long as my back hold out. The open fire at night will be comforting as will the steak and veg's and fresh baked bread in the camp oven-with raspberry jam and cream-yummm!!! Sausages bacon and eggs each morning for brekky and maybe baked beans on toast for lunch, hmmm. I'm making myself hungry.
I have noted all of the discussion recently about the xterra and have found it quite useful to print out. I don't hold out too many hopes but i will enjoy the peace and quiet at night and the comfort of my Cocker Spaniel-Nelson. He will have a tick collar just in case any bugs try to get him.
If i get a sniff of gold i will be rapt. We'll see heh?
Hi Jaros. I have been in the bush with X-terra only about 4 times. No gold, but quite unexpected I have found 1872 penny in good condition and maybe 100m futher, silver shilling. And of course heaps of bullets and spend brass. Horse shoe about 45 cm down in rock hard ground, that was fun. I'm doing much better in the city parks then in the sticks, but that will change eventually.
Wishing you best of luck but if no gold there is always next time
I have had my 705 for almost a year and use it for about 8 - 10 days per month. I have learned to listen for the different sound first and the check the display. I test myself all the time to guess what I am about to dig up. Getting better all the time but still have a long way to go.
I normally discriminate iron out, but after reading this and a couple of other threads I may try it in all metal mod. It's a bit hard to compare with anything else as it is my first detector but I have dug some interesting things with it.
I believe it is a capable detector and while I am thinking of buying a SDC2300 I will be holding onto my 705.

Thanks fells for your replies. I think the jump from the 705 to the 2300 especially in cost is way out of my reach at the moment and into the near future. I will test and plod. Just think Nuggett went out came home empty apart from lead after a few days out.
I am a stubborn and determined sort of animal and am sure i will get the best out of this machine before i take the next step.
Jaros, I started with the 705 knowing full well that my chances of finding gold in well trashed fields would be low BUT that didn't stop me going out with blokes with 3000's or 5000's and enjoying the day in the bush, found just as many bits of lead and casings as they did. It did however reward me at local beaches, parks and old school sites..... I used it as a training aid for when I was in a position to afford a more expensive unit and to make sure I didn't lose interest after a week or 2.
12 months later I have a SDC, my first few nuggets, a few good friends, an ongoing love of the 'hunt', something to do in retirement and something that keeps me relaxed .... sure the 705 helped in slowing me down, getting my swing/overlap right and tuning my ears to different sounds. It also means the grandkids upgrade from the Aldi special to a 705, everyones happy.
Enjoy getting out there, Tom