Researching for locations within Victoria

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 5, 2018
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Hi All,

As a newbie to this hobby, i'm finding it difficult to learn what i can and what i can't do.

I understand that research is required before going to a new spot which is great and i dont mind doing, its just a bit of a minefield (get it :D ) of information.

From the forum i know that i can use geovic and google and google maps to work out areas that are known to have gold which is great. The part im struggling with is knowing where i am actually allowed to do it.

For example, i went to an area over the weekend. One side of the bridge was part of a reserve, the other side of the bridge bordered private property on either side of it. I mistakenly went into the part of the creek that bordered private property and didnt realise this until i heard dirt bikes on the land it was near. The creek had tailings from others panning in the area so i didnt click that this might not have been allowed.

As soon as i heard the bikes i checked the maps i had. As i was unsure i left that part of the creek and went to the reserve part.

Is there another means of researching this kind of thing to make sure i dont trespass on private property?

Do people in this kind of situation normally wait to be moved on or is there a local authority i can call to ensure i dont do anything illegal?

Thanks for the help!
From what I understand,
Private property - ask permission
State forest is all good as long as the creek/river isn't on the exempt list
National and state parks are no go except for a few that are listed on the earth resources site.

I could be wrong but that's what I am lead to believe
rockfinder said:
From what I understand,
Private property - ask permission
State forest is all good as long as the creek/river isn't on the exempt list
National and state parks are no go except for a few that are listed on the earth resources site.

I could be wrong but that's what I am lead to believe

Thanks mate.

How do you know if a creek or river is on private property? Is there a map service that shows the borders of properties on to creeks or rivers?
AM1990 said:
How do you know if a creek or river is on private property? Is there a map service that shows the borders of properties on to creeks or rivers?

The safest approach is to assume you can't go there unless you find something explicitly saying you can.

Parks Victoria has some resources.

The onus is on you to identify the land manager or owner of a property and ensure you have permission to prospect there.

Sometimes it's not an easy thing to do, sometimes you'll have to do a fair amount of research to determine the status of land (or water) that you want to prospect on.
Maldon Gold Centre said:
AM1990 said:
How do you know if a creek or river is on private property? Is there a map service that shows the borders of properties on to creeks or rivers?

The safest approach is to assume you can't go there unless you find something explicitly saying you can.

Parks Victoria has some resources.

The onus is on you to identify the land manager or owner of a property and ensure you have permission to prospect there.

Sometimes it's not an easy thing to do, sometimes you'll have to do a fair amount of research to determine the status of land (or water) that you want to prospect on.

Thanks mate. Yeah i understand assuming you can't go somewhere without knowing that you can.

I've had a look at those areas on the parkweb.vic and all seem a bit too far for a day trip. I also don't have a 4x4 so worried about going to areas that would require one, and not knowing this until i get there.

I tried Castlemaine a couple of weekends ago but there wasnt any water in the creeks i went to.

Im exploring the areas east of Melbourne within a 2 hour drive at the moment. I'll carry on researching this and see what i can come up with.

Thanks for your help.
Still learning myself but I use geovic and its got a button to show crown land. That's what I go by :)
Brett_vic said:
Still learning myself but I use geovic and its got a button to show crown land. That's what I go by :)

Thanks mate, i'll have a play around with it later and see if i can find the button for crown land.
I haven't posted enough to post the link but if you look for this vid on youtube. It shows where to find the button for crown land
Hi AM1990,

Id be happy to make you a nice map that will work with the Avenza app and the GPS on a smartphone to show you who owns the land youre on as well as other relevant stuff. PM me the approximate location (plus or minus 25km so you know I wont pinch your spot!) if youre interested.
TheMediocritist said:
Alternatively, you can get a good interactive base map with tenure here:

Go to layers at the bottom left and turn on Basemaps->Colour. Depending on your location, you might find some helpful aerial photography there too.

Thanks for the offer mate, but i don't want to waste your time. Im only after a basic map to show me where crown land is. I've played about with geovic and it shows what i need. I'll check out the app though, sounds very useful.
