Ramjet's XP Deus finds.

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After 3 night shifts and 2 days on the beach I am knackered but about to go back to work. Plenty of rings on this beach, just not the ones we want. Only one silver this time, a 1942 sixpence.




I see finds in the bush of guns, and now you have one on the beach... :eek:

Those Irish leprechauns sure do get around..lol

Back to the beach with Rocket this morning. Can't see the dates in the sixer or thrip. Ring is junk and the badge is from the War at ah Football club.
Plenty more steel rings, I'm guessing from trawlers fishing nets, and a few tarp eyelets.
I used the under water kit for the first time and found it worked great. Just like most other detectors the wire runns up the shaft. I wore the remote around my neck, under my shirt in its waterproof container. Waterproof earbubs and hit the beach.
I was up to my waist a few times but found it too difficult to detect n dig in the waves.
I punched in a few beach programs and variations last night so I could test them today. I mostly used the Wet beach program but turned up the sensitivity and TX. I lowered the discrim and dropped the frequency to the 11 zone.







looks like you were finding all the targets!!! i have a feeling the gold will show with these type of results
Ramjet said:
I dropped 2 of my beach found "20 cents" that were really crusty into some citric acid and look what happened to them....
One from today and the other from the previous day.


Hey Rod, sometimes you need to soak them overnight, don't be afraid to knock up a strong mix, 1/2g of citric powder to enough water that barely covers the coins, then give them a rub under tapwater and then a rub with bi carb paste to neutralise the acid and add some shine to them.

Nice coins mate.
Was about to say one of your twentys could be a florrie, then seen you found it, recon I'm seeing a bit of overlooked silver on a few of the threads of late, easy to do if your not used to it. ;) 8)
Wow, you had a field day on the coins RJ. Quite surprised that the Deus did so well in the salt water, considering negative reports I've seen in the past, how chatty was it?

It's proving quite the versatile detector so far, just need to tick beach gold off the list. ;)
Holey shite Ramjet, go easy on the acid

looks like you have stripped a good year of age off those two suckers. :eek:

Should clean up well :cool:
Goldpick said:
Wow, you had a field day on the coins RJ. Quite surprised that the Deus did so well in the salt water, considering negative reports I've seen in the past, how chatty was it?

It's proving quite the versatile detector so far, just need to tick beach gold off the list. ;)

Quiet as the proverbial mouse. When I was actually in the water there was a little bit of chatter as the wave action swirled water over the coil. Nothing to stop good, clear signals from coming through. I am really enjoying it as a Beach detector. Also it picks up the smallest pieces of metal. I am confident they don't miss much at all.
GP, we run the deus max sens, tx3, and descrim 5. Minimal chatter, in the water, and out of it. Deus is good on the beach.
I couldn't make t he beach with Rocket today as I was on poppy duties. While out walking with the grandkids I noticed the piles of soil Rocket pointed out to me had been spread out in place. Maximum depth about 100 mm. Only had a quick scan this arvo after the little monsters went home but I was well rewarded. Got a small bullet case and what may be a splattered projectile.


