Prospecting Food

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Moranbah, QLD
I was wondering what you guys take for food with you when you go out prospecting.
Besides the usual trail mix, muslie bars etc

And for day trips not full in camping trips.
I must admit I'm a little slack and tend to frequent the nearest tuck shop come dinner time lol. But I usually have a supply of canned goods, bottles of water, lollies etc.
I'm a boring health freak so it's carbs ,protein, fats when I go out. Muesli bars keep the complex carbs flowing. Canned meat like sardines or mussels (sometimes beef jerky) and dried fruits for simple sugars to nibble on throughout the day. If I'm out of muesli bars I'll take crackers or similar. When i get back it's definitely beer o'clock
Prospecting is my new diet. Its the only activity that keeps me busy and not stuffing my face :)

I just make sure i take water, food wastes valuable fossicking time....
Over a weekend it would be Rump Steak, potatoes, minted peas or corn, beer for the brother-in - law and a couple of bottles of good red wine.
Breakfast would be snags, eggs and baked beans with toast.
i'm getting hungry thinkin bout it!
I take my single burner gas stove, a jaffle iron and my billy.
Quick and easy lunch or smoko take one cackle berry (hens egg) and a pinch of salt or maybe some Worcestershire sauce and cook between two slices of bread .
Boil the billy for some tea and maybe some yogurt from the eski or a muesli bar to finish off.
The two nights my brother and I stayed at Tuena, I made Thai chicken green curry with chocos and easy Dinner Winner the second night.
I've got diabetes, so eat very low carbs, as the alternative would be to be on insulin. So, no bread or other carby foods.

So for a day trip, a good breakfast of steak, chops, sausages bacon and eggs, in some combination or other before heading out, and snacks of pepperoni, pickled octopus, tinned oysters or mussels and stuff like that. If organised, I'll pack a Greek salad for lunch. Drinks include tea, coffee, soda water and sugar free energy drinks, particularly the day after drinking rum and or red wine.

For overnight trips, pretty much the same, with something to put on the grill for dinner with salad, or some coleslaw if I am lazy. Cutlets are good for dinner or breakfast, but getting to be a luxury item these days. A BBQ chook is always worth chucking into the cooler, too.
Are there foods people take specifically when detecting away from the car? Like dehydrated foods and such to save weight? I'll sometimes end up wandering off 10-15km from the car on my detecting adventures and gotta carry enough food and water to see me through. Always looking for ideas to keep things a bit more palatable. I hear some blokes take a pack of deb and pour cold drink water into it. Instant cold mashed potatoes. Doesn't sound great to me though. :eek:

Coffee and makings,
Bread and butter,
Couple of apples and Narna's,
Food Bars,
Sweetened water for that energy burst whilst digging,
Can or two of soup just in case I get really hungry,
Bundaburg Ginger Beer, Takes the dust outa your throat mate. LOL
I don't like going hungry and you have to keep the carb's up for energy not to mention dehydration.
Generally twice as much as I need as you never know, You might get stuck for longer than you expected.
Oh, If staying over night double that with a few Carltons.
I also carry bottles of spring water in case the water is un-potable. Think about it if you are in an old mining area.
Then come home with most of it over excited about the yellow stuff you just found. PMSL
Nugget said:
Goldtarget said:
Bananas. Can't beat them for nutrition, energy and zero waste.

You eat the skin?

Haha its not an apple mate. I leave the packaging where it came from, nature. Gives the bush a nice little potassium boost too. Gotta support the farmers North of the border too. :p
My fishing / prospecting trips are generally the same as far as food goes.
A few tins of baked beans, loaf of bread, potaoes to bake in the coals, snags, eggs, bacon etc.
Always take the billy, jaffle maker and sometimes ill bring the camp oven if i can be stuffed.
An esky full of VB's and bottles of water is a must also.
Throw in the chainsaw and firelights, and you cant go wrong!
Makes me want to plan my next outing just thinking of it!

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