Prospecting Australia turns the big (1) today

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Whoops I almost missed it, but on this day exactly 1 year ago the Prospecting Australia Forum went live.

Fed up with all the drama that was occurring on other forums at the time, I created Prospecting Australia with the main intention of meeting like minded people to go prospecting with. I had no idea it would grow into what it appears to be "one of the more active Australian prospecting forums".

In our first 12 months of running, we received a staggering 2.2 million pageviews from 74,500 unique visitors. We moved servers 3 times and are now running on our own dedicated server. Our members made over 41,000 posts in 3,400 topics, and have uploaded nearly 4,000 images.

I would personally like to thank every one of our Members, Moderators and Guests for getting behind the site, without your support we would not be where we are today.

I hope you all stay safe over Christmas and I'm hopeful the next 12 months will be even bigger than the last.

Well done and happy birthday - I shall now go and raise a frothie in honour of a great forum. I like the fact its inclusive, informative, funny and no political/bagging out/abusive nonsense.
Wow. Happy Birthday. Is there cake?
Congratulations Nugget for realising your vision and for everyone else in the forum for making this happen.
happy birthday PA
Now what can we get you for a present?
Happy Birthday and well done to Nugget. Think how much more time you could spend detecting if not doing such a great job running the forum.
Happy Birthday PA.
This forum provides a wealth of informationation and knowledge, which is not usually given freely. Many thanks to Nugget, the moderators, and to all the contributors who make it possible for greenhorns (such as myself) in finding our feet.
That's great, well done Nugget and forum mods/members for making this such a great site. A forum is only as good as its content and members, this place rocks!