President Trump ???

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Monica and Hillary will just have to drown their sorrows over bill (but under some desk) 8) :eek:
End of the day , i live here and have my right to vote just as the citizens of the USA have.. If the people decided for what ever reason that Trump would represent their nation best so be it .... Thats Democracy !!
Lets see how he ACTUALLY goes , not what the media predicts or claims how he'll go .
stoyve said:
Build your bomb shelters, Trump is president!!!
:| :eek:

As strange as what it seems sometimes kaos creates calm.
If I was one of two superpower's or a rouge state I would think twice about how loose I am with technology (ego before consequences at the push of a button).
A movie back in the 80's called The day after, I think helped put two super powers out of contention for popularity.
No wonder Hollywood backed Ms Clinton they haven't had an eye opener for a while?
Maybe best to have your Monica's above the table :8
Ramjet said:
We shouldn't really be surprised. These are the same people who voted for George W..... twice.
The people have had there vote and that is as it should be.

Of course they have every right to bring it down upon themselves, and he might have tried for the job if he lost anyway :) I suspect it will hurt Australia badly - could be less damage to the USA than us. It will also mean a huge expansion of Russian power and the decline of American power - he is isolationist and protectionist and Putin has been just waiting for this opportunity. Possibly the end of our American alliance (although I actually doubt that, except as a slow wind-down over many presidential termsm but it may be the thin end of the wedge long-term). Problem is that the public don't realise the real reasons for things ( they say why are we helping Arab groups - but Syria is because it has always been Russia's sole Mediterranean port and close to Israel, Ukraine is because Crimea was needed because it gave Russia its only year-round ice-free port and only shipping access to the Mediterannean. Real issues and reasons are not discussed during elections, just trumpets and fanfare (not a pun), who slept with who etc.....
The electoral college still has to ratify the result and agree to the result and then elect Trump. Even though the people have voted for him, until the 538 Electoral College Members vote in 14 days time he is not assured of being the winner in the election. Generally the 538 members go with the popular choice but they have been know to go against it . so there is still hope

But when an elector has voted against the popular choice for their region it has not affected the result.
Mackka said:
Can I get a clarification of the Rules please. I thought there was to be no discussion on politics or is that only for Aussie politics?
Just askin'
No at no stage did I quote trump was a muslim, hispanick nor politician.
just saying
regardless of religion, race or career I was drawn into the headlines of influence of gold prices.
But thankyou anyway mackka for making me aware of not overstepping the line.
GaryO said:
Ramjet said:
The consequences of a Donald Trump win are disastrous for the Australian economy
Wait a week or 2 and buy up on shares... 12 months down the track all the myths will have subsided and most things will be back to normal .

Plan is already on the go GaryO as the great man Buffett once said " be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful " :D
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