Oberon NSW information and questions

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Jan 3, 2014
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Hi,just joined up,been skinning my knuckles down at sapphire bend Oberon off and on for a couple of years now,(frostbite,carpel tunnel and permanent red clay pigmented skin) found a few hundred crumb sized sapphires and zircons but only a few over 1 carat, 3.6 the best, tried grabben gullen a couple of times there at the bridge, got around 100 spinel for 2 sapphires and a few zircons from the bank where everyone else digs.I have seen the farmer but don't like to pester him, can someone please give me a heads up on where I can try that isn't as brutal as sapphire bend, and won't take me a week to get over a day trip. I've got the bug bad, I needed a hobby now the kids have grown up, but I gave up bricklaying after 30 yrs because of wear and tear and now I've jumped out of the frying pan, you know the rest! Anyway sorry for rambling but any advice would be appreciated. Ps Tried the band thing but bit hard getting wasted 3 nights a week at 50! Fun though.lol . :D
Welcome Russdee, Sapphire Bend can certainly drag you to your hand and knees and take its toll on the back and every muscle the body. That's the main reason i gave up with it 30 years ago. I recon it's a young mans domain these days, or a fitness fanatics' dream Gym.

GG is a much friendlier location but a small back pack and a keenness to walk a couple ks up or down stream is almost a necessity these days to get the better stones.

The creek still gives up some of the best Sapphires in all of NSW, but those who are only prepared to walk 50 metres from the beer in the esky will struggle these days.

Good luck if in the area and hope some of GG's treasures end up in your sieves,

Cheers Wal.
Have many up my sleeve mate under lock and key ;) The guys who are prepared to do the ks should be rewarded.....luckily that's only a small percentage of us mate...... :D

Cheers Wal.
Its actually nice to find a spot where no one really talks about, minimum information.....km away from the spots that get pounded...and good takings to be had.....and close to the road. I did the KM and finally found a spot i'm keen on getting back to. A little bit out from where everyone's looking is always going to improve the odds. I think Rusdee is looking for spot that doesn't turn out to be like the MT Pinatubo trek I did recently. Still recovering and its been 2 years ...lol

There are still spots out there that aren't hard to get to....its just getting to those spots may take a little more thinking and map reading.
That's why I thought Inverell was so good, you even get morning tea and bickies, stones are plentiful too and the excavator does the digging. :) Probably not as much fun as finding your own spot on a creek though.
Thanks Wal, that's plenty of info. Walkings no problem,it's the contortionist thing that gets me,(and the pick bouncing back at me) that hurts.also doesn't help that although I promise myself to take it easy, once I see the first sapphire the heart rate goes up, pain goes (till the next day)and I'm a man possessed. Loved your videos, wish my Missus was into it, she just can't understand why I would leave home at 3am,drive 3+ hrs, dig for 12, home by 9pm,wash gravel (in the bath) lol, till midnight then whinge for a week,when I could have spent the day shopping with her. Thanks again, better get going, got a 3 hr drive . Ps Wal , if I cant find the farmer ,do you think he would mind if I just started walking.(wont be sluicing,just seives bucket and a shovel.
Owen won't mind one bit ....just don't leave any rubbish around mate. I avoid giving away too much info on here these days as I've witnessed some pretty lame people out there leaving rubbish for Owen to pick up the next day.

Not accusing forum members.......but there's lots of "Guests" on this site. :/ Leave the place like you would your own backyard.

Cheers Wal.
Where are ya from Russdee?

im in oconnell and would be keen to try a few places too....... (if yas fancy some company)

cheers phish
I Will respect his backyard Wal,been married 30 years, so well trained, (even Ajax the bath after washing my gravel) i ended up at Oberon again today, found a big something in matrix,probably a topaz, it's almost 20mm x 15 mm at a guess and lots of facets(if that's what there called (almost perfect faces) just had a go cleaning it up with the dremel and real pretty, not being real clued up on the whole gem/dremel thing i was surprised that the standard pink sanding bit was harder than the gem! Sure i read they are a 8,but guess i dont know what the pink bits made of,)I will post a pic when I get a chance,thanks again for the info Wal, and phish,I'm from penrith, i don't know where oconnell is but as long as you got a good set of runners ( im gonna sprint the 2 k's) lol ,sounds like a plan.
All the best boys, I got a bath to run.
WalnLiz said:
Leave the place like you would your own backyard...

Thing is, that is the way some people leave their own backyard...just need to look at a few yards near me for proof. :(
Gday lads just bought my sdc and I'm in sydney for a few weeks. Does anyone know if it's snowing in oberon? Keen to get it out for a swing but I imagine snow could make it difficult.

Cheers Buck
Yes, probably 300mm deep at this point and the roads areIcy. Most roads into Oberon have been closed this week.

I'd stay well away :(
I found last week the live traffic app doesn't show every road closed. It only showed the main roads , every other smallish ones I tried were also blocked.
Im not sure if there is a penalty but in the end I closed my eyes for a few seconds and pretended I didnt notice the sign and headed home ;)
Hey Garyo,

Its a few thousand $$ finer per axle. Not good if your driving a semi or towing a 4wd caravan. Also no insurance coverage if the roads been closed and you have a woops on the ice.
Hey guys!! My dad said he would take me to Oberon for a night! I was woundering are there any good places for gold detecting or fishing.

Thanks Angus :)
Hey mate not sure about detecting there but it's worth a shot.
You should be able to find fishing spots no problems or you can always chase a few sapphires at sapphire bend.
Oberon is a great place to explore