NSW CTP Greenslip Refund

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Jun 10, 2013
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I found this scheme from the NSW Gov where everyone owning a privately registered car in NSW is entitled to a small refund on their last policy.

Here is the link


I received $16.50 back :lol: Not a lot but free beer or two :lol: :lol:

The above link operates from 7pm each night until 7am the next morning
The closer you live to the big smoke the more u get, the Mrs got about $30.00 out here in the central west of NSW, and has seen reports of up around $100.00 over around the big city, seems a bit discriminatory

cheers dave
davsgold said:
The closer you live to the big smoke the more u get, the Mrs got about $30.00 out here in the central west of NSW, and has seen reports of up around $100.00 over around the big city, seems a bit discriminatory

cheers dave

Hi Dave , sounds like we will get stuff all for living out in whoop whoop :p

Jack .
davsgold said:
The closer you live to the big smoke the more u get, the Mrs got about $30.00 out here in the central west of NSW, and has seen reports of up around $100.00 over around the big city, seems a bit discriminatory

cheers dave
Probably because the closer you are to the big smoke the more you pay to begin with Dave
Thanks Bob, just extracted a couple of cartons worth, will need to shout you a beer at the Hill End pub one day.

Two vehicles, a car and a bike and I get nothing back because of the time of year that the vehicles were registered. :N: :mad:
My wife and I spent hours on the website to no avail.Created an account each and it kept telling us address didn't match details of vehicles,gave up in the end.
I gave up too. Wouldn't go through on the website so I contacted them. They said they needed to investigate my claim?
Got back to me & said I wasn't eligible because it was a novated lease vehicle. Regardless I still paid the rego etc. on it anyway but it hasn't been a lease vehicle in over 2.5years when I bought it off them?
Seems like I'll have to sort that out with them again for the 3rd year in a row when rego comes around again.
Eldorado said:
My wife and I spent hours on the website to no avail.Created an account each and it kept telling us address didn't match details of vehicles,gave up in the end.

I also tried the web page option and like you failed totally and ended up going to to a Service NSW centre and let them do what they are paid to do.
These days I do as little business online as possible as it encourages the closure of bricks and mortar shop fronts.
Self service checkouts are another thing I refuse to use, I will not be an unpaid employee of the store and not receive a discount for doing it myself while they retrench staff.
Well in WA.....

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