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Next seasons cricket pants :eek:

I apologise if i offended anyone, I guess i am in a bit of denial and wish this had never happened to Australian cricket. As a former 1st grade cricketer and a follower of the game I have seen and also witnessed many types of cheating over the years and I think this was a stupid mistake (Even though on purpose) by all involved and I do hope no one gets banned for life. I am also a bit upset about how the media have gone crazy over this, yeah its bad, but every second news article I am seeing is about it and I hate when especially the Aussie media are crucifying our own players. Im not looking for it to be swept under the carpet but at least let the ICC deal with it properly, not the media.
Tiezto said:
I apologise if i offended anyone, I guess i am in a bit of denial and wish this had never happened to Australian cricket. As a former 1st grade cricketer and a follower of the game I have seen and also witnessed many types of cheating over the years and I think this was a stupid mistake (Even though on purpose) by all involved and I do hope no one gets banned for life. I am also a bit upset about how the media have gone crazy over this, yeah its bad, but every second news article I am seeing is about it and I hate when especially the Aussie media are crucifying our own players. Im not looking for it to be swept under the carpet but at least let the ICC deal with it properly, not the media.

Well said Tiezto :Y:
We all despise the media at times, however as we see every other night how they expose dodgy characters ripping off the public.
Bring it on, expose this whole embarrassing turn in events with Cricket Australia.
Expose this cheating to our children so that they don't cheat to be a always a winner!
If they lose today, they try harder tomorrow.
Everyone still respects our losers if they have matched up against a superior opponent.
We have and we never will respect cheats.
May all involved hang their heads, may those remaining lift their heads high and ride this out.
Australia WILL bounce back with the talent we have waiting to step up.
Mitch Marsh for captain....
Hi Guys, I just cant believe how quick you people are to hang some one before all the evidence is in,I am not saying its rite, i am just saying there is more to the story then you will ever know,steve smith is taking the fall witch is wright he is the man in charge, I think smith was set up, Bancroft never tried to hard to cover it up was very open about it, Smith has been disliked in the team for years, I dont know smith or his family, this is my feeling.
I guess the title of this post sums it up and why the uproar.

Cricket is supposed to be a gentleman's game. Played with respect.

Sad day when the Cricket is no longer Cricket anymore.

The Australian Cricket team gave the world and its fellowmen the impression that we were the last country to uphold those values.

"That's not cricket." has now become "That is cricket!"
bluejeansronald said:
Hi Guys, I just cant believe how quick you people are to hang some one before all the evidence is in,I am not saying its rite, i am just saying there is more to the story then you will ever know,steve smith is taking the fall witch is wright he is the man in charge, I think smith was set up, Bancroft never tried to hard to cover it up was very open about it, Smith has been disliked in the team for years, I dont know smith or his family, this is my feeling.

It's not about hanging anyone, they have already admitted that they did wrong, Now it is just a matter of who was behind it and what the Cricketing board are going to do about it.
Ridge Runner said:
bluejeansronald said:
Hi Guys, I just cant believe how quick you people are to hang some one before all the evidence is in,I am not saying its rite, i am just saying there is more to the story then you will ever know,steve smith is taking the fall witch is wright he is the man in charge, I think smith was set up, Bancroft never tried to hard to cover it up was very open about it, Smith has been disliked in the team for years, I dont know smith or his family, this is my feeling.

It's not about hanging anyone, they have already admitted that they did wrong, Now it is just a matter of who was behind it and what the Cricketing board are going to do about it.

Have to agree ..................... at the end of the day the damage is done and personally don't feel it may ever be restored ? Point is for example, did we win the ash's back ............ without cheating ? Personally I don't know ?
Bogger said:
Ridge Runner said:
bluejeansronald said:
Hi Guys, I just cant believe how quick you people are to hang some one before all the evidence is in,I am not saying its rite, i am just saying there is more to the story then you will ever know,steve smith is taking the fall witch is wright he is the man in charge, I think smith was set up, Bancroft never tried to hard to cover it up was very open about it, Smith has been disliked in the team for years, I dont know smith or his family, this is my feeling.

It's not about hanging anyone, they have already admitted that they did wrong, Now it is just a matter of who was behind it and what the Cricketing board are going to do about it.

Have to agree ..................... at the end of the day the damage is done and personally don't feel it may ever be restored ? Point is for example, did we win the ash's back ............ without cheating ? Personally I don't know ?

Fair points, however I disagree with,

Can't Believe, You people? - Not all in the same basket

Hanging, - I don't see it, punishment yes

Smith setup, - big ask, now that would be a conspiracy

With the Ashes my view is Yes we did win 4 -1. Bogger you are right, many will ask the question though

I do agree that some in CA and the team dislike Smith, before Saturday that is.

No excuses, all those who conspired in the cheating need to be replaced. Our team will suffer but at least we won't be a bunch of cheats.
Bogger said:
Ridge Runner said:
bluejeansronald said:
Hi Guys, I just cant believe how quick you people are to hang some one before all the evidence is in,I am not saying its rite, i am just saying there is more to the story then you will ever know,steve smith is taking the fall witch is wright he is the man in charge, I think smith was set up, Bancroft never tried to hard to cover it up was very open about it, Smith has been disliked in the team for years, I dont know smith or his family, this is my feeling.

It's not about hanging anyone, they have already admitted that they did wrong, Now it is just a matter of who was behind it and what the Cricketing board are going to do about it.

Have to agree ..................... at the end of the day the damage is done and personally don't feel it may ever be restored ? Point is for example, did we win the ash's back ............ without cheating ? Personally I don't know ?

As a 'semi-ex' pom, trust me, you won the Ashes, no way were we good enough to beat you this time round! :D
It's a little strange that only 3 batsman were involved and are being sent home, one would have thought that the bowlers who, after all use the ball and have it hold of it the most did not know that anything was going on, come on give me a break. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Surprised Boof got off scott free. Radio down to the ground - Quick boys they are on to us hide the evidence. Not sure if thats quite the leadership the team needs at the moment.
When it comes to world class cricket like the ashes etc all the teams are good enough to win without cheating, So I think they played a good honest game there, I don't think this was the young lads idea, I think he was egged on to do it. When he was first caught he had the look of a Deer in the Headlights about him.
Trevor Chapple paid the price and what he did was actually legal, bowling under arm?
The paper a few days back showed an interview saying his marriage broke up, lives in rented accommodation, he lost everything, not a day goes by with out someone referring to the incident 30+ years ago.
His comment about the latest, involving cheating was that at least his incident will rate second now.

It's definitely going to be a hard long road back for Australian cricket, who is going to be able to pull the team together to raise the morale?
If the coach and others players/bowlers were not aware of the plan it would never be possible for the gang of three to get back into the side?