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Jan 30, 2015
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Hi glad i have finally found others interested in GD. Have had a gd for three years and never used it. Want to meet up with others to go detecting. I live in south morang. Anything!
Hi Josey, welcome. We have a few people in that area who would love to. They are all very helpful and full of knowledge.
After you have made 10 posts you can add pics to your postsand join in the fun and jocularity of fossicking / deteccting / panning.
Enjoy. Jaros :p
Hi Josey,

I'll be heading to the VIC goldfields between Wedderburn and Maryborough through to Ararat on my way to WA. Looking like early March at this stage.

I'll make a post once I have definitive dates and hope to catch up with others on this forum!

Thanks for info. Dying to get out there. If there is anyone wants to go out for the day, with a packed lunch, let me know.
Welcome Josey, there should be plenty of GDers down your way, that head off on the search for their weekends.
Good luck with it all.
Thanks everyone, hope to meet up with some soon.
What relics are people finding? Anything if value?
Just click on an Avatar Name and then scroll down to show all posts,... that way you can look right over everything someone has posted, and see some good photos(hopefully).
You can try with mine if you like,.. can't break anything,... if you go to the oldest page and start there you can follow the evolution of some ones(anyone's) life on the forum,... and learn lots of tricks and tips(hopefully(ha)).
Josey@24 said:
What relics are people finding?

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