New bridge for Oallen Forde NSW

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would this have needed to be advertised and put out to public comment before it happened. might provide a reason for an appeal to the decision
A Council road reserve is Crown Land managed by Local Council.
From the below report which states a community Progress Association questioned council at an outreach meeting I would assume that the proper community consultation was followed. A Council would be pretty brave to not follow protocol nowadays.
It may be that the need for a bigger, better bridge led to other things to go by the wayside, not deemed as important to community groups/members or just went unnoticed in the process & want for the bridge?
Bottom of the sign states by order of the minister.
There is a bit of subterfuge going on here folks.
I think you may find that the safety officer for the construction company has put up the signs in the interest of public safety and to save their own ass in the event of an accident.
Ryan27 said:
The sign didn't have a construction logo ?

They may have asked the council to put the sign up on their behalf and the council have to "make the workplace safe" as a duty of care. I don't think its a big deal after all it's just a tech screwed temporary construction sign, and if you were the construction company would you like a heap of prospectors around your workplace?
I doubt it has anything to do with the actual bridge construction. It's a fairly standard NSW Trade & Investment Crown Lands Reserve sign - I have seen similar on other crown land & also in commons with various requirements for that particular piece of land I.e. some have no camping some don't, some have no fires some allow fires unless theres a fire ban etc. etc.
It isn't a Council construction site safety or danger sign? Construction companies would usually have their own signage & demarcation of their working zone/s set.
mbasko said:
I doubt it has anything to do with the actual bridge construction. It's a fairly standard NSW Trade & Investment Crown Lands Reserve sign - I have seen similar on other crown land & also in commons with various requirements for that particular piece of land I.e. some have no camping some don't, some have no fires some allow fires unless theres a fire ban etc. etc.
It isn't a Council construction site safety or danger sign? Construction companies would usually have their own signage & demarcation of their working zone/s set.

I guess your right it doesn't have a council badge, I just thought as previously mentioned that it may be council managed crown land and therefor the council may have put it up, but if that were so they should have their logo attached as well as the others.
So that just leaves state government?/ or someone pulling your leg?
Someone may have to do some investigative reporting? Maybe a local member who owns an adjoining property has bought the land for $2 as part of the bridge redevelopment????? and the next sign will be, private property trespassers prosecuted.
I am starting to think that some one has gone to a fair bit of trouble to scare people off.

The area by Order of the Crown Lands is a designated fossicking Area. - Check the Parish Maps.

Look at the definition of a tent up against erecting a structure.

Environmental Reserve. - The whole country is.

No Fires, - On designated Crown Land and even a State Forest, Pertaining to fire Bans, You can light a fire to cook on.

4 wheel drive vehicles - Singularly sectioning out a particular road registered type of vehicle is just, Stupid. What if I took my AWD Volvo for a run.
And Besides, What if you are in a Caravan. That is not a structure

There is just a bit too wrong here.

And the wording pertaining to the Minister responsible for maintaining Crown Lands, It just don't look right.

And finally, If the local council could not afford around $400.00 to properly sign post instead of Tek Screwing the signage to tree's,
They have not got much hope.

I could say nearly,,,, GREENY ALERT, DANGER, GREENY ALERT.
Unless someone is travelling throughout the state pranking people the majority of these type of signs that I've seen have been attached to trees! I've seen them at Hill End, Sofala & Wattle Flat recently.
"Department of Primary Industries - Lands (the Department) are thecustodians of many natural areas and man-made items of heritage value. Reserve trusts manage many of these areas and items, in accordance with their reservation or dedication for 'heritage purposes', 'environmental protection' or 'coastal environmental protection'."
Based on that a Crown Reserve for Environmental Protection is feasible.
I would be ringing Crown Lands to get facts if you want to address it properly.
The signage I have seen in at least one area also has "no camping" & "no fires". The "no 4wd" is a first though. Edit: the ones I've seen are just Crown Land or Common Land signs not Reserve for Environmental Protection signs though.
"The Minister administering the Crown Lands Act" is very common wording used in various Lands documentation & explanation of authority.
The designated fossicking areas, as above, don't mean much now. You still need permission to access them for fossicking from land owners, land managers or leaseholders if there are any. It's just not required from EL holders. The only land you have free access to is unmanaged & unleased crown land, regardless of whether its a designated fossicking area or not. It's in the Mining Act.
Not trying to be the "bad news bear" here but if you're going to tackle this then you need to be sure you know the laws & facts - not just go on assumption or "it doesn't look right". Ring the Dept., or even Local Council may know, & find out for sure if the signs are legitimate & go from there.
I was at oallen before the bridge road closed and the signs were already there on the southern side of the bridge.. and after talking to a local bloke that came down that day with his wife and dog..apparently the signs have been put there by a ranger as he has had to replace them quite a few times because people were pulling them off the trees...the ranger apparently had a go at an old bloke using a river sluice the weekend before in the area and was real arrogant and rude and no respect for elders.. the guy i was talking to had pretty much told the ranger there is nothing on the sign that states no fossicking and to back off on the old fella.. the ranger then had a go at this local bloke who politely told him to get back in his car and drive off because if he comes down with the attitude he had that day he will rub somebody up the wrong way and end up with more than the mouthful of foul language he had dished out to the old fella that day..
Sounds like a local ranger to me. I had a run in with one in WA for burning off on a "Sunday" and I was fined $170. I didn't pay it and he was moved on to another shire after many complaints from locals, but 6 months later I received a $3200 bill with the department of justice for failure to pay a fine. I was basically helping out as a rural fire member on someone else's property in perfect weather conditions. What a joke.

Who's up for a guessing comp?

Ranger danger, but I think his hand is forced either by a regeneration project to offset the earthworks or by some of the new class of locals (they are everywhere they move in because they like the area and straight away they join committees to try and change the area to suit them ). :mad: My pet hate is blow ins :mad: .
I think I've worked it out. They are popping up everywhere just like the Mc Arches. Yes you guessed it, it's a new TEMPLE SITE. :lol:
Or maybe a service station with drive through food outlet site? Bloody multinationals!
Grandad to grandson " I used to camp right there" :lol:

You cant stay in the way of progress? :(