My First Gold Story

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Feb 14, 2014
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Hey Lads and Ladies,

Here is the story of the day I had when I found my first gold... Nothing exciting but I felt like telling it anyway! (sorry about the grammar)

The other day I found my first bit of gold. Only one little flake that I managed to pick up with the tip of my finger and then after playing with it for a good 5 mins I managed to drop.

It took 3 20L buckets of panning to get the one flake. But that didn't bother me the area isn't known for gold was more testing to see if there was any at all. Whilst cleaning up a camping area.

Whilst walking around the river bed I found a big chunk of Quartz (bigger than to sit in the palm of my hand) and all over it and inside the crevices it was crystalised it looked really nice so of course that meant I forgot all about it and left the thing sitting there still.

Then as the day got going on a big storm was brewing over the entrance to this place. All the clouds were sucking up into one spot in the sky and it all turned green and blue so me and dad knew it was hail! So we jumped into the car and headed for shelter. It's a pretty dangerous spot on the way in we had to stop 8 times to clear fallen trees on the road. Pretty much as soon as we started driving it hit and seeing as shelter was into the storm it got worse... as we kept trying to get to the shelter the rain got that thick we could only see about 3m ahead of us and then the hail started to get big and the lighting got bigger. Seeing as I was the passenger it was my job to open and close the gates.. I don't know if you ever have done that in a storm but it's pretty dangerous as the lighting can hit the gate or the fence and just shot along it like power lines so I wasn't too impressed. So after jumping out of the car and getting the biggest hail stone hitting me between the eyes watching two trees get blown up by lighting whilst opening gates we finally got to shelter. After about 30 mins of the thickest rain to date we took of home. All the gullies which are about 1-1.5m wide were now roaring with about a 1m of water through them.

That's pretty much my story!

WOW. That sounds like a lucky escape for you both. I love the fact that after all that you went through, finding that one spec of gold was still the highlight of the trip... sounds like GOLD FEVER to
Hopefully your next outing will produce a little more gold and a few less dangers for you guys :)

cheers :)
Thanks for sharing, sounds like a ripper of a storm, we could use something like that down here in Vic.
Goos to see you managed to find a speck, shows you're doing something right ... I'm sure many more will follow.
Cheers Tom
Yeah the gold was certainly the highlight tho being out in the bush is pretty close as well. Was a great trip and the place really needed the rain so that's always a positive lol just glad I didn't get strucked or washed in.

Thinking I might head back up there this weekend and give that camping spot a good working. That is if the gully I need to cross isn't washed out. Yet to fill it with rocks!!

Daniel the Adventure Gold man.

Great write up Daniel, maybe next time get the other bloke to ride shotgun :p

Good to hear you finding gold on a test run. IS a real suprise when something shows up :)
Great story Daniel. Its amazing how quickly the terrain changes after a downpour.

Glad you both made it out ok. The floided creeks can cary cars off easily
So Daniel what part of the country are you from? sounds like a fabulous storm to watch from a nice dry shelter, good to be safely home.
Bet it made u feel alive Daniel, that's what adventure is all about as u know , from sharing your story with us, great to hear from people like yourself and mates who are out there, giving it a crack, may all you gold...nuggets get bigger, ascrubby ??