Minelab Xchange 2 Software questions and tips

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Sep 29, 2013
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Hi guys just wondering if anyone has had any issues with the Xchange 2 Programme with regard Audio . Everything works fine with the software except when I try and hear the ID sounds by pressing the Small speakers . I run window 8 and I have exactly the same problem on two computers.

Anyone have an Idea how to fix this. Everything else runs fine music games windows sound.

I have asked the support team from Minelab but so far no Ideas.


THe Zakman
Within Windows, when you press the speaker button to adjust the volume, have you tried clicking on "Mixer" and checking the volume of the application itself?
As nugget said, check the computer mixer settings, also check the audio options in the program too, might be routed to the wrong output.
Yes Ive re check over and over in then Mixed and then programme doesn't seem to have any Audio setting at all which is strange.
Ive reinstalled it 3 times and as I mentioned I've also installed it on my Laptop with exactly then same issue maybe it just dons run in Windows 8.

Also when i click the mix and have the programme open I dont see the Xchange programme under the mixed window?

Thanks The Zakman
Well the problem appears to be with the external speakers
I us a Bose USB speaker set on my desktop if I install headphone the the xchange
The same ony laptop I run the monitor speaker through the speaker outlet plug
If I disconnect the monitor the laptop speakers work.

Very strange all software is upto day
The Zakman
Minelab now have updated the Xchange2 software for the GPZ7000, and it's now compatible with the 7000 upgraded software from 18 months ago.

I have just done a download of stored data that was on the 7000 and it worked just like it used to, and it still kept all the find points and stuff from the original xchange2 which was great.

Also I was able to restore all the MLX file data that I have been saving on the desktop for the last 18 months as well, this was a bit of a challenge to begin with. What you do is when the 7000 is plugged into the computer, the MLX file that is there, (provided you have saved it) delete that one and copy and paste one of the saved ones from your PC, if you have renamed them just change the name back to GPZ7000.MLX and then just do the normal download form the 7000 to the exchange2 like before, then keep deleting and pasting and downloading till all your files that were save on the PC have been uploaded.

Job done. Thanks minelab, I just don't know what took so long.

cheers dave
Yes go to the Minelab web site and download the latest xchange2 software. XChange 2 Application (1.8.7-1.3.5) (64.69 MB)
XChange 2 Application (PC Only). Version 1.8.7-1.3.5 Released 2018 October, to find it, go to GPZ7000 then scroll through the downloads section, and replace the original xchange2 that came with the 7000.

cheers dave
yeah i have been waiting for the exchange upgrade also , for some reason i checked it the other week and hey presto, seems like they were giving a xmas present. worked just like it used to so excellent. cheers
After lots of password changes and new accounts, I can still not log in when using Xchange2.

Was ok this morning but this afternoon, nothing works.

I first blamed the company IT for blocking ML servers but after 1 hr at the motel and still not able to use Xchange2 on different PC's via different internet providers.

I am so over it all. CAN SOMEONE Please confirm that Xchange2 is not working for you as well. As this is doing my head in.

With new web pages etc I am assuming that there is a problem with IP addresses and or the Xchange2 password server is down or ????

But also need to confirm that it is not just me. Have map / tracking data to provide to a client and if it is me, I have to find the solution but if it is a ML Password server then I have to manage that differently.

So if any one has Xchange2 installed, can you see if you can log on. Please PM me as access to the forum is not so simple from the location I am at.

Thanks in Advance.
ML confirmed with me that it was a DNS issue with the Xchange2 password server. All part of the new Web rollout.

Was resolved and active approx 15.30 today Australia time.
PITA as it had to happen when a presentation to senior contract managers was planned.

Got out of trouble with some SQL tricks, and google earth pro. But do not want to experience the mad firefight to get a basic track display up for a live report.
Hi - is there something im doing wrong - had the GPS running on the 7000 but the track i did wasnt saved
for some reason when i tried to load it onto Xchange2 on my Laptop - any tips ? Do you have to do something
such as saving on the 7000 before turning it off??? And how?
Hi folks.

I recently both a GPZ 7000 and I trying to use the XChange 2 software but so far unsuccessful. I ==When the software is loaded i can't do anything and after a 1minute or so I got an error message.
Did anyone get the same problem?
I am still in contact with support too try to fix it .. but any extra information is appreciate.

Not much help, I don't think I ever used it. I thought they were having trouble with it years ago? that it wouldn't run??

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