Junior prospector turned valve radio collector...

Prospecting Australia

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Brad Leet
Sep 30, 2013
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I'm Brad and currently in my mid-40s, living in Sydney though I try to get into the bush every now and then to relax, usually with mates or family but have been known to dash off on my Pat Malone if I just needed to get out of town to unwind a bit.

I am lucky enough to own an Oztent Jet Tent F30X with the full extension kit and a matching ground sheet and Jet Tent-branded camping chair. This gear is accompanied by several Bunnings trestle tables, a Ziegler & Brown barbeque and a solar-powered battery bank to run phone, laptop, camera charger, electric lighting and a Waeco CF-80 dual zone fridge/freezer. I am more tolerant of a 'heavy camp' than I once was.

I work as a maintenance manager and on the odd occasion that I am not at work or on a camp I collect and restore antiques, including the valve radios that our parents and grand parents called entertainment before the arrival of television.

I also operate an online community similar to this one pertaining to all aspects of vintage radio collection, restoration and display. Next time I head into the bush I am going to try and rekindle an old interest in prospecting, once again longing for the discovery of that elusive nugget - when work commitments don't interrupt.
Welcome aboard Brad. The best part about joining forums such as ours is getting to know people from all walks of life and a diverse range of backgrounds. Yours certainly sounds interesting and I look forward to seeing you around the place.

Best of luck with your recently rekindled hobby.

Welcome to the forum Brad, sounds like you keep yourself busier than most. Your camping collection sounds like you also own a big transport truck. :eek: Hope you find the forum both enjoyable in its reading and also in its informative content.

Look forward to hearing about some of those epic camping trips and hopefully accompanied by some pics of that elusive nugget.

Best of luck out there,

Cheers Wal.
Yes, a good jade-coloured 'Empire State' is almost as rare as the Holtermann Nugget.