
Prospecting Australia

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AtomRat said:
Bulk buy low and sell singularly high with current supply and demands. Build your way up to property investment and rentals.
Last post I swear.
Property (aka residential housing) and rentals (also of said housing) is a very good way to get returns....But and it's a huge but, lost opportunity and long term commitment with a heavy exit (tax, agents etc). Oh and that's on the the right "property". It's pretty straightforward though. Just get a prenuptial while you waiting on the market. A water tight one, an expensive one not one that still sees the ex shack up with the new bloke while you cry at your desk one.

But hey I argue this point enough with Mrs GT, no need to incite any further conflict. Just don't hear too many people saying "Gee last year's rental income was so stress free and I just loved capital gains on our house when we sold it. That 3% commission was really nice of the agent for so much work they did!"

And I'm an optimist.
Now on a more serious note :p

Money you have is called fiat currency , all countries now use fiat money . The term derives from the Latin fiat ("let it be done", "it shall be"). It differs from commodity money and representative money.
Its a kind of make believe wealth substance that works because you and others think it's real :cool:
All economies based on fiat money have failed ( check that ) in history !

Now for the big cruncher ' this site shows what is happening with your fiat dollars ~ :eek:
All good advice and at any one point everyone of those investments that people mentioned would have made money, the question becomes when though!

While it is good to get ideas and thoughts from mixed people you end up traversing from side to side and trying to become an expert everywhere which just isn't possible. Instead I would say focus on something that interest you first and foremost. This was similar to what I posted on another forum, but the context is still the same.

When we think investments, at least in Australia most people will think of housing and shares. As these are what a lot of people have made money on, you may be one of them or at least know people that have done very well. If you drill down you will find most of these people made money say between 2005-2013, if you asked the same person about shares in 2012 they would say it is not worth being in.

To me it is a lot to do with timing the market, but also being in the market. Back in 2003 I read a few books on positive cash flow with real estate. I didn't act, instead we sold and built a bigger house around 2005. In that time the house property has gone from a good win to just break even. However if I picked the timing right I would have made good money, instead we didn't sell and the return would be pretty much back were we started. So again timing. Back to cashflow positive though we did end up getting a small property in region Vic, which we have never seen, it is cash flow positive for me now and has a nice little bit of capital growth.

Gold and Silver, without the history lessons you can read about them, however if you want to read a good story on the history Mike Malony has some good data just beware of the sales hype though. I have a substantial investment in metals but not through normal ways it is in SMSF, but before this I had played with bullion, I was lucky and been in for a few years, some may recall a few years back Gold and Silver were going very well, I sold half of my stock and doubled my return while still holding free metals now. So even if I sold now I would still be ahead. If however I bought in 2012/2013 I would have struggled to make any money at all.

But the biggest one I kick myself about is Bitcoins, I was aware of this little things going back to when it was around the $1 per bit coin. As it was new and different my little BS radar was going off and I ummed and arred to buy about $1,000 worth and see what happens. Hindsight is wonderful and had I done this I would be in a very different position now. But I didn't I was still contemplating at $150 to buy some but couldn't do it. I thought at that stage I had missed the boat. I think it got up past $1,000 per Bit Coin. I felt sick after about $300 and stopped watching.

So what to do now in 2015, I can guarantee you that the biggest investment has not even been made or released yet, so keep that eye out. Do your research and educate yourself in what you are looking at investing in, however don't get to stick on details at some point you have to jump in the pool.

Being in the market to act at the best time is better than trying to pick the best time IMO.
Westaus said:
So what to do now in 2015, I can guarantee you that the biggest investment has not even been made or released yet, so keep that eye out.

Any hints to what you think that is?
As an active trader I can assure you there is plenty of money to be made on a falling market but trading is not investing , we have been shorting ( short selling ) the banks for some time and done very well but with yield now at around 6 percent that ship has sailed. IMO the next opportunity is in oil stocks as the current crude price is sending shale oil producers broke and will return traditional drillers / producers to profits , timing is the issue as well as Russia and Libya. My advice is get GOOD advice from professionals with a good track record which you will not find here.
No offence to anyone but what you have here are opinions , just like mine !

Good luck and I am glad you have money to invest , many don't

Goldtarget said:
AtomRat said:
Bulk buy low and sell singularly high with current supply and demands. Build your way up to property investment and rentals.
Last post I swear.
Property (aka residential housing) and rentals (also of said housing) is a very good way to get returns....But and it's a huge but, lost opportunity and long term commitment with a heavy exit (tax, agents etc). Oh and that's on the the right "property". It's pretty straightforward though. Just get a prenuptial while you waiting on the market. A water tight one, an expensive one not one that still sees the ex shack up with the new bloke while you cry at your desk one.

But hey I argue this point enough with Mrs GT, no need to incite any further conflict. Just don't hear too many people saying "Gee last year's rental income was so stress free and I just loved capital gains on our house when we sold it. That 3% commission was really nice of the agent for so much work they did!"

And I'm an optimist.

Hey mate,

Property is great when it works for you.
We already invest in a defence house, they have long term lease agreements and your investment is relatively ok.
Couldn't agree more Bacchus, the Professionals can be a good way to go, however you need to do your own research and not just rely on the "Professional" there are many stories of people getting burned by so called Professionals, myself included.

In reference to trading and banks, I was watching the banks and commenting to the other half, that a lot of people made a lot of money over the last week, unfortunately a lot of people lost a lot too. You can see what is happening clear as day.

What burned me, well I also am a Numismatist and a company in WA went broke and I happened to invest in something that was not the best thing in the end. I can remember sitting there ready to make the decision, my gut was telling me buy items 2 and 3, but the expert was pushing me down item 1. I purchased item 1 and never felt easy. They went broke and I have a pretty expensive bit of paper! Had I purchased item 2 and 3 instead I would be in a better position today for re-sale. The item I have now is probably going to loose 50% of value. Take what you wish from that lesson!

As a side note a few things you should do =

Invest in yourself, educate, read and understand the language of what it is you want to do
Set time frames and goals for these investments
Look at the what if's what if you have to sell etc...

Some of my thoughts on future items you should consider for research -

3D Printing - This will be bigger than anyone can imagine, but who is going to be leader
Technology - Use of Virtual reality and wearable technology will be another innovation, they just haven't got it right yet. But they will, same as 3D print
Food - We all need to eat and there a lot of companies that are expanding into new ways to grow food, such as multi level indoors, or alternates such as Spiralina that is amazing stuff, we will hear more of this or similar in years to come.
Renewable Energy - We all know solar and wind, but have a look at what they are doing with wave energy. Also look at what people are doing with battery storage in houses for the power rather than back into the grid. Battery technology is another area that will be huge, look at what goes into the technology and see what will be in demand and then invest in that for argument. So they may use a lot of Rare Earth, find out which one and who mines it?

Hope the post is not too long, but finally my last investment was in me. In late 2014 I made a decision to start my own company which was the scariest thing I have done far above and beyond any investment made, but it was all a very similar process. Now 11 months later I am still not out of the woods by any stretch, but feel a lot more comfortable and know where I want to go with it. Being in the business allows me to understand things I never could being an employee, the same goes for investments you cannot understand it all if you are not in it.
Couldn't agree more Bacchus, the Professionals can be a good way to go, however you need to do your own research and not just rely on the "Professional" there are many stories of people getting burned by so called Professionals, myself included.

Just remember Warwick Fairfax who paid some 300 millions for advice how to lose 2 billions.
Westaus said:
Couldn't agree more Bacchus, the Professionals can be a good way to go, however you need to do your own research and not just rely on the "Professional" there are many stories of people getting burned by so called Professionals, myself included.

In reference to trading and banks, I was watching the banks and commenting to the other half, that a lot of people made a lot of money over the last week, unfortunately a lot of people lost a lot too. You can see what is happening clear as day.

What burned me, well I also am a Numismatist and a company in WA went broke and I happened to invest in something that was not the best thing in the end. I can remember sitting there ready to make the decision, my gut was telling me buy items 2 and 3, but the expert was pushing me down item 1. I purchased item 1 and never felt easy. They went broke and I have a pretty expensive bit of paper! Had I purchased item 2 and 3 instead I would be in a better position today for re-sale. The item I have now is probably going to loose 50% of value. Take what you wish from that lesson!

As a side note a few things you should do =

Invest in yourself, educate, read and understand the language of what it is you want to do
Set time frames and goals for these investments
Look at the what if's what if you have to sell etc...

Some of my thoughts on future items you should consider for research -

3D Printing - This will be bigger than anyone can imagine, but who is going to be leader
Technology - Use of Virtual reality and wearable technology will be another innovation, they just haven't got it right yet. But they will, same as 3D print
Food - We all need to eat and there a lot of companies that are expanding into new ways to grow food, such as multi level indoors, or alternates such as Spiralina that is amazing stuff, we will hear more of this or similar in years to come.
Renewable Energy - We all know solar and wind, but have a look at what they are doing with wave energy. Also look at what people are doing with battery storage in houses for the power rather than back into the grid. Battery technology is another area that will be huge, look at what goes into the technology and see what will be in demand and then invest in that for argument. So they may use a lot of Rare Earth, find out which one and who mines it?

Hope the post is not too long, but finally my last investment was in me. In late 2014 I made a decision to start my own company which was the scariest thing I have done far above and beyond any investment made, but it was all a very similar process. Now 11 months later I am still not out of the woods by any stretch, but feel a lot more comfortable and know where I want to go with it. Being in the business allows me to understand things I never could being an employee, the same goes for investments you cannot understand it all if you are not in it.

Problem is also Professionals are often biased to their own commissions. They get paid 1st!!!
Food = the investment will go ahead once we are fairly paid , e.g. Meat, we raise the mothers to 2 or 3 years old then they give birth and we raise the of spring for upto 12 months then we get $2 /$5 dressed weight a kilo and its $28 per kilo in the shop , now theres the problem I understand overheads but its a joke when we do the hard yards .
Rant over :)
aussiefarmer said:
josmarc999 said:
madworld said:
Fair bet you would lose 5 -10k in he next 18 months on bullion

Where are the facts to back up your claim :D

I think he could be right, here's three theories why ,

there's tons and tons in storage vaults all over the world... lets say china got a bit short on play money and cashed theres in :/ ,

some one might find the grandmother load under a glacier or the ocean or even on mars 8) ,

my momma told me so :lol:

China is Selling off US bonds and buying Gold like a runaway train..when the worlds fiat currencies crash and as sure as we draw breath they will, the only true store of value, Gold and silver will remain. this will be the greatest transfer of wealth ever. Nuf said. :cool: :cool:
aussiefarmer said:
Food = the investment will go ahead once we are fairly paid , e.g. Meat, we raise the mothers to 2 or 3 years old then they give birth and we raise the of spring for upto 12 months then we get $2 /$5 dressed weight a kilo and its $28 per kilo in the shop , now theres the problem I understand overheads but its a joke when we do the hard yards .
Rant over :)

It certainly does not make sense, in general we should not be even be producing beef, or pigs. The best ratio is Chicken but then we have other issues you just can't win. I feel for you guys that have been effected and I do wish there was a better way. It is not sustainable.

josmarc999 said:
China is Selling off US bonds and buying Gold like a runaway train..when the worlds fiat currencies crash and as sure as we draw breath they will, the only true store of value, Gold and silver will remain. this will be the greatest transfer of wealth ever. Nuf said. :cool: :cool:

Sounds like a Mike Maloney quote if ever I heard one :) BTW I like Gold and Silver as well except I don't buy at the moment, I have my reserves sorted. If it goes under a certain amount I will be in again, but the $Au v $US is not helping us local buyers at all.

Here is his business web site -
Whatever you choose to do, make sure you diversify. As with anything in life, nothing is guaranteed. If it was my money personally. I'd be splitting it a few ways. Would love to have some more money to put into shares, maybe 20k of it, 10k on physical silver bullion, 15k in an interest bearing account, or and people think I am crazy, would pick up some cheap land on Russell Island for 15k. Then you still have the remaining 5k for hookers and cocaine which of course is priceless fun.
aussiefarmer said:
Food = the investment will go ahead once we are fairly paid , e.g. Meat, we raise the mothers to 2 or 3 years old then they give birth and we raise the of spring for upto 12 months then we get $2 /$5 dressed weight a kilo and its $28 per kilo in the shop , now theres the problem I understand overheads but its a joke when we do the hard yards .
Rant over :)

I known what your saying, this is because all primary industries that i know are price takers and not price setters, I feel for most off them except 1 or 2 that I worked for. We have all heard that 30 years ago you could buy a new cruiser for 8 bullocks now it will set you back 65 bullocks for a new cruiser. aussiefarmer how would you say this could be fixed. Price colluding is illegal.

Cheers, DD