HOT TOPIC ( to vaccinated or not to vaccinate)

Prospecting Australia

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Ryan Talbot
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Canberra, ACT
There seems to be a grand debate going on ATM,as to vaccinations being good or bad for us and I was wondering, what you guys and gals thought of the whole thing?
Interesting topic. We've had the flu vaccinations for a few years now, being retired they say it's important. Had the vac in May last year and after 3 months in NT and Qld in winter feeling really healthy, no overeating, (except for nibblies and XXXX), lots of walking and exercise detecting, we got home, both contracted something and I (Mrs J) ended up with pneumonia.

So yes, I'm wondering about this year before going away. They said you can't be vaccinated for everything, not much comfort, but we were really p...d off. We always find when we're travelling and in remote areas, health seems to improve. Probably due to no smog, fumes, noise, TV, stress, or phone a fair bit of the time.
I think there is enough evidence that vaccination works. Previously common diseases like small pox, polio, measles etc. are now rare/rarer or even eradicated today due to vaccination programs.
In saying that I won't get the Flu vaccine either. Reason is the flu changes or can change every year. Vaccines are based on flu's from previous years so if a new strain hits it is fairly useless against it. Some pinheads in management also think if you get a workplace provided shot your 100% immune from getting the flu that year & give people a hard time if they call in sick with the flu.
The one year I did get the flu shot I ended up with a bad flu - haven't had it since & at worst only get the usual winter sniffles etc. touch wood.

I wouldn't not vaccinate my kids against the biggies though - the ones that have obviously worked over the years.
As you say this topic can open up a can of worms on the "For" and "Against" argument. Me personally I do not trust them anymore with all the shit they can put in stuff these days without you knowing about it. I have heard there is a legal form you can get for the Doctor to sign before they give you your vaccination shot, and guess what ?? they will not sign it. That in itself says enough for me.

Any way each to their own whether you do or don't, here is something I just found while googling the subject

In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkins lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. What was it contaminated with? SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus.

The puzzle began in 1994, when Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in humans, in half of the human lung tumors he was studying. Since then, 60 different lab studies have confirmed the results, and SV40 has been found in a variety of human cancers, including lung-, brain-, bone-, and lymphatic cancer.

At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population. But in the censored interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman (below), Hilleman admits Mercks responsibility in unleashing this virus via their polio vaccine, as well as the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner. Vaccine Pioneer Doctor Admits Polio Vaccine Caused Cancer
I guess one way is to look at two things.

Life expectancy in 1960 in Australia was at 70.82 years
In 1970 it was 71.02 years.

Now after 40 odd years of increasing medical knowledge and capabilities life expectancy in in Australia hit 82.10 years in 2012.

Polio and TB, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus and other conditions are still rampant in some counties claiming many lives yearly, but in the Australia and other countries where vaccinations were introduced these conditions have been obliterated.

I had the Polio vaccine as a kid....if I die from cancer at be least I did not have a life living with Polio and grateful for it.
I am a true believer in vaccinations.
Jackthehound said:
As you say this topic can open up a can of worms on the "For" and "Against" argument. Me personally I do not trust them anymore with all the shite they can put in stuff these days without you knowing about it. I have heard there is a legal form you can get for the Doctor to sign before they give you your vaccination shot, and guess what ?? they will not sign it. That in itself says enough for me.

Any way each to their own whether you do or don't, here is something I just found while googling the subject

In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkins lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. What was it contaminated with? SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus.

The puzzle began in 1994, when Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in humans, in half of the human lung tumors he was studying. Since then, 60 different lab studies have confirmed the results, and SV40 has been found in a variety of human cancers, including lung-, brain-, bone-, and lymphatic cancer.

At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population. But in the censored interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman (below), Hilleman admits Mercks responsibility in unleashing this virus via their polio vaccine, as well as the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner. Vaccine Pioneer Doctor Admits Polio Vaccine Caused Cancer
I wouldn't be too worried unless vaccinated by injection prior to 1965. It was only the injectable vaccine, mainly in the US, found that "may" be able to cause cancers from SV40. After this Australia changed to oral vaccines anyway. Even before 1965 oral vaccines that "may" have contained SV40 were found to be unable to affect anyone.
So I wouldn't be worried about what's in this stuff these days; vaccine manufacturers now followed strict safety guidelines, with all vaccines on the Australian market being thoroughly tested before release; it was way back then when testing wasn't as thorough or advanced as today that was the worry.
The way I look at it - if your under 50 you've got no worries. If your over 50, still alive & not full of SV40 cancers you've got no worries :lol:
No bloody way will I get it. The public have always been lied to by those in authority. Why would I believe them now. In 10 years they will probly say woops looks like we got that wrong. Sorry bout the extra head
Or maybe I may just get the flu more often without it. I'll take the latter
Had the flu vaccine as a kid in primary school, never had the flu through until my early teens when I developed chronic tonsilitis and my immune system was hammered.
Since leaving school and moving from newcastle to cairns Ive only had the flu twice and no tonsilitis plus my asthma has calmed considerably.
I also get my tetanus shots when their due and havnt had tetanus despite being a clumsy bloke with tools sometimes. Dont know if that means im lucky to have not had that or if the shots really work, but ill keep getting them in case.
As for the flu shots ill continue without them and let my body keep its own antibody stores.

As an aside my older brother refuses to have his three kids vaccinated for flu after having a reaction to the vaccine as a kid. Just goes to show everyone has their own way to deal with their health.
I got sick a few years ago REAL BAD! The following year I had the vaccination "didn't get sick", didn't have it last year and Didn't get sick' my take is if your there anyway why not' but a special trip might be a waist of time' eat heathy instead....
I find it such and interesting subject overall, Ive seen so many good reasons for and against, and I am pro choice on the matter.

I think there is a lot of miss information/transparency issues on both sides, for me to personally make a logical decision as to good or bad.

hmmm, its a bit like politics,you never really know,i guess.
Ps never had the flu yet! Had a cold maybe 3 times ever , why rock the boat

Maybe if I got it bad I'd change my mind but I doubt it
Jackthehound said:
As you say this topic can open up a can of worms on the "For" and "Against" argument. Me personally I do not trust them anymore with all the shite they can put in stuff these days without you knowing about it. I have heard there is a legal form you can get for the Doctor to sign before they give you your vaccination shot, and guess what ?? they will not sign it. That in itself says enough for me.

Any way each to their own whether you do or don't, here is something I just found while googling the subject

In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkins lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. What was it contaminated with? SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus.

The puzzle began in 1994, when Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in humans, in half of the human lung tumors he was studying. Since then, 60 different lab studies have confirmed the results, and SV40 has been found in a variety of human cancers, including lung-, brain-, bone-, and lymphatic cancer.

At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population. But in the censored interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman (below), Hilleman admits Mercks responsibility in unleashing this virus via their polio vaccine, as well as the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner. Vaccine Pioneer Doctor Admits Polio Vaccine Caused Cancer

I didnt know about that one, Its a scary thought.
I know of some one getting Hep B from a blood transfusion, back in the 80s.
For a planet of people that are mixing with different races vaccination is essential for survival.
Look what happened to the Natives of a lot of countries when the white man stepped in.

When it comes to children though its still essential but from what i have seen we need to avoid those "all in one" shots that seem to cause mental disorders.
Stick to individual shots and our children will be less at risk.
I had all my immunizations when I was a kid then about 10 years ago when I turned 50 I started snoring. Now my hair is starting to turn grey, they never told me this would be a side effect. I wouldn't be surprised if my eyesight starts to go next.
Magilla said:
I had all my immunizations when I was a kid then about 10 years ago when I turned 50 I started snoring. Now my hair is starting to turn grey, they never told me this would be a side effect. I wouldn't be surprised if my eyesight starts to go next.

Doesn't something else make you go blind?
Having worked in the Pathology field and blood banking for over 30 years and involved with developing some of the management policy for keeping Vaccines safe.

In addition to having worked and spent time in 3rd world countries...

Many today forget that the Black Plague killed > 40% of the known worlds population

Measles / chicken pox / etc were used to wipe out any number of indigenous populations around the world. Sure some of the givers got it, but more of those that had never been in contact died.

Most people under 55, would not recall Measles / chicken pox / Mumps and German Measles going through the schools and some dying and many getting seriously sick with many on going issues.

Then look at Polio and the Spanish flue that killed many more than all those killed in the war and proceeded to decimate the worlds population

I am PRO Vaccines, in that the good far outweighs the risks involved...

1: Can not take peanut butter to school - but you can, as a carrier; transport in measles or chicken pox OR rubella (nasty one) etc WTF !!!

2: Your child gets bit by a Snake... They need the vaccine = What you going to do. - Let you child Die or Live.

**** 30 years on he gets some illness from the snake vaccine... But wait, he had 30 years that he may had never had and now you have grand kids...****

3: Get in a car accident = need blood... No blood you die, get blood un tested = What you going to do - Die or Live... 30 years on you get somthing from the transfusion... Not good but what was your choice 30 years before...

4: Another one is Anti-D AND given to many pregnant women... = If you want healthy Wife and KIDS - What you going to do, survive or no more kids...

So I accept that on occasions the stats, will show that there will be the odd failure and or reaction...

But I also recognise that on the big picture, there will be the odd "Zero Convert - for many reasons" and some may have issues. Most of the Neg Vaccine crap published is full of assumptions and misinformation but the Anti lobbies need that to drive emotional responses.

Many of the so called reactions are not from the vaccine directly; but other causes.

If I give you out of date AntiBotics etc I could well kill you.. But is that the fault of the AntiBotic = NO....

Then again, if some one brings in some crappy virus, and only the vaccinated live = DARWIN vs Vaccine

## Normal flue Vaccine will depend on my health and that of my Wife... Yes..... as we get older the flue is no longer a minor issue, and must be managed. ANd I have yo also think of others around me...

Because when I Cough or Sneeze

I SHIT and PISS my self...

You got any idea how hard it is to hide that fact when you out... I do not like eh flue and neither does my wife.. And until the adult incontinence pads are on the PBS, I can not pay for..

As for something completely different

GST and a Luxury TAX...

WHY do women put up with this crap... WHY ? It is so discriminatory and disrespectful.

Womens sanitary products - Are about making the Government $$$.

Sanitary products are NOT a luxury item. For the person concerned; it is a critical part of staying health and important for a functional life style.
The one thing that does bother me, is the argument that if a vaccinated person comes in contact with another person that they could make the vaccinated person sick?

That doesn't make sense to me, I thought the vaccine was supposed to stop us getting sick/infected?

And if it doesn't , then why give it to us?

What happens when the virus mutates or build an immunity to the vaccine, I was reading about a strain of TB that is now mutated and is drug resistant to the vaccine.

I cant help feel that mother nature is going to kick our butts, unless we end up killing ourselves first.