hello from germany :)

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 24, 2015
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i am Benjamin from Dortmund in Germany and found this forum during my search of goldprospecting in australia. my plan is to make holidays in australia, but i want more then all those "normal" roundtrips or group-travelling. i know that i cant get rich by goldprospecting, its about finding it. here in germany its very hard to find gold and most of it is very, very fine :( so all i got so far, are flitters... dont know if this word is correct.
also i am a sportsfisher, but i think most australians tell my number one fish "dumb" :) but here its one of the strongest fishes in freshwaters you can find. also i like pike, bass, catfish, trout and any other kind of fishing, but there is nothing better then carp fishing with friends, beer, meat and a fire.
i would say i registered here to get some informations of how to plan my holidays the best way, or if it es even possible to manage it.
i have no usefull tools that are worth to bring for goldprospecting, so i would like to know if its possible to rent equipment? and what about permissions? in germany you have a lot of paperworks for everything, dont know how its handled in AUS.

maybe you know topics of others who already asked, what i am asking, then pls link it here if you can find.
thanks already!

Hi Benjamin,

Welcome to Prospecting Australia. You should be able to find some of the information you are after on these pages. There are many friendly and knowledgeable members who I am sure will help you out.

Carp are an introduced species here and are considered a pest. There are now many Carp fishing competitions to enjoy.

I hope you can make your way to Australia to find some gold and catch some fish.


Hi Benjamin,
Welcome to our part of the world.
About Carp.
Our capital city Canberra is full of politicians, when they want to.
The man made lake is full of Carp.
Funny That.
As said before, The bloody Carp are a serious pest down here.
We have many places for what ever you wish to do down here. Some require a permit, Some don,t. We are not as paper work mad like in Europe but, The Green movement is quite rabid.
Please enjoy what you find on here and with a bit of research, You will find what you want or simply ask a question on the area you are going to visit.
G'day Benjamin, wich part of Australia are you interested in visiting first? We have members from all over the country, some may invite you out with them when you arrive here and help you find some nice Gold or Gemstones.
Haa Tathradj, you got me seriously laughing here,...I seen in my minds eye a Greens Pollie gone mad,foaming at the mouth big time while trying to get his point across in Parlament and the big parties not giving a dam, or even raising an eyebrow(ha),...it'd be all or nothing with the greens to get anything done properly they would have to have an outright win across the board,....(that might happen this year,...except Clive Palmer is going to win hands down),...And hello Benjamin welcome to the forum at the bottom of the world(best place to be), I hope you can find a little nuggie while you are out here, have fun.
Tathradj said:
Hi Benjamin,
Welcome to our part of the world.
The Green movement is quite rabid.
LOL at Silver,
You picked up on my rather obtuse sense of humor mate. ;)
It's just funny to me that our Capital City is surrounded by a noxious pest.
Always wondered why the lake was always muddied up. :p
Welcome Benjamin

Each state in Australia generally has its own regulations and licensing, if you search the forum for state specific regulations or licence you should be able to find what you need or links to the government web sites.

If you post a rough itinerary members will also point you in the right direction. Renting gear should not be a problem.

Have fun

after some research i have done, i would say the "best" region so far is around sidney, or melbourne. nsw or victoria... read and saw a documentation about the murray river, but its hard to get information about carp fishing. but maybe i should fish on local species, common and mirror carp i can fish here as well. maybe more interessting to fish cod or just what ever bites :)

when do you think is the best time in the year for this kind of activities? (fishing/camping/goldprospecting)
i would prefer a state where its easy to combined all of that. from here, its hard to get a image. nearest start of the trip could be NOV 2015.
thanks you all for your help!
Hi Benjamin,
A lot will depend on how much time you have .... how long will you be in Australia.
Knowing that may make it easier for people to recommend a location ...... some people forget/don't realise how big Australia is, they want to go for a day trip from Melbourne or Sydney to Ayers Rock (Too far).
Good luck with your research, I'm sure more help will come as your plans become firmer.
Cheers T.
hi teemore,

im already flying over 24hours and when i fly to the end of the world, a day would be short :) 15-20 days are minimum, one week fishing, one week prospecting and a couple of days, to come from A to B and do some sight seeing. money does matter, so its decision making to know, ho much i have to spend for car/equipment-rent.
maybe i find someone with the same "plans", or who needs 2 healthy hands in the mud. i would like to work with a sluicebox, or a high banker but i think a golddetector is also a nice idea... and if its even with a pan, i just want to try my luck! if hard work helps to push the luck, im in!
I know about the flying time only too well, we are heading to Germany (+Wein/Praha/Berlin/Hamburg/Amsterdam) in late May.
When you decide on which state (Vic/NSW/Qld or WA) you are going to spend time in I'm sure some of the forum members fron that state will be able to assist.
Keep us posted,especially as the time gets nearer.
Cheers Tom