Getting the snip

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May 1, 2016
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Got home from work today late as usually at this time of the year to find a carefully placed flyer for a versectomy clinic.

Had a good Chuckle as I looked at it , and as I was about to put it in the cubbord never to be seen again , I spotted in my peripheral vision my heavily pregnant wife struggling to get around and cope with our 2 year old son.

Then I thought to myself im pretty bloody selfish , wifes been pregnant for nearly 20 months out of the last 4 years plus change , with all the associated complications and pain. Not to mention the trauma of child birth , and I get to do all the good stuff .

I said to my wife , hun youve done a terrific job being a mum , a wife , you never complain even though you cant sleep at night and the pain your in , soooooo I get the hint Im going to get a vesectomy .............. for your Christmas present :lol: ... wife agreed strait away gave me a hug and a kiss .

Then I started thinking Im locked in, I cant pull out now . Bugga how painful will it be ? The Risk of getting a strain multi drug resistant flesh eating bacteria is terrifying . Anyways has anyone had the snip and how long did it take to get back to normal?
Danny13 said:
Got home from work today late as usually at this time of the year to find a carefully placed flyer for a versectomy clinic.

Had a good Chuckle as I looked at it , and as I was about to put it in the cubbord never to be seen again , I spotted in my peripheral vision my heavily pregnant wife struggling to get around and cope with our 2 year old son.

Then I thought to myself im pretty bloody selfish , wifes been pregnant for nearly 20 months out of the last 4 years plus change , with all the associated complications and pain. Not to mention the trauma of child birth , and I get to do all the good stuff .

I said to my wife , hun youve done a terrific job being a mum , a wife , you never complain even though you cant sleep at night and the pain your in , soooooo I get the hint Im going to get a vesectomy .............. for your Christmas present :lol: ... wife agreed strait away gave me a hug and a kiss .

Then I started thinking Im locked in, I cant pull out now . Bugga how painful will it be ? The Risk of getting a strain multi drug resistant flesh eating bacteria is terrifying . Anyways has anyone had the snip and how long did it take to get back to normal?

My Brother had the snip after child number 3 but 3 years later out came number 4 and then a number 5, it reattached itself....lolol Good onya mate, myself well my wife is now on the Pill and I am using rubbers when she runs out and has to top up...
BTW my brother said it isn't too bad and was walking around, a few hours after the snip he only had a little discomfort...

Cheers GDA :Y:
golddiggerart said:
Danny13 said:
Got home from work today late as usually at this time of the year to find a carefully placed flyer for a versectomy clinic.

Had a good Chuckle as I looked at it , and as I was about to put it in the cubbord never to be seen again , I spotted in my peripheral vision my heavily pregnant wife struggling to get around and cope with our 2 year old son.

Then I thought to myself im pretty bloody selfish , wifes been pregnant for nearly 20 months out of the last 4 years plus change , with all the associated complications and pain. Not to mention the trauma of child birth , and I get to do all the good stuff .

I said to my wife , hun youve done a terrific job being a mum , a wife , you never complain even though you cant sleep at night and the pain your in , soooooo I get the hint Im going to get a vesectomy .............. for your Christmas present :lol: ... wife agreed strait away gave me a hug and a kiss .

Then I started thinking Im locked in, I cant pull out now . Bugga how painful will it be ? The Risk of getting a strain multi drug resistant flesh eating bacteria is terrifying . Anyways has anyone had the snip and how long did it take to get back to normal?

My Brother had the snip after child number 3 but 3 years later out came number 4 and then a number 5, it reattached itself....lolol Good onya mate, myself well my wife is now on the Pill and I am using rubbers when she runs out and has to top up...
BTW my brother said it isn't too bad and was walking around, a few hours after the snip he only had a little discomfort...

Cheers GDA :Y:

Didnt he clue on something wasnt right at no4? :eek:
Mate, it was a breeze for me, over 20 yrs ago now. The word snip is a bit misleading as they use a laser to suture the vas... just saw a whisp of smoke waft up from the never region and all done. The worst bit was having a lovely young nurse checking out the jewels going thru the procedure... lol.
Went back to work next day.
Ha ... I was getting my gall bladder out around 15 years ago, and asked the surgeon if he could do the snip while I was under. He laughed and said that no-one had asked that before, and as long as I was travelling ok it would only take an extra 10 minutes.

The next morning the nurses were amused and asked me what hurt more. I could truthfully say that the snip was nothing compared to the gall bladder.
Danny13 said:
Thanks fellas thats a relief, GDA ... what do you mean reattached , thought they tied then or just blocked the tubes up mate :eek:

Yeah they snip them and tie em off but somehow it reconnected and he had 2 more kiddos....all good though, my beautiful nieces are now having their own kiddos, our family is expanding to well over ??? I lost count at around 70 so stopped counting because even more bubs are going to be born this year... :)
Nothing like having a huge family gathering... Hangi and Beer... :Y:
Remember not to scratch or pull at the rubber band (no matter how tight it feels)... and the good thing about it all is that you can still see them every night when you go to bed (that is if you drop them into a bottle of metho once they fall off and keep that on your bedside table.)
:Y: :D :Y:
Remember not to struggle as once the rubber band is on it can not be removed.... worst thing with a struggle is gunna be a nut caught halfway under the band (even breathing after that may be difficult.... let alone swallowing or coughing).
No matter what.... don't get talked into the quick tear off while your not looking method... it'll just leave you angry as a bull for the rest of your life (about five minutes) :eek:
Had it done under local anaesthetic. All over in about 20 mins. The worst was the anaesthetic needle going right up in there. Some bruising after but nothing major. You wont regret it.
Get a book called
The Billings Method
contains a foolproof method using no condoms or birth control pills.
totally natural path the way nature provided.
We have used the billings method for near 18 years now.... and chose exactly when we wanted the children to arrive (give or take a week lol).
I even had to ensure that the last one was a girl which I did... only to avoid the quick rip method :eek:
10 years ago. Local anaesthetic. Surgeon did the left and registrar did the right. Left perfect, right a bit tender and swollen but nothing terrible.
Apparently it takes approx 21 ejaculations to ensure that any remaining swimmers are clear of the system before you can stop using protection.
About 1 in 10,000 can reattach so always make sure you go back and do the business into a cup and get it tested.
Have a mate that reattached twice :eek: Kept going back to get tested only to find swimmers still in the channel.

Best advice would be to do NOTHING for week. I know a few blokes who felt fine after a day or two and then did too much and ended up really bruised, swollen and in a lot of pain.

Take it easy and it's not an issue :Y:
I had mine done many years ago after 3 sons. Not a problem at all. Actually put a set of shockies in a mate's ute the same afernoon.

No big deal apart from the Doc asking me if I wanted to sit up and watch. I said... I am not too comfortable with a guy handling my junk and I sure don't want to watch it. :D

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