G'day from Phoenix76

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Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
South Burnett, Qld
Well as promised, I'd better introduce myself seeing as how I have been running of at the mouth about laws, legislation and now the Constitution.

Before I get into the more personal side of things, let me explain about my posts about all things legal. I am not a Constitutional Lawyer, or an ordinary Lawyer, probably not even a Philadelphia Lawyer. My knowledge of law comes from past trade as a Forensic Accountant. I've been involved in court cases all the way up to the Supreme Court. As a matter of fact, during the Supreme Court case I negotiated a settlement after a day of to and froing, attempted bribery et al, and at about quarter of five in the afternoon I blew my top, telling the Barrister who whose acting as messenger between the parties (very expensive operation) to tell the other party that I was through negotiating and in ten minutes I was going home, and that being the case would see them in court before a judge. Our own Barrister, a lovely Lady, almost fell off her chair. It wasn't so much what I said, but how I said it. She had never seen me lose my cool. Anyway, as said, I have a lot of experience in matters of law all the way from rental tribunals to magistrates and to Supreme Court. The greatest thing I have learned in that profession is how to read legislation.

Okay, me, I'm pushing 70 years as I've said before, and yes I have a lot of hash marks. I'm a Vietnam Vet, and bloody proud of it, I've driven interstate semis, am a Forensic Accountant and also practiced privately. I was state operations manager for Linfox Transport in Queensland, was with them for 15 years, a bloody great job. Also got experience with the Industrial Court System while I was there, and negotiated the first EBA agreement in the transport industry in Australia. It was after I left Linfox in 1995 that I went into private practice. I left because the Company was changing, Lindsay Fox semi retired and his son Peter took over. Nothing wrong with that, but I didn't like the change. One thing about me is, if I don't like what I'm doing or the picture I'm watching, I get up and leave. So that's what I did.

Anyway, now retired on a rural property in Queensland of a few acres and have taken up the "job" of a scrap metal recycler. Why you ask? Well needed some beer money and I can't sit on my duff doing nothing. Trouble at the moment is that the scrap market's bum has fallen out. But never mind, it will come back.

In the meantime, me and my scrapper mate are considering taking out a small mining claim here in Qld. You want to jump through some hoops? Try this on in Qld. We haven't made a final decision yet, still exploring the site. It is an old mining site dating back to the 1800's and it looks promising for a small mining operation. Certainly looking at the rock on my desk that I have split open, I'd say it is a good prospect. Anyway, we will see. Will let you know if and when.

That's about me. I'm married (No.3 - sorry I can't help it) and we have two grown up boys, three dogs, a cat and a gaggle of cows I can't keep up with. Or is that geese? And although I'm getting on in years, I consider myself as very fit and can turn in a hard days yakka better than most young fellas today. Okay, see you all around the forum. Cheers Bill ;)
Great CV P76,.. hope you have success with your little venture,.. both with the scrap and the minerals. :D
Onya Bill welcome aboard the PA forum mate. I am from central Qld myself where abouts are you in this wonderful state of ours?

My mate of 27 years has an uncle in the metal recycling business, has been doin it for as long as i can remember and he also says times are tough at the moment, but is still making ends meet. He's a tough old bugger and knows how the industry works.

Look forward to hearing how ya go with ya mining claim, good luck.
Welcom Phoenix, and what a great intorduction, mate....what in the name of%$#&^ is a Forensic Accountant? Gee you've done some things in your life, and thanks for helping with the petetion....thought you might of had some legal beagle background.

Wow...that's good you might be getting a claim. does that mean your old mate cecc can come and have a dig...hahaha joking.

good on ya mate.
Was also in the metals recycling game, but like every other commodities caper things are pretty grim at the moment off the back of some solid years. I still trade but on an enthusiasts level rather than a commercial one until things pick up. The short term outlook is not looking good but I don't see that as a bad thing, when everyone else is jumping out that can be the best time to come in, if you can survive the lean times you'll prosper in the good. This patch we are experiencing is a correction that has been manipulated by greed. The companies at the top of the food chain have a lot to answer for.

I definitely feel for the long term guys locked up in steel though, it's diversify and innovate or go under. I moved into bulk non ferrous early and the game has been good to me and been some of my favourite work years. Best of luck mate despite some of the toughness needed to start up and survive there's always room at the table for the honest hardworking types.

I could talk about metals recycling for hours mate so hit up my inbox if you ever want to chat.
Thanks Y'all. I'll try and answer your questions.

Yeah Tath love that Avatar.

Len, a Forensic Accountant is a bit like a Forensic Scientist except we deal with people's or Company's financial records and details. No iccky bits to play with :eek: . No mate not a legal eagle but as I said, had plenty of experience.

Goldtarget, Yeah pretty tuff at the moment. Just basically stockpiling at the moment or though old mate still has to do an occasional to Brisbane just to keep some money flowing. I don't go looking for steel but it just happens in this business as you know. One thing I have got into is e-scrap. Done some chemistry studies in the past so not fazzed by that side of things. Good returns if you can get enough of it, certainly more than you will get out of wash dirt.

M3, I hail from the South Burnett region.

Cheers Bill