Garrett ACE 250 or Minelab 305 or something else??

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Nov 19, 2013
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Hi all, this is my first post & I'm brand new here & looking to make that first detector purchase for my 13 year old son (and also for me).

I was hoping to get something for around the $400 mark for finding coins relics and even gold (if the budget allows).
The areas that I have looked at as possible candidates range from the beach , old homesteads, Parks etc.

I have been looking at a few different brands and for my budget I have narrowed it down to either Garret ACE 250 or Minelab 305 (or are there better detectors out there?) but would like to hear what the more experienced people out there think would be the best candidate.

Also do I also need more than one coil?
What other accessories am I going to need to make things easier and more enjoyable?

Any help you guys could give me would be a great help.

thanks in advance

Hi Nev, welcome to the forum.

I take it you're referring to a Minelab 305? as I don't think they make a 350 (I could be wrong).

I've been coin and relic detecting with Wooster on a number of occasions with his 305 as well as having used an Ace 250 firsthand. Without diving right into the specs, I believe where the 305 stands out is it's ability to change frequencies by simply changing the coil as well having an adjustable audio threshold.

Personally I like the display panel and controls on the Ace 250, but both detectors have very similar capabilities and from what I gather roughly the same learning curve. Both have a variety of coils available and if anything I'd look at getting yourself a DD coil

In regards to tools, methods etc, check out this post I made only this morning

With all the jargon aside, I think you'll be happy with either one of those detectors.

Hi Nugget

Thanks for the quick reply, you are correct I am referring to the Minelab 305.

cheers NEV
Hiya - while not an expert but a complete newbie to this. I bought an Ace 250. I based my purchase on ease of use thus - the display is easy to use, I can discrim or use the pre-sets, and its damn cool IMHO. But I have no basis for comparison. What I can tell you is that it is good for just what it says, it will detect coins, metal and nic naxs easy as that's all I do with it around beaches, parks and some good spots are those old pre war homes where the clothes line used to be :p . I have tested it against gold pieces from friends who have some from gold fields trips and it does detect but they are large pieces held in hand and I am unsure what its like going through the ground for tiny stuff, but it does do it.

Hope that's food for thought.
If you want to dabble in gold detecting as well, as mentioned, you can fit the 18.75khz eliptical coil to the 305 for detecting smaller targets such as gold, the Ace is stuck with the single frequency which is pretty low. Another biggy is the fact that the 305 has ground balancing for mineralised ground, whereas the Ace doesn't. So the 305 is sort of two detectors in the one package being able to run 18.75 or 7.5khz. Pretty sure the 250 does not have volume control, some people find the bell sounds given off a bit annoying after a while, but headphones with volume control can get around that. As mentioned, the 305 has a volume control.

Garrett sell larger coils to suit the 250, also NEL coils make some to suit as well. The 305 is blessed with a large range of coils from both Minelab, Coiltek and NEL should you want gain greater sensitivity, or increased depth on the beach and parks with coils like the Coiltek WOT 7.5khz.

Garrett do sell a hell of a lot of Ace series detectors worldwide, so they have their place in the market, I just feel that the 305 will be the more versatile detector of the two. :)
i can only speak from my experience with the xterra 305. i am still new to detecting & don't know that much, but have been told the 305 is one of the best turn on & go detetors out there. now i discrimenate or trash everything except number 24 & 32 . thats 20 & 50 cents & $1 & $2 coins while coin shooting in parks ect. or just go to all metal when relic hunting, i use the dull tones to get me in the area of human activity then just dig the high tones ( non ferrous metals ). before getting other coils get a pin pointer it saves heaps of time & smaller holes for the novice. i looked at the ace 250 & 350 & only got the xterra 305 because it was in the shop 5 mins down the road & i could walk out with there & then. but since getting it & researching more into it, i think i stumbled onto a good thing. like goldpick said above there a few more good resons that the 305 may just edge out the garretts. i think you will be happy with what ever machine you end up with though.
Thanks everyone for your useful comments. The consensus appears to be slightly in favour of the xterra 305. Also given the special from anaconda I think this is the one I will go for

cheers NEV
Don't feel like that BSellin, the Ace 250 is a more than capable coin and relic machine. If you feel it's lagging behind, perhaps get yourself a DD coil to breath new life into it.
I have a chance to both get the same detectors for around the same price. What are your opinions? Also my first real metal detector

Any help would be great full thankyou
The Garrett is a good beginners detector that will find coins and relics in parks and dry sand beach areas. If you look under Coin Shooting sub forum Goldpick uses a Ace 250 very successfully and gives advice on how to use it. I think the Minelab 305 is much the same in capability. Go for it! :)
Ace 250 user here also. Its pretty good for parks beaches and sports and other well populated areas.

Look at coin shooting forum and you will see a lot.

Also read up on how to pull targets out with a screwdriver or something combined with a pin pointer and you will be a pro and not getting in trouble by the council.
I have the xterra 305 and my son has a Ace 250....I would say that they are fairly even as far as finding targets but, being older I find the digital display on the 305 easier to see than the Garrett...I am sure that either way you wont be disappointed in either one ...they are both great machines...hope I haven't made your choice difficult.. ;)
I am less inclined to use digital displays, so I usually set my Ace 250 to suit whatever areas I am detecting (usually jewellery mode for beach, and coin mode for park areas), and go by the tones. I have also owned the 305, whilst I am sure it is a good detector, it simply didn't gel with me like the Ace has. The Ace is very simple to use, pretty much a no nonsense turn on and go machine, with plenty of accessories available to suit, both from Garrett and aftermarket coilmakers like NEL. I also have no issues using it in wet sand, turn the sensitivity down to about 3-4 bars, and off you go. Also love the bell tones when you pass over gold coins, some hate it, but I find it a very useful feature.

The 305 is more feature rich for the money, including features like manual ground balancing, VDI numbers, and a whole raft of coils from Minelab, Coiltek and NEL with interchangeable frequencies vs the one frequency on the Ace. I feel that for ease of use, the Ace would be a great detector to get started on, whilst the 305 is a bit more complicated to operate and setup, and may prove a little overwhelming for some to start on.

Either way, both are good units, really depends on what features you want in a detector, and how you use it at the end of the day. If you don't like one after a while, sell it and try the other. Detectors generally have great resale value should you want to try something else.
thansk heaps guys! thinking of leaning more towards the ace then! will let you know when i purhase my first one!

cheers for the replys!
Hey everyone, I had a bit of a read through this topic as I'm having the same dilemma, an Ace 250 or a Minelab 305.
I'll be using it for mostly beach combing (I live a walk away from a pretty busy one). It doesn't need to be waterproof, but ideally it would work over wet sand as well as dry sand.
I wouldn't say no to a bit of nugget finding, but that will mostly be with my parents who are looking at getting a higher end detector for those trips.
I'll probably upgrade within two or three years depending on how well it serves me :p

Any opinions on which would suit me better?