Found some family history

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Aug 13, 2014
Reaction score
Byron Bay, NSW
I took the family for a trip to Millmerran Qld for my grandfathers 90th on the weekend and had thought I would check out the area near Leyburn as I was told that my great great great granddad had a mine near the area. A quick google search about 5 mins before i left, and I located a spot about 10mins off the track which was perfect. 3.5 hours into the trip we arrived, the girls were already over it, though soon amused themselves by making a short film they "called miners ridge" as i ventured into an almost completely dry bed with a couple of pans a seive, pick, a fold up shovel and a Coopers pale. I could see evidence of digging in the bank and under boulders on a great looking bend, so sampled material into my pan, I cracked my beer and got down to business. On my first pan i found a fleck at the same time my partner Screamed! at me that there was a Huge fat king brown just 10 metres away on the bank that disappeared, with that said i went back scratched another spot and found another 5 flecks :D , Happy with my quick half hour expedition we were on our way.

On arrival to Granddads 90th and speaking with the relo's, I was informed that my old timer relatives had a mine on the main lead that fed the creek i was in, also that my grandfather was born in a creek nearby. What a feeling it was to be in the same area, Apart from gold, the history and a feeling of going back through time really is what ive been looking for when I go prospecting. and the feeling to really be in a spot that holds deep family history for me is worth more than an ounce day anyday. :D
That was a great story OzzyDigga,

Nothing like a bit of Australian Family Heritage. Plus you have a golden family tree as well :)
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure your Granddad would have a few good stories too.