"Dells Hole" gives up some mellow yellow!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Townsville, QLD
Hi All sufferers of the fever!
Jan 14th 2014 arrived & I was just knocking off from night shift, the ute was packed & the fridge cold as I had 6 days of detecting at "Dells Hole Gold" (formally Long Gully Gold) planned, so a little over 5 hours drive I pulled in at Forsayth after a good trip, pulling into Steve's place of Savanah Gold tours Forsayth, I had arranged to stay with Steve on this trip ( I am calling him the "Savanah Gold GOD" the prospector formally known as Steve Very Happy Very Happy Smile lol! ) Steve & I have been mates for a couple of years now so it was time for a bit of a catch up too.
The next morning saw us on our way to book in with Kevin Young of Dells Hole Gold, Steve had worked out a plan off attack & wanted to show me the spot where he got the latest 25oz Glory Hole, he showed me the spot & we discussed the indicators & such in this area before starting out for the days detecting, Steve could only do a 1/2 day as he had to pick up his son & go meet Joe from Charters Towers.
I had a really good look around for the first day with nothing to show.
Next day was more of the same at the same area, afetr a few hours after I climbed a hill to have a look over the area I spotted some really red ground so I made my decent from the hill & headed for the red area, I came on to an oldtimer digging near a gully so I inspected it & had a look at the rock pile to see what they were working on, I crossed the gully & spotted some more of the same rock from the diggings, Gossan, Ironcap Ironstone reef, ironstone quartz matrix, call it what you will but I knew this was the Schit not schist lol! the area was 150m x 75m in area so I started to carefully detect it & 15 minutes later I had my first nugget for 2014 it was about a gram.

So I was a happy man, I kept scanning carefully & about 1/2 hour later got a good signal at 4" out popped a nice 7 gram nugget.
Very happy now as this was my best bit since my 6 oz nugget in 09 Time for lunch a 1 k walk back to the ute. smiles all round as I told the boys.
After lunch I headed back to my spot & continued on with the job, 45 mins or so I had another signal & out popped a 1.6 or so nugget with more happy dancing

Another hour went by with more swinging & scanning & then affraid I thought it was a bloody horse shoe it sang that loud? anyway its gotta come out, first scrape of the surface rubble & it moved ah its junk I could not get the coil close to it Jeez then I picked up a dirty looking rock that sang to me WTF WTF I had my newest best bit in a few years at it it went a little over 50 grams with a little rock the consensus was definatly 1oz plus of "Mellow Yellow"

Steve & Joe, thanks for a great couple of days lads.
BTW the weather was hot but the sky was overcast so the heat was bearable until the sky turned blue but thankfully the gods (Savanah Gold God) were on our side.



Awesome find Lee, makes me wish I'd had time to fossick when I was up there in December. Next trip 2-3 dedicated days for sure!!!
Great work Lee, nice way to spend the down time between shifts, love the embeded nuggets, very rustic look about them.

Inspirational stuff to say the least... Bring on the hunt!!

Cheers, Tone
Gteat nuggets, that whole Forsayth/Georgetown area seems to still have a lot of promise if you can get access to suitable ground, are you going to clean up the large piece back to just gold?
Great find Lee.
Hope to see some more picks and stories of you adventures
Also hoping to catch up with a few of you guys up FNQ
Should be up the and settled in by 10 of Feb.
Great story Lee, it's funny the things that you begin to notice when you find the gold..color of dirt, size of gravel, even the slope of the ground.
I even find my self looking for these things as I'm just driving around...always say to myself
"Must get back here one day with the machine". But never seen to have the time to do it!!

Cheers and hope you fill a bucket full.
