Cardiac Arrest.

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Most will be pleased to know, that I am 6days into recovery and feeling very well considering the ordeal I went through on Sun.11th late brother's birthday.With my symptoms of pain in the chest and back, uncontrollable belching and a blood-pressure of 198,over wife kindly rang the Ambo's. They were here in short -order.. along with a back-up crew ...when I went into full-on Cardio arrest and was rendered unconscious on my lounge-floor.The team jumped into brought me into consciousness..and The next twenty...odd minutes were a blur of beeps, masks, oxygen, and sirens and reassuring encouragement from 'BRIAN' MY 'PARAMEDIC' GUY!.They were all this time relaying everything in real time to the surgeons in at Wollongong Hospital...and I was wheeled straight from the ambulance into theatre...where I was able to see them operate on me via a vein in my groin and clear the blockage and insert the 'stent' to open the artery...amazing!...Have a series of treatments and procedures to under go in the coming 6weeks but my prognosis is for a full recovery...I have been catapulted into the ranks of the Non- Smoking Brigade...And I am feeling marvelous I must say.. and it's only early days yet!...So to all of my friends, readers and those of goodwill! I say cheers and I'll see y's at the diggins...a bit later on! ;) :cool:
Very scary reefer.
I hope you make a quick and safe recovery and your wife gets over the shock in good time.

All the best
OMG reefer what an ordeal! 8.(
Thank god youre going to be alright.
:Y: Get strong and back out amongst it.
All the best with your recovery mate. I have to give up smoking as well. I did for 20 yrs. and tried to relieve my back pain with tobacco mixed with weed. The weed didn't work but I'm stuck on the nicotine.
I don't want a scare like yours so this might be a big help. All the best Reefer.
Jaros said:
All the best with your recovery mate. I have to give up smoking as well. I did for 20 yrs. and tried to relieve my back pain with tobacco mixed with weed. The weed didn't work but I'm stuck on the nicotine.
I don't want a scare like yours so this might be a big help. All the best Reefer.
Dunno if it's a good look to have a moderator openly admitting to illegal drug use, what happened to family friendly forum theme?
Hey Rosco,
I heard your ticker had gone on the blink and you were at death's dark door.
My first thought was to ask your missus if I could have your detector.
But common sense prevails and so I've decided to just wish you a speedy recovery instead.
Seriously mate, I'm glad you pulled through this OK.
If you or Robyn need help with anything, just give me a buzz.
Love ya mate,
Blimey. Bloody close reefer. 100% with what wishful said - time to defib is critical and even then...

Fantastic to hear you are ok and the fags have been thrown in the bin. And keep an eye on the missus, this sort of thing can affect a partner even more than the patient.

Rest, recuperate, rehabilitate.

Glad you're still with us :rainbow: :party:
So glad to still have you here old Mate.
I have had to deal with people in Cardio shock myself and unfortunately,
Some did not make it.
As for Cannibals for medical reasons,
I have personally seen and witnessed what it can do.
The recreational use is very, Very different to what CBD oil is for.
Anyway, I look forwards to you telling your story around a camp fire one night. :Y: :Y:
Occasional_panner said:
Jaros said:
All the best with your recovery mate. I have to give up smoking as well. I did for 20 yrs. and tried to relieve my back pain with tobacco mixed with weed. The weed didn't work but I'm stuck on the nicotine.
I don't want a scare like yours so this might be a big help. All the best Reefer.
Dunno if it's a good look to have a moderator openly admitting to illegal drug use, what happened to family friendly forum theme?

The Govt is trying to legalize it atm.
Not time for that big adventure for you yet reefer. One day though... when were all there together hey :D .... well, we won't even need internet then will we :)
Wishfull said:
Occasional_panner said:
Jaros said:
All the best with your recovery mate. I have to give up smoking as well. I did for 20 yrs. and tried to relieve my back pain with tobacco mixed with weed. The weed didn't work but I'm stuck on the nicotine.
I don't want a scare like yours so this might be a big help. All the best Reefer.
Dunno if it's a good look to have a moderator openly admitting to illegal drug use, what happened to family friendly forum theme?

The Govt is trying to legalize it atm.

Correct mate, however it is a variety with no mind altering chemicals.
Edit, I'm totally fine with medicinal non thc REGULATED pharmacy supplied medicinal cannabis.

Mind altering drugs are destroying individuals, families and the world.

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