Camp Cable WW2 U.S. Base

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Jun 27, 2013
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Has anybody been and had success at the old Camp Cable site. They have started subdividing for the Yarrabilba estate, just wondered if this has unearthed anything new or if it is worth a look. Any directions to where to start would be great. Thanks.
A couple of hours work.

As a kid we used to hike through that old camp (little to no rubbish left on top even then), walk along the narrow dam wall (empty of water but a long way down on both sides!) then walk up to the TV stations cutting through the quarry fence, all in bare feet. No firing in the quarry either but perhaps more by good luck than any planning. Just kids then and good fun but never told the oldies. Sorry to reminisce on your post but ...
Checked around this area today, every entry to the old military areas has 'private property, no trespassing' ??

Found an opening where the big power lines go through, and saw lots of motorbiking. Also has a private property sign, but thought I may as well get my son some time in with our new x-terra 305 while there are so many people already in there. We found a big silver spoon, enough to make it interesting.

Then looked further North along a train line around what would have been the quartermasters area. Found lots of unused trainline sleeper spikes along the side track. That was enough for the day.

Want to go back and get into the area, does anyone ever do that? Who owns the land? The signs at all the entry points look the same like whoever put them there owns it all. The big powerline break off the main drag looks like a free-for-all?
I've often thought of having a look through there myself, I'm not too far away but I'm not really familiar with the layout and don't have any first hand experience there.

hey guy's & gals just found this so i joined the site. yeah i've hit camp cable 3 times & got goods finds every time. i'm keen as to join up with others & search this place or whats left of it. theres still heaps to dig there. i'm only new to metal detecters & have a minlab xterra 305 but it works ok for me. anybody keen? send me a pm.
hey finda 66 i know where there's a hole with hundreds of 3006 cases like that . the deeper ones are in better condition. did you get that in the area that's been hamered by detecter hunters in the pines near the main road??? there's a bit of ruin's near by?
pulltab magnet said:
hey guy's & gals just found this so i joined the site. yeah i've hit camp cable 3 times & got goods finds every time. i'm keen as to join up with others & search this place or whats left of it. theres still heaps to dig there. i'm only new to metal detecters & have a minlab xterra 305 but it works ok for me. anybody keen? send me a pm.
Hi I've just bought a minelab also I will be back in Brisbane next Friday and will be heading to camp cable on Sat afternoon if interested and Sunday
pulltab magnet said:
hey finda 66 i know where there's a hole with hundreds of 3006 cases like that . the deeper ones are in better condition. did you get that in the area that's been hamered by detecter hunters in the pines near the main road??? there's a bit ruin's near by?
Would be good to meet up maybe next Sat afternoon and Sunday at camp cable if interested
There has been at least 4 close encounters between detectorists and snakes at CC in the last two weeks. I had one myself so please take a tip and always keep your eyes on where you are walking. Red belly Blacks are common, Eastern Browns are there and best of all there is only a small area in Southern QLD where the Taipan can be found and CC is smack in the middle of it. It's right in the middle of breeding season and they are aggressive at this time and can not be relied upon to avoid you if you come across them. Carry a compression bandage and know how to use it is the best advice I can give.

yeah britinozz keen as mate. next sat & maybe sunday. & thanks Decado thanks for the heads up on the old snakes. looks like i'll leave the dog at home for this one. i'll take a few bandages. my brother is comming down with me tomorrow. can we PM on this site? if i have to i'll put my email address up here, would rather private message my phone number. i'll get back on here tomorrow when i get back. cya's .
I go out there a couple of times a week but usually during the week being retired and having free time then. Generally speaking there are a lot or trail bikers and 4wders on the site on weekends and there have been a few fires which have threatened the new development so the owners of the property recently asked the boys in blue to remove them. Where as detectorists aren't their primary object the don't play favourites either. It'll be a $300 fine if caught apparently.

I haven't seen them myself and obviously if you are in the scrub detecting and not on the main trails that's not likely to be an issue.

hmmm i'll take a note of that. but still going, i go quite deep in there i'll just park off the tracks. ( there dosn't seem to be any crators or divots where i go) hey decado what finds have you had???
just got home after a hunt at CC. Best finds to date. the day started slow but about 11:30am struck relic gold. found 1 more i think it's a florin? got a hole blasted through it. but not center i'd say by a 3006 or 45 acp. found 2 buttons with stars on them & a few rivets. then the best find to date & all out of one hole, a bandage in metal tin ( but i damaged it ) then a live smoke grenade but it was also damaged & coroded then heaps (20+) loaded & dummy 3006 rounds ( yanks call em thirty ort six ) 2 x colt 45 magazines, 2 x metal rings & not sure what they are maybe battery anodes or maybe fuses or detonators & a few odds & ends . there was also 20-30 damaged 3006 rounds & nails & other bits that i put back in the hole . my brother found a fired 45acp bullet & heaps more of those anodeie or detonator thingy ma jigs. we are hoping we found a dump. anyways i thought i'd let yous know & i do have photos but i'm not real computer savy. well it looks like i have a bit of cleaning to do. BTW no snakes were seen. cheers.
Sounds like there's still some stuff to be found, I'll be back in Friday. [email address removed as per forum rules, it's already added to your profile - Nugget]
anybody else keen for this weekend??? i met a bloke at the markets aswell & he said he's keen for this weekend. i think i have a fair idea where a or the rifle range was. there are heaps of spots i'd like to hit.