brisbane olympics

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My ex-wife was in sales with a well known radio Station in Melb.and always told customers that this is the time to advertise/sell when the economy was like this. She did very well.
Theres good debt and bad debt. Covid debt essentially my kids , kids will be paying still. I vote let's have an Olympics so I can take my kids too see!!
Spot on Mackka... We have bigger issues that need to be fixed before we have some stupid games..... Imaging what $1bil would do in our Health System....

Only tonight was a sad story about a 90yo who laid on the floor of her nursing home with a broken Hip.... It took the Ambos 4 bloody hours to get to her... After repeated calls by staff to 000, one finally arrived.... And the Nursing Home is just 1km away from one of our biggest Hospitals....

And People actually want these Games? Waste of $$ I say...

During these times of Pandemic, do we really want an iinflux of people that they will say don't even need to isolate... they've had their JABS. I see New Zealand has an Airport worker that was fully vaccinated come down with C19 very recently.... and our grand idiot wants to open up to the world.... tut tut tut. :mad:
May have been a money spinner in normal times... but money down the gurgler is right
(when the world is in spasm) :N:
" Knocking down the Gabba and spending $1Billion whilst hospitals are screaming for staff, Police undermanned, thousands homeless or cannot get rental accommodation, yeah its all good and she wont be Premier when the decision is going to be made anyway.
Dont get me started!

totally agree
Manpa said:
Nope, bring it on, 80% of the infrastructure is in place, its still eleven years down the track but the $ it will bring to businesses would be sorely welcome.
I drove from Forsayth to Innisfail yesterday. The "major" highway that services the Gulf country is still single lane bitumen and dirt in a lot of places, several single lane bridges etc etc etc. The cost of the Olympics would set back regional infrastructure even more than it is, if that is possible. That is just the road system, before you even get onto health and services. But I guess the cities are where the votes are so no one else counts.
Rockwall said:
Manpa said:
Nope, bring it on, 80% of the infrastructure is in place, its still eleven years down the track but the $ it will bring to businesses would be sorely welcome.
I drove from Forsayth to Innisfail yesterday. The "major" highway that services the Gulf country is still single lane bitumen and dirt in a lot of places, several single lane bridges etc etc etc. The cost of the Olympics would set back regional infrastructure even more than it is, if that is possible. That is just the road system, before you even get onto health and services. But I guess the cities are where the votes are so no one else counts.

Im not a Qlder so I cant comment on your states highways. Yes there is a high cost to having the Olympics but there are also huge upsides, if you consider the volume of international tourists, athletes and support staff that come into your state plus the Australians that will attend. Consider the $s spent on flights, accommodation, hire cars, taxi cabs, fuel, food and tourism all putting money into the states coffers directly and indirectly through GST revenues etc.
Many of the tourists and participants may well have extended stays in Oz and enjoy its hospitality and tourism whilst in the Southern Hemisphere for the Olympics, a relatively rare event. What a chance for Qld and Oz to showcase its many attractions to the world.

I appear to be the minority in my support for the Olympics but so be it. As for COVID, the games are eleven years away, lets hope by then we have the pandemic well and truly under control. If our international borders arent open by then we will have more than an Olympic Games to worry about.
with you on that one mackka
the stadium must be a covid build mackka, 1 billion and only 50,000 seats, must be having them 1.5 meters apart :lol:
waste of money, you would have thought that they would have at least 80 to 90 thousand seats in a new stadium