Blood Gold Revenge

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 8, 2014
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I thought I'd write a quick review of Dave's book.

A Review of
David Wrights book

Blood Gold Revenge

Firstly, who the hell am I?!
Well Im a fellow prospector and miner in the Palmer River area. We have three leases there and have been in the area since 2007.
I know Dave through prospecting, however never knew that he had the skills and knowledge to be able to write a book!! If you meet the man, you will agree no doubt that he doesnt look the type!!!
Even though we are mates, I read Daves book and rang him to give some positive criticism and asked him if I could write a review.
No worries Bud was the response.

Secondly, the book I read was/is the first edition, and after a monumental stuff up with his publisher, Dave redid some of the book, changing a word here and there and removing a paragraph.
The title of the book was Trademarked and the cover changed slightly with the addition of a bullet hole.

I purchased the book at Miners Den in Cairns for $26.

An American (I think?) reviewer hit the nail on the head with the formatting of the book. Terrible!!
There are no section breaks or even paragraphs.
My wife called out Dinners ready and I flicked forward a page or two to find a place to stop reading for a while. There was none! Every page just rolled onto the next.

On a few pages, I noted that at the end of the page, the font had changed into italics, it caused me to pause, look back and look forward wondering why the author was emphasising that word?

However, these little oversights (apparently all fixed in the new edition from the new publisher) fade into insignificance when you start to get into the book.

I started to get used to the no breaks style of formatting, the scenes in the book started to flow more easily, as if I were watching a movie. I think the way Dave has written this book would be a dream for a movie script writer to adapt to the big screen, all the hard work has been done!
The book dives into action quite quickly and as the scenes evolve then twist and turn, the book demands your constant attention.
Subtle information written about the characters seems to bring them to life and once you are immersed in the story you really get to know them.
I noted that another reviewer said he didnt understand some of the Aussie Slang, fair enough too, the language in the book is written as hard and tough as the countryside its based in. Reading the book in this style I think gives you even more appreciation of the harsh life and conditions right out in the Australian bush.
Its a violent book, however written well and not over the top, the violence and broken bones are sickening yet believable.

Some readers may have heard of the goings on in the Far North region, some may know more than others, some may know nothing.
Let me tell you that reading the book will have you sitting on the edge of your chair, wondering where the fiction starts. I could not put the book down! I ended up reading it cover to cover in two sessions, and late for work after a 2amer.
Here's a snippet from the book....

A lot of things have happened up this way over the years. Theres got to be at least six missing persons that I have heard of. There is gold in the vastness of the Australian outback, and a special breed of men who prospect for it. Tim is bush-hardened and skilled; the love for this harsh country comes naturally. His prospecting partner John shares Tims love of the freedom, but times have changed. A new breed of prospector has reason to appreciate the desolate isolation of the bush but it is not gold he is after. The countrys biggest meth lab is doing well, and its owner, Mr C. does not appreciate passers-by. The cattle on the Hatchet River Station homestead have not been mustered for the past ten years. The brutish Maxine, her husband Scrubber, and her brother Price have agreed to run interference for Mr C.; after all, they have always enjoyed killing the odd lone prospector when they had the chance. But they make a mistake, and the solitary prospector they pick off one day was not alone as they thought. There are witnesses to the crime this time, and they want justice for their friend. Tired of the Hatchet River trios murdering ways, intimidation and threats, and suspecting local police corruption, Tim, Jack and Sam call in the state authorities. A massive search begins; the hunters become the hunted, the innocent pay for the crimes of the guilty and the good guys dont always win. But the net does tighten. The well-camouflaged drug lab explode in flames and the blood of many, good and bad, soak into the parched land in a spectacular finale. It is not the authorities who bring justice to Hatchet River, however, but a band of indomitable bushies, who have never learned to say die.
Thanks for posting that Simmo,
Think ill see if George has any left next weekend! Love a good book and definitely a hard copy, get enough of staring at screens at work.
It is also available on Kobo. Started reading it this arvo, cant put it down!!

Great read! Especially as I live in FNQ now, its great being able to place some areas!
Ungybungyboh said:
It is also available on Kobo. Started reading it this arvo, cant put it down!!

Great read! Especially as I live in FNQ now, its great being able to place some areas!

Thanks for that Ungy, good to know!
Hey, I'm hearing ya!!! Once you get into the book, its gripping eh?!
cairnspom said:
Well I can confirm its a good read, but yes Simmo you're right it would benefit from some paragraphs and page breaks!

Hey mate, you have the copy with the bullet holes on the cover???

I have not seen the new edition yet..
cairnspom said:
No, must be the earlier one I got from George's

Yeah, thats the first edition, apparently in the second edition, the formatting is more betterer...

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