Another prospector is gone

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Bill Seddon
Jun 17, 2016
Reaction score
Coral Cove QLD

Sadly my father Douglas Seddon passed away last Saturday after a long battle with Cancer at the age of 94. He and his wife Anne were members of the Geelong Prospecting Club Inc from 1987 until 1994.
Both used Whites Coin Master Pro detectors and dad used to hunt coins on the Portarlington Beach after a blow. He was more effective on the coins than the gold though he found a couple of nice pieces of gold.
I think he may have had a committee position at one time as I found several receipts for trophies in his paperwork. In more recent times Dad has got a lot of enjoyment from seeing me come home with my meagre finds and even at his sickest still managed to drag himself up to check out my take for the day. The last few months have been very difficult for him and so my detecting has been put on hold.
It will be hard to come home when I resume my detecting and not have him there to check out the take. I was blessed to have been able to spend these last months with dad but I will sorely miss him. At last he is pain free and another prospector is gone to the goldfields in the sky. :brokenh: :brokenh: :brokenh:
Condolences to you Bill & your family .

Even though when they are not well , it still is hard when they do pass on

A wonderful effort to get to 94 .

All the best
Wish you and your family all the best mate, and may his soul rest in peace. God bless him..
Gday Bills all the best I lost my dad just over a year ago now and miss him every day cherish the memories and remember he will be with you every time you go outcheers Muk.
Condolences Bill.

May this sad time also be a time you can reflect on what sounds like a strong and happy relationship you had with your father.

RIP DougS :flowers:
A sad day. The passing of ones parents is truly one of lifes hardest times. You're lucky to have had a good dad, you'll have many fond memories I'll bet. Condolences to you and your family Bill.
Bill sad to lose our oldies but it's great that you managed to have so many great years together. My old man died in my arms when I was 19, 45 years ago and I still think of him every time I have a significant event in my life wishing for his opinion or approval.
Sorry to hear that Bill. :brokenh:
It is hard to take in.
We lost my father in 2010 to cancer and I still
think of him all the time.
He would have been with me on at least a few trips
if he was still with us and loved every minute of it.
My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family Bill.
I reckon he'll be going out with you on your prospecting trips now, and seeing what you find as you dig them up, so don't worry about not showing him when you get home. You know him - you'll know what he would say for each one you find.
Treasure the memories, and the thought that 94 is a damn good innings. He did well there - not many make it that far these days.
Take care mate.
We're all here if you need to chat.
Sorry to hear Bill,
94 is a great innings and that pic of your old man is golden.end of the day its all about the love ones around you and thats whats we remember most. Hang in there mate.
Condolences to you and family bill :heart:

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