21oz's found @ Forsayth NQ.

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I can see where the next Australian Gold rush will be at a town called Forsayth NQ
Did he say he does tours.
what a coincident.
I would love to see the pics of just the species then the 21 oz of gold
it just seems strange that he finds such a great amount of gold it looks like rain so he leaves then comes back to have another go. We have seen this so many times in the golden triange just before holidays or a long weekend.
thesmithy said:
I can see where the next Australian Gold rush will be at a town called Forsayth NQ
Did he say he does tours.
what a coincident.
I would love to see the pics of just the species then the 21 oz of gold
it just seems strange that he finds such a great amount of gold it looks like rain so he leaves then comes back to have another go. We have seen this so many times in the golden triange just before holidays or a long weekend.

If you are sying it is a marketing ploy, you are dead wrong, he has no need to do that! I know this guy & have physically seen the gold he found last year Total of just over 70 oz's, NQ has no need to lie about gold finds.
The property where this came from produced in more than 300 oz's last year.
thesmithy said:
I can see where the next Australian Gold rush will be at a town called Forsayth NQ
Did he say he does tours.
what a coincident.
I would love to see the pics of just the species then the 21 oz of gold
it just seems strange that he finds such a great amount of gold it looks like rain so he leaves then comes back to have another go. We have seen this so many times in the golden triange just before holidays or a long weekend.

Have a good read of the post, the interferance from the storm was masking the targets, so what would you do???????? :rolleyes:

ps You will get the pis as he is coming to Townsville this week & I will put them here with his permission.
I find this in GOLD/GEN & TREASURE Magazine

Long Gully Gold Aplenty

Early winter must be every north Queensland gold fossickers favourite time of year. After spending the hottest time of the year from November through to early March sitting at home reading past issues of Gold Gem & Treasure magazine in a desperate attempt to appease a growing urge, its like a dog with an itch that he cant quite reach. Its probably the same for most detector operators bitten by the gold bug.

For me the excitement of going detecting is amplified by the prospect of spending my first trip of the year at Long Gully near Forsayth in North Queensland. Long Gully and Dells Hole Stations are cattle stations owned by the Young family. The station owners again allowed access to their properties in April 2011 and Long Gully Gold was born. They had been closed to the public since 2000.

Im the owner of a GPX5000 and because the property has been a no-go zone until recent years, I was sure there would be easy gold to be found, and I was right. Ive made a couple of trips to Long Gully over the past two years and on each occasion Ive found some nice pieces of gold as well as having the pleasure of witnessing many other detector operators unearth some nice looking and rather large lumps with weights of up to 14 ounces.
rc62burke I have no doubt that your mate found that recently. There is still plenty of big nuggets to be found out that w :D ay.
Jaros said:
It's amazing how often there is a great find preceding a holiday or long weekend, and pay to play as well.
Jaros :p :p :lol: :lol: :mad:

I am fully aware of the tactics used to promote area's in the GT prior to the start of the season or long weekends etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I can tell you that there is no such need to do that up here, what ever I put up about this area is for interest of those that may be looking for a bit of adventure in the North.

If you think I/we are yanking your chain well then STAY at home, there is plenty of "Gold" out there if you are prepared to work for it, there are no free rides, there is some big bits found every year up here & there are thousands of small bits found.

Take this info as you will!!!!!!!!

But don't PI$$ in my pocket, I have helped plenty of folks here & on other forums with info on locations, this is for no benefit to me, however I do this to support the "Property Owners" who are struggling due to the season!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am more concerned with some of the members new and old that might be gullible enough to fall for these " coffee and biscuits" trips.
Until i see a Registered business name associated with the trip/tour I as well as other members will remain sceptical.
Your reaction to my post to make anyone suspicious. :/
That's a bloody disgraceful reply from a so called moderator, purposely trying to belittle someone and start an argument.

I know Lee and he speaks the truth, sitting at home on your keyboard ain't prospecting mate. Get of your bum and go out some time and you may see that there is still good gold to be found up there. Absolutely astounded at how this forum is going from bad to worse latley.
Ryan1981 said:
yeah i think some moderating is in order.WTF
Its time to take a chill pill guys,
If your not happy with any of the posts just press the report button and get it off your chest.
If your unhappy with the way the forum has beet going lately , your post does'by help to keep it friendly.
Stay cool.
Cheers Steve
Jaros said:
I am more concerned with some of the members new and old that might be gullible enough to fall for these " coffee and biscuits" trips.
Until i see a Registered business name associated with the trip/tour I as well as other members will remain sceptical.
Your reaction to my post to make anyone suspicious. :/

Hey Jaros

Are you the "Prospecting" Police?? NO you are "JUST" a forum moderator, that should have chosen his own words with a little more respect to those that he knows nothing about.

There are members on this site that have taken advantage of the Knowledge of the guy who was running these training days, those members were happy with what they received.
Most people that took up lessons went on to find "Gold" within the next few days, this is fact as I spoke directly to those people.

The only association I have with this guy is he is a mate & I do not promote "Snake Oil" salesman.

You have passed dispersions on me & my motives here & that is why I reacted the way I did, you do not know anything about me & yet you question my integrity without a thought ( this ticks me off)

Can I suggest that before you jump in to call someone into dis-repute that you firstly "Moderate" yourself. as your actions as a moderator are poor at best in this regards.

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