Opinion Poll - Prospecting Australia having own mining leases?

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Feb 6, 2013
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Any thoughts on PA funding mining leases through membership fee in each state?
It would be nice, but the cost of leases these days and also the geographical spread of members across those states, there would have to be multiple leases in Qld alone to spread between Sthrn, Central and Nthrn Qld, let alone NSW, and WA expecially

I think what might work a little better, is a members only section of land/lease holders who are friendly with prospectors on their land and their contact details so other members in the area can get in contact with them, this could open the gates for the club up a lot
Interesting concept with lots of potential. The GPAA in the states has this kind of set up as does another forum in Aus. The concept is great but the ongoing management of the lease would be an enduring problem. The cost of obtaining a new lease in Qld is upward of ten grand. Then deciding on the location is another. As Bris says Qld could easily run with three leases.

Finding a lease holder who would be willing to let forum members onto the lease in an uncontrolled manner woul be few and far between. I have met a few property and lease holders who have been burnt by invited prospectors bringing along third parties to a patch only to have t he third party return with greed as there operating model.

I am not saying that forum members would do this type of thing as I truely believe each and every member would act in good faith. There is always a chance of exploitation.

It basicly comes down to trust.

Cheers Tone
Nice thought but I don't think you could get small scale type leases like that in NSW for a start & the insurance would be a nightmare plus dealing with each states different mining legislation, renewals, authorisations, approvals etc.
You would most likely need some type of mining professional to administer all the red tape for the different states as its not all as simple as what WA seems.
Remember you are proposing to buy into Mining Leases not just land for fossicking. To own several of these I would assume that each individual involved would have to be registered under any authorisation or that a company would need to be formed to allow the holding & management of a number of leases owned/part owned by several individuals. You would also most likely need some type of Mining Operation Plan (MOP), for each lease involved complying with each states requirements, that also complies with Environmental Impact Statements & Planning Approvals.

Example of whats required at different stages in different states:
Exploration phase
Prospecting licence
Special prospecting licence (for gold)
Exploration licence
Prospecting permit
Exploration permit
Exploration licence
Opal prospecting licence
Miners right
Exploration licence
Miners right
Exploration licence
Miners right
Exploration licence
Prospecting licence
Exploration licence
Special exploration licence

Development/retention phase
Western Australia
Retention licence
Mineral development licence
New South Wales
Assessment lease
Northern Territory
Exploration retention licence
South Australia
Retention lease
Not applicable
Retention licence

Production phase
Western Australia
Mining lease
General purpose lease
Mining claim (for minerals other than coal)
Mining lease
New South Wales
Mineral claim
Mining lease
Northern Territory
Mining claim
Mineral lease
Extractive mineral lease (mining of soil, sand, gravel clay, stone used in ceramics manufacture or construction)
Extractive mineral permit
South Australia
Mineral claim
Mining lease
Precious stones claim (opal)
Opal development lease
Mining licence
Mining lease
Info from: http://www.lexisnexis.com.au/pdf/tenements and titles.pdf

BrisJoe said:
I think what might work a little better, is a members only section of land/lease holders who are friendly with prospectors on their land and their contact details so other members in the area can get in contact with them, this could open the gates for the club up a lot
Something like this may be a lot more doable & realistic. Maybe a register of allowable areas to prospect/fossick including pay to dig/camp sites? The only problem I could see is making sure the land is confirmed as open for fossickers by the land holder's/land manager's before adding anything to a list i.e. someone could add an area to a list believing it is ok when in fact it may not be - need to confirm for sure before putting anything up & inadvertently leading a forum member/s into a bad situation.
I like the idea even if it's just a patch of club owned land with members fees for the club in order to have access. Privately owned by the club, usual Nsw fossicking rules applied just with out the worry of am I allowed to be on this land!
I'd gladly pay a small membership fee,maybe there could even be leased camp sites to help with funding
mbasko said:
BrisJoe said:
I think what might work a little better, is a members only section of land/lease holders who are friendly with prospectors on their land and their contact details so other members in the area can get in contact with them, this could open the gates for the club up a lot
Something like this may be a lot more doable & realistic. Maybe a register of allowable areas to prospect/fossick including pay to dig/camp sites? The only problem I could see is making sure the land is confirmed as open for fossickers by the land holder's/land manager's before adding anything to a list i.e. someone could add an area to a list believing it is ok when in fact it may not be - need to confirm for sure before putting anything up & inadvertently leading a forum member/s into a bad situation.

It wouldn't just be a rock up n dig thing, of course the list would have the contact details for the land owner so that common courtesy is you call up first to ask if it's ok to come on X date so they are expecting you, and so you can pay your customary royalty fee

Queensland Prospecting Club has a property setup where they have exclusive permission for 2 blocks of land with active leases on them, so it can be done. Be it QPC is a registered club with insurance and all, a step up from this PA forum, maybe 1 day....
Bris Joe said:
It wouldn't just be a rock up n dig thing, of course the list would have the contact details for the land owner so that common courtesy is you call up first to ask if it's ok to come on X date so they are expecting you, and so you can pay your customary royalty fee

Wasn't saying it would be a rock up n dig thing but some may think so? - any contact details etc. would need to be checked/confirmed by someone i.e. mods before putting up on any list. I know I wouldn't be too happy as a land holder/manager if I was letting a few fossicker's on my place then all of a sudden I was getting a heap of calls enquiring about it without giving permission or even wanting to let larger groups or more people onto the area. That is what needs to checked before listing - that the land holder/manager is happy to have more people there & have their contact details advertised as such.

Bris Joe said:
Queensland Prospecting Club has a property setup where they have exclusive permission for 2 blocks of land with active leases on them, so it can be done. Be it QPC is a registered club with insurance and all, a step up from this PA forum, maybe 1 day....
That is a pretty big step up from an online forum.
The exact reason I go to Inverell, $20 a day gives me access to 1200 acres of Sapphire heaven on private property that has a mining lease. I suggested a while back we should have a list of pay to dig sites. There are quite a few out there.

A lot of cheap property out there though, sometimes less than $300 an acre....... It is do-able, fossicking property would be easy, ML getting very expensive, the place I go has an annual 80 grand diesel bill.

Would be flogged in no time too with 1000 PA members combing the place... :D
I am up for some thing in nsw hate to see minning operation end up like the hoffmans and get no gold it would need to be a few people to cover cost I have some earth moving equipment any one keen for minning in nsw there are old mines around dose not have to be gold could be sapps :)
Hi Nugget, what is the breakdown stats of members per State? If you don't mind me asking.
My main concerns are;

Time involved in getting this off the ground as well as managing the leases.
Insurance and legal implications should something go wrong.
People including non-members rocking up at will and flogging the place.
How best to legally manage member funds.

As previously mentioned it would be a massive step up for an online forum, although I do think we have the member-base and connections to make something like this happen, but on a resource level I don't think it's something that will happen in the immediate future.
I think any member wanting to get involved should go for this independently of PA, as Nugget is right, there are too many variables and it would not be a walk in the park. If some like minded members wanted to put in for a lease, I think that would be the better option. This would remain theirs to work with only (or share if so inclined to do so). A PA member and ourselves are looking at this option as we speak, so if anyone else wants to get involved, please send me a PM. :)
I would be happy to look at investing in a partnership around up here for a lease, as I sure as heck can't afford to outright buy the land with the ridiculous prices people are wanting up this way. DD's 15k getup in WA I wouldjump all over, but I would never be able to go over there to work it.
Same with another 15k lease I scoped out in Toowoomba, I just wouldn't get the time to get down to it.
But something more up my way say within 2 odd hrs drive I would show interest.
I'm probably hashing over what's already been said but whilst an awesome idea the practicalities kill it. I'm very much an enthusiastic person, I don't like to be negative about prospecting, not people dreams hopes and wishes, but the reality is its a far flung idea. For this to happen the effort would need to be concentrated, in simple terms a pa lease is almost geographically impossible, and perhaps the biggest obstacle. Ignoring that for a moment the issue of responsibility of governance and compliance comes into play, leasing isn't the realm of the regular type prospector who goes for a regular dig or swings the detector, it requires planning and compliance execution in a legally responsible manner, its the difference between someone doing welding repairs at home versus and engineering shop at a commercial premise employing people to use an anology, many sets of eyes will be scrutinising many aspects especially in the beginning, and that's if everything goes smoothly!

So is it doable? Yes that is my opinion. Is it easy? No probably harder than it first seems, even with a ground swell of enthusiasm. Better to get a few likeminded people from the same area together and come to a more personal agreement where everyones roles and responsibilities are set out and assess its viability from there. Perhaps a small lease split ten ways and a few signatures on some legal documents (including financial commitments) so some piece of mind is gained. Its only when and if any trouble starts that the dream can become a nightmare overnight.

I'll watch this topic with interest, I'm looking forward to others thoughts, I have many a time had this cross my mind
BrisJoe said:
I would be happy to look at investing in a partnership around up here for a lease, as I sure as heck can't afford to outright buy the land with the ridiculous prices people are wanting up this way. DD's 15k getup in WA I wouldjump all over, but I would never be able to go over there to work it.
Same with another 15k lease I scoped out in Toowoomba, I just wouldn't get the time to get down to it.
But something more up my way say within 2 odd hrs drive I would show interest.

Sigh, I'm in the same boat, WA is definitely out of the question, which is a real shame.
joe said:
Any thoughts on PA funding mining leases through membership fee in each state?

Hello Joe and Hello to all,

I am replying to this very question as my own opinion, not that it may be right or wrong (just my thoughts).

I think the question itself ways on the same dreams that we all might have, when we detect, pan, sluice, highbank, dig or trade in gold. We all do this prospecting for a purpose and it links up with something else we love.

I once met a fella sitting next to a sluice in a small creek years ago down in Victoria. He had a bucket of dirt next to his chair, feeding dirt into the sluice, feet up on a rock, enjoying the sun and a fishing rod in his other hand.
I introduced myself and asked what he was doing. His reply............."Fishing mate". He said he loves fishing, but while waiting for the fish to bite he runs dirt through the sluice in the small hope that he found some gold.
He was 100% serious too. He went on to say the gold search just gave him something extra to do while he done what he loved most.....'Fishing'.

I guess my point in my raving on is this:

We all have different reasons why we search for gold and we have different levels of expertise. I think the purchase of a lease can be intelligent if its done with a group that offer different skills and experience across the board.
There is nothing wrong with a person that has his share in the purchase, even if he cant tend to it....As long as he offers something else beneficial.

So perhaps the more serious persons that have that dream, but think they cant do it 'because they cant tend to the land' possibly could do it.

I propose you think about the other skills or benefits you can assist to the group. Don't just count yourself out, especially if you have the funds. I think nugget pointed out some important fundamental's of a deal like this ie....Time, management, legal, insurance and security.
All areas that someone might know more about then the guy that just wants to dig.

Food for thought.

There is an enormous power and knowledge here as a group, individuals seem to struggle with logistics - materialising their dreams along side with their every day lives and duties like myself.
Being part of a group that has a lease/property where one could tinker about swinging detector/HB etc, and share stories, true this can be achieved discreetly through private land owners and negotiation but is it the same?