Greetings from the Manning Valley

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 13, 2018
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Hi all,

After spending several hours last night browsing this Forum, I decided it was time to join. You're all so knowledgeable and forthcoming with information for newbies.

I moved to the Manning Valley about three years ago (escaped from the sandstone) and was delighted to hear about the fossicking prospects in the area (also spent a lot of time in the Gloucester area and am aware of the possibilities there too). I've been drawn to prospecting/fossicking for years, ever since my uncle (a keen panner in his youth) gave me his copy of Australian and New Zealand Gemstones, many years ago. Also, my fiancee's father and brother were very active fossickers on the north coast, with stories of honey opal diggings and huge slabs of carnelian, among other things.

So you might say I was fated, even doomed to join the hobby myself.

As to what aspect of the hobby... well, I can't afford a decent detector at the moment (am saving for a house and wedding), so I'd probably be limited to noodling spoil heaps around the local mines, maybe doing some panning. That said, I'd love to get hold of a detector within the next year or so, as I also collect coins, and am very interested in expanding into pre-decimals.

I reckon May will be the time to start, as it gets cooler and I hopefully have five weeks off work. Am really looking forward to the start of a new adventure.
Hi Giantsquid im from the Forster area. With the national Parks taking the good gold areas. Like Copeland and The Cells it does make this area a hard place to prospect for gold am not sure how big the national park is at the cells so there might be a chance in the creeks and gullies just out of the park.
Cheers Glenno