You know that sinking feeling

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Dec 9, 2013
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Yeah, it's been hammering down out my way in the WA goldfields and as I sat in my van 10k's out from the nearest road, enjoying watching the creeks flood that I'd been earlier been detecting I soon discovered that my rocky high ground base camp was a bit of an island. Needless to say that red stuff gets softer than baby poopy once you add a few inches of water. So waiting a couple days after the rain (today) I did some digging of a different kind. At least ALL my recovery gear got a dusting off..and a coating of mud! To give you an idea my tyres have a diameter of 76cms. She was a long way down. Had to think fast because she decided to sink fast and in order to slow the process lay a few steel jerry cans on their sides in strategic places to keep the body from pressing into the mud. Knew once the belly is into the mud chances are I'm not winching it out anymore. Tense moments. Enjoy!



The only tree within reach was this one 60m away. God bless that beautiful, well rooted tree
Yeah it's far more useful than a 2 burner metho stove. The story goes like this. The first leg of my journey I left Adelaide for Victoria and made my way up the coast to FNQ. I left my winch at home because the stove took up a bunch of room and I didn't think I'd use it anyway. I didn't end up using the new stove much at all as I still had my Trangia set and found it much more handy for the small portions I'd cook. When I got home to Adelaide I chucked the stove out and had an empty void to fill where I'd kept the stove. Ah, what the hell might aswell take the winch for WA. Bloody glad I did.
Hehe, great save Nugg.

The old ticker gets pumping when your a long way from the main drag doesn't it?

Good bush skills using the jerries to stop the chassis bottoming. Need a good chainsaw for times like these as you cant beat solid wood in a bog.

Ahhh.....Smoke in your eyes? now thats camping!

Good work mate ;)

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