Wind turbines

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 1, 2014
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If you take trip around the Western district of Victoria,you will be confronted by the sight of visual pollution, Fxxxxxx turbines.
Now they want to erect towers to carry the so called power to Melb right across the lovely farming country around Creswick.
Good luck to the aircraft trying to spray the crops.These towers are as high as the lights at the MCG
The other stupid thing is they only have about a 20 year life,then they have cut them up and bury them,good luck doing that in basalt country.
They cost more to build than the power they supply. :mad:
Interesting point of view.
I myself am in the middle
As a prospector the electro magnetic field is shit
But the money and road improvements brought to forgotten areas is priceless.
As with everything the majority wins and most people support wind and solar.
Aussie did you know that for each turbine they get $600.000 year.
When we get calm time in the weather which often they produce nothing,so they have installed diesel generators,this whole thing is madness.
Just do a bit research,see who has got his money in these things.
The blades are absolutely massive. There's 1 sitting next to the a32 in SA. Can't remember which town but bloody heck it's a big object up close.
Mate I've done my research much more than you realise,

The old turbines took electricity to start turning etc etc , you would be surprised how efficient the latest are , construction ,delivery and manufacturing leaves any chance of being green a 50/50 debate.

The megawatt of each turbine varies massively, so to claim 600,000 a year is a punt.
Landholders get between 5k and 25k pa depending on mw capacity and contracts, each turbine averages about 2 million $$$ by time its energised and that's alotbof coin to pay interest on when the return can take many years to start to produce power.
the money invested is huge and its sad its mostly China backing these infrastructure projects, I wish some of Australia's millionaires would invest and keep our infrastructure aussie owned.
I,d prefer to see a massive maglev VAWT on hill tops. Lots of options and potential plus longer service life...They are not mainstream and not many want to dip their toe in first, but research shows they could compete well with the HAWT and not be so large and intrusive?

I'm all for alternative energy, hell Ive got over 15kw of the stuff - but wind turbines seem not that green to build and run. I think the future of batteries is the answer, and my opinion on those turbines, not ugly, problematic or an eyesore, but rather "intrusive" by all accounts.
Upside said:
The blades are absolutely massive. There's 1 sitting next to the a32 in SA. Can't remember which town but bloody heck it's a big object up close.

Snowtown in the lower mid north of SA, just off the highway from Adelaide to Pt Augusta.
Not a fan of them. They look ugly. Imagine the whole landscape filled with them. Good luck to anyone who thinks solar and wind will be enough to power all our needs.

Nuclear is the way to go. :heart:

Pic takes somewhere on the Sth West coast of Vic.

Nightjar said:
Another vote for nuclear power.

Only with the newer, cleaner, smaller, safer types that are now becoming available. Less waste, much safer, though still nuclear. Probably the lesser of all evils though it seems the most due to historical events with older and poorly maintained designs.
Like it or not coal is still an efficient energy source. I'm waiting to see what hydrogen gives us.
Lived on the Vic Surf coast decades before they came to central Vic. They never ever caused an issue, no dead birds and no probs.
Also know personally some who have them on their land at Waubra in Vic. They say they are laughing with the yearly cash they get from letting them on their land. Say they never have to work again! Noise!? Crap, other issues? Crap.
Its they say those in the area that putting them there wasn't an option that are whinging and whining that they are an issue.
Jealous that they are not cashing in. Ever gone near them in a big blow? I have and they are a non issue.
They say "oh swift parrots will die" Really!? Never saw 1 dead seagul on the coast and no dead birds at Warb!
They are good, don't fall for the unsubstantiated rubbish no idea knockers put out from looking up on the internet.
Cut them up and bury them after20 years..?

I call bs on that.

They are just a turbine like they use in the Kiewa and Snowy hydro scheme only above ground

Those turbines were installed back in the 1950s and sit there underground producing power.
Wind turbines will be the same only above ground
They build the structure and with maintenance will produce power for many years to come.
Yeah bury them hahaha, there is hundreds of thousands worth of scrap in each windmill , just think of how much copper is in the generator itself.
Plus i am told they are actually recycling the blade material to make new blades.

The only worry is if china turns off all our/their solar and wind genaration for "maintenance " ;) in one of their dummy spits :awful:

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