What's A Man to Do..

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 12, 2013
Reaction score
The company I work for shut down their Australia/New Zealand operations yesterday so I got made redundant.

Woke up this morning & saw what a lovely day it was so took my new found freedom & took a drive down to the beaches of Bulli.

Spent about 4 hours there all up. I only intended to stay for about 2ish, but you know how it is 'I'll go after I clear this target', 'I'll do up until that point & then head back' etc :p In the end it was the creeping tide that forced me home.

Almost lost my detector to the waves while kneeling down to check for a target. Felt the water hit my toes & with the speed of 1000 startled Gazelles whipped around & grabbed the detector by the shaft lifting it clear of the water with less than 2/10ths of a second to spare. Does anyone know if the control box on a GPX4500 is Saltwater friendly?

Anyhow enough talk, time for some Pirate Porn :cool:


Not quite enough to justify the petrol there, especially at $1.57/L but it proved to be my most profitable day yet :)
Hey Guys,

I kind of had a feeling that it was coming to be honest. I was selling software for a US based company. I made several recommendations to them about changing small parts of the product so that it could be better suited to our market (based on the feedback I received from customers) but it fell on deaf ears..

Absolutely! Would have been an expensive outing if I lost my poking stick.
Pirate porn lol. A wave nearly got me once too Matt, splashed my
coil but control box was safe. 1 always seems to come out of time
or something occasionally.

Not a bad haul at all.
Yeah it's those freak waves that normally get the fishermans..

It was just nice to dig up something other than Splattered .22 rounds for a change :rolleyes:
Hey Magic Man, sounds like you have my kind of luck! That's why I opted for the Excalibur. I knew if I ventured any where near water with any other type of detector I'd take a swim!! Just played it safe.