Very interesting find - but no idea what it is

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Jason & Michelle
Jun 19, 2014
Reaction score
Ballarat , VIC

Today I found this interesting trinket about 20cm below the surface near some old workings on a sheer basalt rock face. It has a spring inside- if you push both ends the spring contracts.

It is stamped with the following:


Any Ideas????
It is a pipe cover, patented by Archibald Percy of Glasgow.

Exactly what every gentleman on the goldfields needed. I guess you could keep smoking whilst your horse ran over a basalt cliff, if you wanted too. Otherwise you may jump off and be confident that your pipe tobacco was still ready to go. :D

Wow how cool thank you very much Wally you have made my day- we thought it was a brooch until we cleaned it up. Might donate it to the local museum I think. :lol:
I can't work out why anyone would use one of these, I don't think their would have been a big demand
for them.Its the only one I have seen.
I'm amazed by it too I think you push the sides in and fix it to the top of your pipe after lighting. The holes allow for the smoke to escape without the Tobacco falling out while you're moving around. I can't find anything else on it though might be a rare find!
Might be worth seeing if there is a tobacco pipe collectors forum to get the word out and test the waters for rarity and value. Then eBay or Sotheby's depending on the response.

I would love it to go with my sentimental collection but I only tend to hoard stuff I find and then research the history.


Glasgow seems to be a comon source of pipe bits and pieces for 1800s pipes imported into Australia. I think I also have a stirling silver tobacco stamper tucked away somewhere, looks like a one-sided coin with a head stamped on it, think it must be an uncommon artifact as you would not think they are associated unless they came out of the same hole.

Great find, it's the sort of stuff I love to dig up. :p
Sounds like a good plan- If that fails I'll take it to Sovereign Hill they have a large tobacco collection in a glass case from memory. I can concur with the hoarding and if it wasn't for your information it would have gone in our 'unknown relic' draw for sure! I'm stoked even if it turns out it has little value this is the most interesting thing we've found yet. We found some old metal buttons in the area and it's very hard to access and has been for the last 30 years I'll go back and do a more thorough search as there aren't the usual signs of fellow prospectors having been there. Thanks again Wally! :lol:
Well how about that-must of been the first of it's kind! I've sent the photos to some pipe resoration experts in the US for comment- will keep you posted.