VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Feijoas are in.

Stinkyy things they are.

Just when I thought the pumpkin vine was a phizzer....

other vine has a bigger pumpkin though.... even though it is a smaller vine

gunna have to trim the dragon fruit from wanting to climb higher into the jacaranda tree
(Give it a little bit of the chop chop) :p

otherwise I wont get the fruit first before the wild life.
fruit swelling nicely... one day soon I will find out what colour it is on the inside :drooling:

gunna leave these drop off by themselves so I can sprout em and do a johnny coconut seed jobby with em


Well.... that was yesterday... time for a kip soon :zzz:
Well there ya go...
Flowered 16th of March
Link to polination post
Turns out they take 30-50 days to ripen.... and this is day 53 for this one.
So today is gunna be the day of reconing.... anyway the dog had to see three crows off that were down lower in the jacaranda tree this very morning... recon they are getting their eye in for a choice good feed (not on my watch) :p
Eldest young fella has a baby white one that we are going to set up on its own post... he grew a few from seed... I'm sure it'll taste ok being organic (when it eventuates) :p
That's how I'm feeling with that particular pumpkin.... hoping it'll baby up for me somehow (I'd like seeds via the ribbon)
Todays projects.
Weed the front garden ,then lay down weed matting mulch and planted 5 new roses..

Veggie garden beds ..
Black plastic liner, Garden clippings , a bag of rabbit quail and chicken :poop:
A layer of soil topped off with a layer of Cardboard and another layer of garden clippings ..

Surprised at how much these beds can hold..
I have two garlic bulbs sprouting so far out of the three rows I planted.

If they all come up... great
If it's only these two then that'll be my nucleus crop for the future. :D
We're always using garlic... I tried to grow it another time but it never worked out for me.
This time I was starting to worry if it was gunna be able to push up through the can mulch or not, but it seems to have handled that ok. It's a locally grown garlic so it's used to the area's climate etc.... hopefully it'll do its thing and multiply for me. :p